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Everything posted by Tura

  1. Tura

    Random Statements

    That works, thanks!
  2. Tura

    Random Statements

    Yeah. That's simalar to another thing I tried. Both appeared.Hmm... Is there a way to do between numbers instead of less than or more than?
  3. Tura

    Random Statements

    I tried this without success: <script type="text/javascript">switch(n){case 1: document.write("(1)") break case 2: document.write("(2)") breakdefault: document.write("(3)"}</script>
  4. I couldn't find how to make over two random statements. I tried codes like this: <script type="text/javascript">var r=Math.random()if (r>0.5) {document.write("(one)")}if(r=1){document.write("(two)")}else{document.write("(three)")}</script> But that didn't work. Is there a way to make over two random statements so that they all appear with about the same % chance?
  5. Tura

    Centering Entire Page

    Ok. And would that work for centering images in a table?
  6. Tura

    Centering Entire Page

    Is there a way to center all the images on a page using CSS? I mean sort of like changing the font of page. If there isn't a way to do that, is there a way to just center everything on a page?... I mean using CSS because the HTML uses end tags, but I can't add things to the bottom fo the page.
  7. Tura

    Transparent Filter

    I ment a filter that changes the outer area. I have Adobe, but I can't change the images and to prevent advertizing I made a weird example.
  8. Tura

    Transparent Filter

    Umm... Like a colored background with two images that have two different color backgrounds, but I want to show the picture inside the box... here is an example image. This is not exactly the pics I'm using, but I mean like... There are two different colored backgrounds on two images so I want both the image's backgrounds to be transparent so the black background appears where the image's background colors are, showing only the image without the boxes around them.
  9. Tura

    Transparent Filter

    I cannot figure out how to make it so two different image colors can become transparent on the same page. I have tried a few codes: <style>#m,#n,#mb{display: tl-nfu;}table, td {background: transparent;}p img {filter:none alpha(opacity=100) chroma(color=white);p img {filter:none alpha(opacity=100) chroma(color=FEFEFE);}</style> And <style>#m,#n,#mb{display: tl-nfu;}table, td {background: transparent;}p img {filter:none alpha(opacity=100) chroma(color=white);</style><style>#m,#n,#mb{display: tl-nfu;}table, td {background: transparent;}p img {filter:none alpha(opacity=100) chroma(color=FEFEFE);</style> But no luck with those two or any of the others I tried.
  10. Oh. That worked. Thanks! =)Would that be almost the same for changing text colors, too?
  11. I am trying to find a way that you can scroll down a dropdown menu and the background color will change. I tried the html code that showed the dropdown box that did nothing and tried to get it to change the background color, but I could not. This is one of the things I tried: <form action="background color" method="change"><select name="background"> <option value="black">black <option value="bisque">bisque <option value="blue">blue <option value="cadetblue">cadetblue <option value="chocolate">chocolate <option value="coral">coral <option value="crimson">crimson <option value="cyan">cyan <option value="darkblue">dark blue <option value="darkcyan">darkcyan <option value="darkgreen">darkgreen <option value="darkorange">darkorange <option value="darkorchid">darkorchid <option value="darkred">darkred <option value="darkviolet">darkviolet <option value="deeppink">deeppink <option value="dimgray">dim gray <option value="dodgerblue">dodgerblue <option value="firebrick">firebrick</select></form>
  12. Tura

    Background Reapeats

    Thanks! That worked.
  13. Tura

    Background Reapeats

    Hmmm... Lemme try to explain better.I am trying to find the code for a background that repeats one line down on right side, instead of te left. Look at the example. The background image repeats itself one line down on the left of the page, but I can't figure out how to make it repeat one line down on the right of the page.
  14. Tura

    Background Reapeats

    I've been reading over the pages on CSS backgrounds, but I just can't figure out how to make the background repeat on the right! I know 'y' is repeat one line on the left, and 'x' is repeat one line on the top, but I con't find the one to repeat one line on the right.
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