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Posts posted by Selacius

  1. I am curious how I can go about modifying text files using php. I would like to display the files in a text box where i can either remove lines or insert lines then "save" the file and the changes gets saved to this new text file.Any ideas?

  2. Figured out the problem with this. When adding values to an array and trying to display the values on a page, start at 0. For example:$array = array(1,2,3,4,5,6);echo $array[1]; //Shows up as 2echo $array[0]; //Shows up as 1

  3. Whenever your inserting php into your javascript your using this: <?=$row[1]?> well your forgetting on important aspect of php, it requires that a ';' be present after every line. Therefore this; <?=$row[1]?> should be replaced by this: <?=$row['1'];?>

  4. So your going to place many of this itemids in your url? Could you give us a bit more information. Im thinking you could possibly do what you want with a for loop, or possibly a while loop. If you told us exactly what you wanted done Im sure we could figure something out for you.

  5. Use this:<STYLE type="text/css"><!--A:link{color:CCCCCC;text-decoration:none}A:visited{color:CCCCCC;text-decoration:none}A:active{color:CCCCCC;text-decoration:none}A:hover{color:FF0000;text-decoration:none}--></STYLE>CHanging the colors to whatever you want them to be.

  6. I know how to target frames using normal links. If you were to look at the url of the page, then you would see that it opens a DHTML window in that frame. What I am trying to do is have it so that the DHTML window opens in a certain frame instead of the one which it is called from.

  7. Now I have a final question. Why are modeless windows crappy are registering when the page they are displaying is changed? What I mean is if I were to change the content on a page which I previously viewed in a modeless window, then tried to open it again, the old page would still be displayed. How can I fix it so that the newest copy of the page is always displayed?

  8. On all pages, it is fine for me. I see no gap at all on any of the pages. But earlier I did. So it appears as if you did something which fixed it, at least for my browser. I am using IE 6 to view your page.

  9. If you mean that the copyright is preventing the left nav image from spanning the height of the page, well its fixed. I just viewed your site and there isn't a gap anymore between the bottom of the nav image and the bottom of the page.

  10. yes, selacius, you are correct, that is my issue, the table not being at the very top of the screen. Your modification is perfect, however, is using CSS the only method to solve this problem, or is there a way to fix via HTML alone? just curious, Thanks, JP

    I didn't use CSS to fix your problem. I used DIV layering to fix it.
  11. Just checked out your site, looks good. Not sure what you mean about your problem with the side panel image stopping over the text. All I see in the bottom left corner is that the there is a gap between the end of the image and the end of the page. Also, I notice that the corner piece in the upper left corner is kinda screwy in its position.

  12. I could be mistaken but it sounds as if JohnCP was referring to the table not being at the very top of the screen, which my modification will fix. Sorry if I interpreted your question wrong.

  13. This may or may not be a javascript problem in its basis but I have a few questions about javascript and its relation to modeless windows.First,How do I via javascript close a modeless window. I am aware that one could simple press the X on the window, but I would like to actually have a button for the user. Second,Is there a way to fix modeless windows so that any links are opened in said window. Example if I put a form into a modeless window, how can I keep it from opening in a new window when the user submits it?

  14. Replace this code with the code you have at the start, the <table> bit.<div style="position:absolute; top:0px; left:256px"><table border="1" width="75%" cellspacing="0">Now for the left:256px thats centering the table in an 1152x864 screen. So you'd have to change it to fit a 1024x768 screen. To do so, you just take 1024x0.25 (space not taken up by the table). Then divide that answer by 2 (space on each side). So you should replace the 256 with 128. Now I removed the cellpadding="5" because all that does is increase the width of your border which you have set to 0. Also seeing as this is being made in <div> layers, you can't use the align=center in the <table> code. And you can get rid of the style="border-collapse: collapse;" because you previously told it to have a border of 0.

  15. This is the code I am currently using to change the link direction of a button which follows. The only problem is I want the link to open in a new window, and also the new link does not have the *.html ending. Here is the codeCharacter Race:<td colspan=3> <select name="race"> <option> <option value=Humans>Humans <option value=Elves>Elves <option value=Orcs>Orcs <option value=Sprites>Sprites <option value=Treefolk>Treefolk</select><input type="button" onClick="location=document.stats.race.options[document.stats.race.selectedIndex].value;" value="Learn About Race">Now i would change the values to represent the html file but these values are needed in the form which this menu lies in.

  16. I am assuming your using a host on the internet from the sounds of it to develop these pages of yours. If your just beginning to learn PHP and MYSQL I suggest that you download a personal server from the net which will allow you to develop webpages and view them on your home computer. This is what I do for my many pages I code and it allows for quick, easy modifications and also if the net goes down, I can still do some coding.

  17. Whats with the @ sign before $db. I just tried your code on a page of mine and it displayed everything properly. I tried it a few different ways and it worked. I don't see anything else which is causing a problem. Possibly make sure that the tables are named the same. Maybe rename your table and see if that solves the problem.

  18. Can you give us an example? Are you creating tables and wanting to display data within the rows? If so then when your creating your table encompass the whole thing in an echo " statement making sure that at the end of the table code you have ";. And also if there are any quotation marks within the code either remove them if not necessary or preceed them with a \.

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