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Everything posted by danposs86

  1. danposs86

    going to a page.

    Hi, i am working on a forum that inputs data into a table on my database. I currently have it "echo"ing a message saying that it was successfuly submitted. Instead what i want it to do it to go to a different php page.Here's part of my code: <?phpif (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {?><form action="" method="post">Foreame: <input type="text" name="forename"><br>Surname: <input type="text" name="surname"><br><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Next Step >>"></form><?php} else {$Forename = $_POST['forename'];$Surname = $_POST['surname'];mysql_query("INSERT INTO `djpCustomer` (forename, surname) VALUES ('$Forename', '$Surname')");echo "Success! Your details has been added!";}?> I cant think of what to do at all, i know i want to replace the "echo" link with some code that, once the submit button is clicked, will take me to the next page ("step2.php"). Any suggestions?
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