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Everything posted by hoachen

  1. Hi guys, I have been searching this forum for div positioning for hours but still can't find what I need. I create a webpage that have a table with three column. First column is picture , second column is description text and sames third column. The table I align in center <table align=center width="800" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> I use few div tags inside the picture and want them in a specific position. When I use 1024 X768 is look fine in IE but when I use 1280X768 screen resolutions the text will move to different position. Can anyone tell me how to make it have the same position nor matter what screen resolution is.#specials {position:absolute;left:44px;top:267px;width:66px;height:4px;z-index:14;}<div class="link style2" id="specials">Specials</div>
  2. Great example! Why I didn't see that before I ask! I already get work!, Yeah! thank you very much for your time to read my questionCheer,hoachent100,Mar 21 2006, 10:49 AM]Here's how you do the auto complete bit: http://www.w3schools.com/dhtml/tryit.asp?f...l_event_onkeyupYou will need to adjust the code to do as you wish. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  3. I am trying to make two texboxes. It is for percentile textboxes from scale 0 to 100. The first textbox is when the user key-in the number of percent let say 40 and the second textbox will automatically filled in with 60.My question is how can I do that? I couldn't find any example on the web. Please kindly direct me or you have an example.Thank you very muchcheer,hoachen
  4. I got two problem and can't figure it out and hope you as an expert to help me to find the bugs! Please see below.It is weired that when "Yes" selected I can get the value from email but when "No" is selected then I get nothing!HTML<input type="radio" name="boardEli" id="board_e1" onClick="BE(this.checked)" value="Yes"/>Yes <input type="radio" name="boardEli" id="board_e2" onClick="BE(!this.checked)" vakue="No" />No </td> <td colspan="5"> <div id="option1" style="display: none">If Yes, In What Specialty? <select name="specialtyBE" id="BEYES" size="1" class="selectState"> <option value="selected" selected="selected">Select One</option><option> item 1 </option><option> item 2</option><option> item 3 </option></select><div>
  5. here the line that have examination mark. It is weire though, I set it up to N/A when nothing is writen and it gave me this "Explai! nation for problem selected: N/A if I type something then it is fine. Please explain why this happen?message = message & "<table border='1'>"If REQUEST.FORM("prob_exp") <> "" THEN message = message& "<tr><td colspan='4'><b>Explaination for problem selected: </b><br>" & Replace(REQUEST.FORM("prob_exp"), vbCrLf, "<br>") & "</td></tr>" ELSE message = message& "<tr><td><b> Explaination for problem selected: </b></td><td> N/A</td></tr>" END IF message = message & "</table>"
  6. I have the ! infont of the data that received from the email. I don't know what it suppose to mean. My guess is it might be somewhere a mistake occur but i can't find it where. Could anyone tell me what it means?
  7. I have three different name for the option selection but have the same items on this option. The code below is to compare each selection that the user selected if they select one of the option are the same it will prompt them can't to select the same item. But unfortunately, the code below also check with "select One" listed on first of all three option selection. My question is how do i skip the first option on the three option selection?<Select name="currState1"><option> Select here </option> <option> item 1</option> <option> item 2</option> <option> item 3</option> </select><Select name="currState2"><option> Select here </option> <option> item 1</option> <option> item 2</option> <option> item 3</option> </select><Select name="currState3"><option> Select here </option> <option> item 1</option> <option> item 2</option> <option> item 3</option> </select> if (form.currState1.options[form.currState1.selectedIndex].value == form.currState2.options[form.currState2.selectedIndex].value) { alert('Please select different choice 1 or choice 2'); } else if (form.currState1.options[form.currState1.selectedIndex].value == form.currState3.options[form.currState3.selectedIndex].value)
  8. hoachen

    asp characters

    i am looking asp character like space, tab, or any empty space. I can't find any at w3 school. I know & is concatenate the sentence and a single space would sperate by " " what if i want many many empty space or tabs?I have tried out "sentences: " or "sentences: " & " " & " " & " "but it does not work! please advicethank you very much for viewing my questionhoachen
  9. This is very basic to setup the data that send to my email from what I read from the internet. This is my first asp project and never learn before. Please give your advice. This form and data does not go through my email mean i didn't receive anything! What should I change in order to receive data that user filled?Here is the ASP Code and the html code at below<%Dim bodyContent Dim objCDOMail Dim sentTo Dim userEmail sentTo= "aaa@hotmail.com"userEmail = Request.Form("email")bodyContent = bodyContent& "<br><b>First Name: </b>" & Request.Form("firstName") bodyContent = bodyContent& "<br><b>Last Name: </b>" & Request.Form("lastName")bodyContent = bodyContent& "<br><b>Title: </b>" & Request.Form("title")bodyContent = bodyContent& "<br><b>Company Name: </b>" & Request.Form("company")Set objCDOMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")objCDOMail.From = Request.Form("firstName") & " " & Request.Form("lastName") & " <" & userEmail & ">"objCDOMail.To = sendToobjCDOMail.Subject = "contact form"objCDOMail.BodyFormat = 0objCDOMail.MailFormat = 0objCDOMail.Body = bodyContent objCDOMail.Importance = 1 objCDOMail.SendSet objCDOMail = Nothing%>HTML Code<form method="post" name="contact" action="contact.asp"><table> <tr><td>First Name: <input name="firstName"></td></tr> <tr><td>Last Name: <input name="lastName"></td></tr> <tr><td>Title: <input name="title" /></td> </tr> <tr><td>Company Name: <input name="company"></td></tr> <tr><td><input type="reset" value="Reset" name="reset"/> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" /></td></tr> </table></form>
  10. This is very basic to setup the data that send to my email from what I read from the internet. This is my first asp project and never learn before. Please give your advice. This form and data does not go through my email mean i didn't receive anything! What should I change in order to receive data that user filled?Here is the ASP Code and the html code at below<%Dim bodyContent Dim objCDOMail Dim sentTo Dim userEmail sentTo= "aaa@hotmail.com"userEmail = Request.Form("email")bodyContent = bodyContent& "<br><b>First Name: </b>" & Request.Form("firstName") bodyContent = bodyContent& "<br><b>Last Name: </b>" & Request.Form("lastName")bodyContent = bodyContent& "<br><b>Title: </b>" & Request.Form("title")bodyContent = bodyContent& "<br><b>Company Name: </b>" & Request.Form("company")Set objCDOMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")objCDOMail.From = Request.Form("firstName") & " " & Request.Form("lastName") & " <" & userEmail & ">"objCDOMail.To = sendToobjCDOMail.Subject = "contact form"objCDOMail.BodyFormat = 0objCDOMail.MailFormat = 0objCDOMail.Body = bodyContent objCDOMail.Importance = 1 objCDOMail.SendSet objCDOMail = Nothing%>HTML Code<form method="post" name="contact" action="contact.asp"><table> <tr><td>First Name: <input name="firstName"></td></tr> <tr><td>Last Name: <input name="lastName"></td></tr> <tr><td>Title: <input name="title" /></td> </tr> <tr><td>Company Name: <input name="company"></td></tr> <tr><td><input type="reset" value="Reset" name="reset"/> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" /></td></tr> </table></form>
  11. A ton of thanks to sbrownii, it works now. The reason was I didn't put the onLoad on the contents page.Thanks for everything.cheers,hoachen
  12. thank you very much for help but it does not work. I know this is kind of unusual question and hard to get someone to answer. thank again and I hope somebody done this before and will share their knowledge. cheershoachen
  13. I have a map that contains pacific, west north, south north that I created these regions by using hotspot selection. Within these regions each region contains a difference list of webpage from the pop-up menu. When the users mouseOver on let say Pacific a list of aaaa, bbbb,cccc. Then the user select aaa, it will bring the user to that aaa page and jump to pacific region. Right now, my problem is when I selected aaa, it will bring me to that page but it will not automatically jump to pacific region. I did tried to put mm_menu_0222091948_0.addMenuItem("aaaaaaa","location='index.htm#Pacific'","target='mainFrame'");the #Pacific and target=”mainframe” but it is not working.If you want to know more and give your precious advice, please visit the page at http://www.missouri.edu/~schvbf/us%20map/frontPage.htm
  14. http://www.w3schools.com/dhtml/tryit.asp?f...trydhtml_menu10This example is almost perfect for me but I need one more function which is when we scroll down the submenu the main menu background does not hightlight mean in static bgcolor. How do I make this happen? Where should I add-in when mouseover the submenu the main menu will hightlighted.<head><style>body{font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif}table{font-size:80%;background:none }a{color:#FFFFFF;text-decoration:none;font:bold}a:hover{color:#FFFF00}a.table {color:#FFFFFF; background:#0A7875; overflow:visible;}td.menu{background:#0A7875;}table.menu{font-size:100%;position:absolute;visibility:hidden;}</style> [edit] wrapped code in tags - skemcin[/i]
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