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Posts posted by waynenoel

  1. I agree. If you're serious about getting a web designer job, you should know how to write your own code. You could still use the code section, but I wouldn't go near design. I use Notepad when I code, and my stuff turns out fine.
    OK, thanx guys. I will do that. It is what I've been planning on. I'll let you know how far I get. :0)'=Wayne
  2. I'm sure you could do it, but I wouldn't. It's best to get a good grasp on a language before starting a new one in my experience. I wouldn't honestly say that two weeks would be enough for you to say that you have good experience in PHP/JavaScript even if you spend 6 hours a day working on it. I've been developing for almost 8 months now, and there's still things that I don't understand (I'm still young though, so that may have something to do with it.) If you want to try and do it, then I'm sure you could try. JS and PHP have a sort of similar syntax (I emphasize sort), so if you have good knowledge of one, then picking up the other shouldn't me too hard. It's really up to you.Isn't WYSWYG just a rich text editor? I didn't know you could develop with it.
    -Umm..... Ok you got me there. I meant that I use GoLive and Dreamweaver with ease in the Layout view mode. And I only putter around in source(html) mode when I have trouble getting the effect I want.But so, really I would only hope to have a "strong" claimable grasp on html and css by two weeks end. I just wondered if you thought I could get through it enough to dig into some php/js.. ? BTW thanx for the feedback, it helps.
  3. Great! Thank yall. That's what I thought. So, I have another question, and it's OK if you think the question is too individual specific.I have two weeks off right now. And I am hoping to be able to get as much done training wise for HTML/CSS/PHP/JavaScript, and in that order of importance for now.If I spend at least 8 hours per day doing nothing but study, do you think I could get as far as PHP or JavaScript? I am a good WYSIWYG develper, pretty quick learner etc...I'm asking this because there is a beginning web developer job openning in a couple weeks where the only requirement is knowing HTML, but the guy said the other three are desired. So I'm wondering if I could perhaps gain a large enough grasp to honestly say I'm ready for it then. And I'm serious about saying at LEAST 8 hours per day -6 days per week -for the next two weeks...

  4. Hello. I am just getting started learning language and I don't know where to start. It seems like the first things I should know well are HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript... right? If so, should I study one at a time, or mix them, which comes first, etc... :0) Thanks,Wayne

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