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Posts posted by Nim199

  1. Hiya all!I am trying to build a basic anagram solver that looks through all possibilities for words, check weather they are true, and acts accordingly.Imput = "TAE"Word(1) = "TEA"Word(2) = "ATE"Word(3) = "AET"Word(4) = "ETA"Word(5) = "EAT"For i = 1 to 5If isRealWord(Word(i)) Then Ans(i) = TrueElse Ans(i) = FalseEnd IfNext' RESULTAns(1) = True 'Tea is a real wordAns(2) = True 'Ate is a real wordAns(3) = False 'Aet is NOT a real wordAns(4) = False 'Eta is NOT a real wordAns(5) = True 'Eat is a real word' OUTPUTAnagrams:TeaAteEatI need to have a function (isRealWord) that can check a wrod inside an external dictionary.If there is a downloadable dictionar DLL I can get hold of, please tell me, or how I could contenct to a Microsoft Word dictionary WITHOUT opening Word.

  2. I prefer just hardcore writing code with NotePad. I feel that it is the only good and learnable experience to work on your coding. If you use DreamWeaver then you won't really remember how you did code because of the auto-completion. Where as if you did Notepad you could revise your code and you will get a more memorable experience for the next time that instance comes up.
    Also, if you use dreamweaver, if you have to resort to notepad for one reason or another, then you have a major problem.Simply: you don't know the code!
  3. I think part of the reason people do not go through the tutorials is because they only need a few lines of, for example, VBScript, and reading the tutorials of a language you don't need can be a pretty gruelling task.I also think that people should consult the referances pages first. One problem with the W3Schools site in my opinion is that the referances are not thrown at you but the links hide away at the right side of the page, overcrowded with advertisments, and not by the tutorials list where I reckon they should be.

  4. Your signature tells me you're going for the complicated alternative, which is likely to result in an over-budget page with less-than-intended quality.
    One Note: So far, my budget of £0.00 has not been broken.
  5. VBScript is Browser based, but the visual basic software does alow you to create independanat applications.Free download: msdn visual basic 2005 free downloadAll you do is run the setup, and your off... though I will recomend the msdn Help Software as an extra (during instolation setup) as it allows you to get free help offline.There is intelli sence, so you will (knowing VBScript) basicly just pick up everything as you go along if you are interesded.

  6. What is that in? E-xcel.Yes, that is the only office Application I use...And also, wil some one please tear my signiture to theads, if it can be... if not,, telll me, and I will make it fragile, er.

  7. Here is my reason for using IE.It is possible the least capable browser, so I can only use code which everyone can view.eg.If I used FF, then something I could view at home, someone using IE in some cases coundn't.But I have to say, IE7 looks dreadful.

  8. Short question:Does anyone actualy consider using frontpage's display, thinging, webbuilding? It is in no way fun moing little icons around a screen, and it produces crazyly (I officialy cannot spell. I think) long amounts of markup, for not very much...I honestly don't get it! - except for the fact that schools can throw Frontpage at their students, and get back a powerpoint presentation (that is bascicly all I concider you get)I do not intend to offend anyone, so please just take this as a question.

  9. I think you guys are great...I like you guy's websites too. Especially the I-pod one (cant remember your name). That one's cool. I wish the graphics for my web site were better. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with MS Paint :) . Maybe someday I'll get something better... like a flash web site. Oh, yeah... Hey, and maybe I'll get a .com soon... yeah that would be cool.
    I agree, and at £50, RNA isn't a bad program. It is designed for art work, but it is easy to make vertually anything! Also, it comes with a good supplie of export options.
  10. Also, (one other hobby!) Charles Babbage was the first person come up with a way to break the vigenire cipher.See 'The Code Book' or 'The Craking Code Book' by Simon Singh for more about Babbage in the encrytion world.

  11. Well I tried the code and resize seems to be working fine. Are you asking about the "menu" frame size changing when the whole page [browser] is resized. i.e., when the browser window's size changed. Then you need to give a particular value [px] rather than giving a % value in the second frame.Replace <frameset border="0" cols="20%,*">with <frameset border="0" cols="200,*"> [200px]
    I don't understand. Do yo mean replace the '20&, *' with values in pixels?
  12. Here it is:

    <frameset border="0" rows="110,*">	<frame src="#.html" name="banner" noresize="noresize" /><frameset border="0" cols="20%,*">	<frame src="#.html" name="menu" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" noresize="noresize" />	<frame src="#.html" name="main" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" noresize="noresize" /></frameset></frameset>

    It is the 'menu' frame (4th line down) that is the problem.

  13. Here it is:

    <frameset border="0" rows="110,*">	<frame src="#.html" name="banner" noresize="noresize" /><frameset border="0" cols="20%,*">	<frame src="#.html" name="menu" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" noresize="noresize" />	<frame src="#.html" name="main" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" noresize="noresize" /></frameset></frameset>

    It is the 'menu' frame (4th line down) that is the problem.

  14. I have a page with frames all with the 'noresize="noresize' statment in them, which doesn't function in the menu frame.I can not find any reason why it might not work in the tutorial, and it is becoming increaseingly enoying.If you can shed some light on the situation, please do.Thanks for reading.

  15. Two things that would make it more functional would be to change:background: #86a43a;to:background-color: #86a43a;and remove the:height: 100%and put in:width: 100%instead of:width:759px; ------I don't know if hat will do anything but clean the code, but it is a start.

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