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  1. So how do I name the frame 'main' The current code is: <frame src="Main.htm" noresize="noresize">
  2. <html><head><title>Top</title></head><body><body background="TopBackground.gif"><img src="STWars.gif" alt="gold"><onclick="window.parent.frames['main'].location.href='Main.htm'">
  3. I entered the code you provided as an alternative for my button, but the button just disappeared on the website. Am I missing another line?
  4. How do i get the buttons in the top bar to change the webpage in the main bar?
  5. But that didn't answer my questions about the buttons.
  6. Hey guys, I have a website that I'm making for a friend, and he wants the Top Bar to be a navigation bar. I put a button up there with: <button onclick="window.location.href='Main.htm'">Home</button> but it opens the website in the top bar, not in the main bar. I attached a picture of the website, and if I forgot any important information, please tell me. Thanks!
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