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Posts posted by Fizzix

  1. Do you know how to make buttons in flash? Also do you know about the on(click) functions? if not just rummage in W3 and find out first.Basically you need to just go on the button:
    on(click){getURL("#location", "_top");}


    Yeah, this seemed right to me too. In my Behaviors Panel, I selected the button, clicked on the "+", selected "web page" and typed in "#services" (I even tried "index.html#services"), and selected "_top" but it doesn't work. :-( Anything I might be doing wrong?Thanks again,Ted(I'm using flash mx 2004)
    I am using Flash MX 2004, and your probem appears to be using on(click) - I used on(release) in its place, and it works.
    on(release){getURL("location", "_top");}

    -- mind, if this isn't what you need... it works for me. for example, the value in quotes there as location, you'd use index.html#services instead.

  2. I did a validation of my XHTML and the validation kept throwing up errors on the following HTML code. What is wrong in this code?
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript1.2">document.write(' <select name="to_lang" onchange="lp=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; if(lp!=\'\') window.location=\'http://www.google.com/translate?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&u=http://www.notjustcricket.com&langpair=\'+lp;" style="font:11px arial;width:110px" align="center"><option value=\'\'>Select language</option>

    Could it possibly be that the first thing in your code is a less than sign in coding, rather than the code symbol for anglebracket? Example:the code for <, the opening anglebracket on a code in (X)HTML, is < - that is, using < will show an opening anglebracket on your page. Try using the opening anglebracket itself, and see if the validation comes through.
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