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Posts posted by killay

  1. java script:

    <script type="text/javascript">imagename='';function popupscreen(beeldnaam){OpenWin = this.open("","bigpopup","toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,status=no,width=320,height=275,left=241,top=200");imagename = beeldnaam;setTimeout('update()',500)}function update(){doc = OpenWin.document;doc.write('<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>big popup<\/TITLE><\/HEAD><BODY bgcolor="#0000CC" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bottommargin="0" onBlur="self.focus()">');doc.write('<center><IMG SRC="' + imagename + '">');doc.close();}</script>

    html code on the image:

    <a onclick="java script:popupscreen ('images/image.jpg');" href="java script:void(0);"><img height=[u]size[/u] width=[u]size[/u] alt="click for bigger image" src="images/info_shot1.jpg"></a>				 					<br />blablabl<br />

    normally this should work... I had to translate that from my script i used. (dutch to english) so i hope i translated the wright vars :)

  2. I didn't use a radiobutton I used a check box. You asked how to change the form action using a check box.
    I made a mistake cause i was kind in a hurry, sorry for that. I was desperate cause i need gto finish this site in a week.My english isn't that good either thats why i make sometimes mistakes.greetz
  3. i knwo that but could you please edit my code so you get 2 radiobuttons (if you click on the first one you get person1 email adres if you click on the second radiobutton you get person2 email adress in outlook)cause if I type this:

    <input type="radio" id="myCheck" value="webmaster"onclick="changeEmail(this)"/>Webmaster<input type="radio" id="myCheck" value="oupost"onclick="changeEmail(this)"/>De Oupost

    it doesnt work... so please edit it fully thx in advance

  4. I dont get any radiobutton with this script... are you sure this is well written???this is the whole page:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="nl" lang="nl"><head>	<meta name="author" content="Peter Vercauteren 1 TINA" />   	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />   	<meta name="description" content="Gamcenter" />   	<meta name="keywords" content="Gamecenter" /><title>Welkom :: index</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mijnstijlen.css" />	<script type="text/javascript">		function check_form(form)		{			var errormsg = "Gelieve volgende velden in te vullen:\n\n";			var error = false;			var form = document.getElementById("verzendform");			var familienaam   = document.getElementById("familienaam");			var voornaam  = document.getElementById("voornaam");			var email   = document.getElementById("email");			var vragenopmerkingen   = document.getElementById("vragenopmerkingen");		 	if (voornaam.value == "")		 	{		   		errormsg += "Voornaam.\n";		   		error = true;			  }			  if (familienaam.value == "")			  {		   		errormsg += "Familienaam.\n";		   		error = true;			  }			if (email.value == "" || !email_check(email.value))			{			 	errormsg += "E-mail / Ongeldige email.\n";				error = true;		 	}			if (vragenopmerkingen.value == "")			{			 	errormsg += "Vragen / Opmerkingen.\n";				error = true;		 	}			  if (error)			  {		   		window.alert(errormsg);		   		return false;			  }			  return true;		}		function email_check(email)		{			  if(/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/.test(email))			  {				  return true;			  }			  else			  {				  return false;			  }		}		</script></head><body>	<div id="bg">	<div id="container">		<div id="headerhome">			<div id="navcontainer1">				<ul id="navlist1">					<li><a href="webmaster.html">Webmaster</a></li>					<li><a href="contact.html">Contact</a></li>					<li><a href="info.html">Info</a></li>					<li><a href="gallerij.html">Gallerij</a></li>					<li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>				</ul>		 	</div>		</div>		<div id="rechtscontent2">			<br />				<h1>Contact</h1>				<div id="kolom1">				<form action="mailto:****@gmail.be" method="post" id="verzendform" enctype="text/plain" onsubmit="return check_form(this);">					<p>						Voornaam:<br /><input type="text" size="40" id="voornaam" name="voornaam"></input><br />						Familienaam:<br /><input type="text" size="40" id="familienaam" name="familienaam"></input><br />						E-mail:<br /><input type="text" size="40" id="email" name="email"></input><br />						Vragen / Opmerkingen:<br /><textarea id="vragenopmerkingen" name="vragenopmerkingen" rows="5" cols="37"></textarea><br />					</p>					<p>						<input class="knop" type="submit" value="Verzenden "></input>						<input class="knop" type="reset" value="Herstellen"></input>					</p>				</form>				</div>			<br /> 		</div>		<div id="footer">			<div id="textfooter">				Peter Vercauteren ©    <span class="footercirkel">•</span>    ****    <span class="footercirkel">•</span>    ****   <span class="footercirkel">•</span>   Tel.:****    <span class="footercirkel">•</span>    E-mail: <a href="mailto:****@gmail.com">****@gmail.com</a>			</div>		</div>	</div></body></html>

  5. Hi,I made a form (contact page) where people could contact the webmaster. But what I would like to do is including a checkbox to choose between 2 persons (person 1 or person 2) to contact with the same form.So for example when you create a form you have this:

    <form action="mailto:my@email.be" method="post" id="verzendform" enctype="text/plain" onsubmit="return check_form(this);">

    But when you choose person 1 the "action" should change to person1@email.com, and if you choose person 2 it should be person2@email.com.Is that possible in one way or another? (i have to keep the same form!)Thx in advance

  6. Ok i've found the perfect one :)calendarI got two problems left:1. When i want to log in as an admin and click on any link within the admin page I get back to the login page. I get that sometimes with php scripts never knew why.2. Is there a possibility to target every event (when you click on a day or month) to a iframe? Thx in advance

  7. thx for the reply... It's actually a mod for cutenews wich you have to download. But the problem is you need a page of cutenews itself to display the events. And to add an event you need cutenews. So basicly it would take more time changing the code than creating a new script :)Thx anyway.

  8. Hi,I asked something on the xhtml forum about linking two iframe.This is what i asked:

    Hi,I'm using target on links to display a content in an iframe. I actually have 2 iframes on my page.It was to know if its possible if you click on a link that 2 different pages would be loaded in the iframe.For example that if you click on calendar that in the left iframe there would be the events.html and in the right iframe the actual calendar.html .Is that possible just in xhtml?Thx in advance,Peter Vercauteren
    And as response someone told me it's possible with javascript. Could someone help me out whit that? Cause I'm quite noobish with java.Thx in advance,Peter Vercauteren
  9. Hi,I'm just new to php and would like to know how to create a calendar with events. I've been looking for a script but haven't found anything great. And those I liked were comercial (like easy php calendar) . If someone could help me with this or forward me to a tutorial. It would be nice :)I dont know if it's right to ask this, but I'm so desperate. I made it quite far with the website. The first time i made a layout with photoshop. The first time I'm not using downloaded scripts . exept for the music :) This is the website : Mr. Déjà-VuIt's for a friend of mine. What I actually would like with the calendar is: The calendar to show in the right iframe, and the events in the left. So when you click on a date that you get the events left. The thing is that the first 5 events would already be displayed in the left iframe, so you dont have to look after them.Oh and please tell me what you find about the website. I know it's only in xhtml right now and maybe should have asked on the xhtml forum.Thx in advance,Peter Vercauteren

  10. Hi,I'm using target on links to display a content in an iframe. I actually have 2 iframes on my page.It was to know if its possible if you click on a link that 2 different pages would be loaded in the iframe.For example that if you click on calendar that in the left iframe there would be the events.html and in the right iframe the actual calendar.html .Is that possible just in xhtml?Thx in advance,Peter Vercauteren

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