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Posts posted by msd

  1. yeah it is showing the username and all the information correctly. It is inputing the date and any changes into the table correctly, just not the name of the user that has done the edit.
    :) Weird. Double check table fields in database and your query.
    The $_GET["refer"] is used in the hyperlink that takes it to the page, so it isnt in the table.
    You didn't understand my question, but it doesn't matter.
  2. So, is the username extracted ok from the database?But it just won't update the other table?And are you sure that $_GET["refer"] exists in the "site_news" table?

  3. <?php	$sql = "SELECT name FROM ibf_members WHERE id='".$member_id."'";	$query = mysql_query($sql);	$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);	echo "Edited by: ".$row["name"];	$update = $row["name"];?>

    First, because you need a name only from one row, you don't need a while.Try the code above.

  4. Make sure you put a "from" address on the email with the same domain as the server sending it. Some mail servers will do a reverse DNS lookup on incoming emails to make sure the domain on the "from" address matches the mail server that sent it. Use an email program that lets you see all of the headers on the email, and look at the headers that come with emails that make it to your inbox, and compare those headers with the emails that go into the spam folder.
    It's very interesting what you're saying! Could you please give a website with details?
  5. The e-mail server you're sending the mail to decides which mail goes to Inbox and which to Spam.If the e-mail address (or your server's ip address) is on the server's "black list" or it's suspicious, it's delivered to Spam.Try to send correct mails, pay attention to the mails' headers when you're creating them.

  6. Google Search: http://www.google.com/coop/cse/For Highest Page Rank In Google you need:- strong content in your website- url rewrite (friendly url)- strong description, keywords, titles- use <h1>, <h2>...- clear HTML code (you should have a tableless layout based on CSS)- build a Google SiteMap and submit it to GoogleThis is the start, for more information search on Google for "Search Engine Optimization" (SEO).

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