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Posts posted by F-Man

  1. You can use special characters in style sheets inside the document's head with CDATA and XHTML.

    <script type="text/css"><![CDATA[body {   font-family: "Child 39;s Play", sans-serif;}]]></script>

    You might want to use & #39; (without space) since ' is XML and won't work with IE.Also, try to avoid inline style (style attribute) especially with elements that appear only once per page or in every page.

  2. Please use IDs, not names. Also, why use an anchor just to give some text a name? ANY element can have IDs.

    <p><a href="#whoo">Link</a></p><p id="whoo">Content that the link brings to.</p>

    However, aragee, I am not sure what you want with your hidden overflow...

  3. I think I only have one problem left now which is that I'd like the footer to span the entire bottom of the screen, but since the submenus are FLOATED to the left, the submenus and the footer crash into each other on small pages (e.g. services and activities pages)!

    You can use the CSS clear property.
    #footer {   clear: left;}

    Which clears the left floating.

  4. You can use the name attributes for forms.It may seem weird but remember that forms are getting pretty outdated (and soon replaced with XForms), so that's why they have their own exceptions (like textarea absolutely needing cols and rows even if we could use CSS instead).

  5. Here is the correct code:

    <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="logo.swf" width="600" height="40" id="banner">   <param name="movie" value="logo.swf" />   Alternate text or image for users without Flash plugin.</object>

    After some testing it seems like you must absolutely set a width and a height, by the way. And the param tag is also necessary if you want it to work with IE.I think classid and codebase attributes may also be used, if you know what values are best for a Flash, I personally don't. =)

  6. Hi, I couldn't find why IE does it wrong, but did you know that you'd get much better results using divs and CSS instead of tables? tables are for tabular data, like calendars and such. And if you use them for layout like this, your pages literally take 3+ times more space and longer to load.

  7. Hi. :)You can use padding to put the menu below the image. As for the red strip, set a width to the div. Like this:

    #secondary_nav {float: left;background: #bb1042;padding: 60px 0; /* Sets the top and bottom to 60px, with no left or right padding. */width: 40px;}

    It's not quite perfectly the way you want it but it's a progress. =)

  8. Hi,bgcolor is depecrated as styles should be reserved to CSS.Enter this code into the head of your document:

       <style type="text/css">   table {   background-color: red;   }   </style>

    That's CSS. =)Browsers display it fine because they accept code from different HTML versions, including the older ones. The reason why it is invalid is because using it, no matter how it works in browsers, means you're not actually using the HTML version you're telling in the DOCTYPE, and as the web advances and deprecated attributes start being unsupported by browsers, you'll be left behind. :)And yes, the forums are new. I'm glad to be one of the first members! =)

  9. You're telling normal text inside the cell to be dark blue, while links will just keep their default color Give a color to the link itself instead.Like this:

    <td style="font: bold 11px verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: rgb(211, 233, 255);">   <a href="http://mysite.com/skincare.html" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153); text-decoration: none;">Skin Care</a></td>

    Also, the font element is deprecated and useless when using CSS. Using the example I just typed above should be fine. :) You should also save a lot of time by using non in-line CSS (inside <style /> or in an external style sheet).

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