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Everything posted by mailtovij

  1. Hi ,I am getting following error in JavaScript" '0' is null or not an object "Pls can anybody tell me, what is cause of getting this errorThanks,Vij
  2. Please anybody can tell me how build a tree in javascript
  3. Hi I am facing problem with following JavaScript ,I am generating a tree, if the records are 300 , its working fine ,If the records are 1000 , its taking to much time(2 min) for generating tree ,Pls suggest me to increase the performance The following script i am using // Arrays for nodes and iconsvar nodes = new Array();;var openNodes = new Array();var icons = new Array(6);// Loads all icons that are used in the treefunction preloadIcons(prefix) { icons[0] = new Image(); icons[0].src = prefix+"/plus.gif"; icons[1] = new Image(); icons[1].src = prefix+"/plusbottom.gif"; icons[2] = new Image(); icons[2].src = prefix+"/minus.gif"; icons[3] = new Image(); icons[3].src = prefix+"/minusbottom.gif";}// Create the treefunction createTree(arrName, startNode, openNode, prefix, prefixHostURL) { nodes = arrName; if (nodes.length > 0) { preloadIcons(prefix); var recursedNodes = new Array(); var d1 = new Date(); //document.write("D:"+d+"<br>"); document.write("Start Time ....."+d1.getHours()+":"+d1.getMinutes()+":"+d1.getSeconds()+":"+d1.getMilliseconds()+"<br>"); addNode(startNode, recursedNodes, prefix, prefixHostURL); var d2 = new Date(); document.write("<br>End Time ......."+d2.getHours()+":"+d2.getMinutes()+":"+d2.getSeconds()+":"+d2.getMilliseconds()); document.write("<br>Total Time diff. ......."+(d2.getMinutes()-d1.getMinutes())+":"+(d2.getSeconds()-d1.getSeconds())+":"+(d2.getMilliseconds()-d1.getMilliseconds())); }}// Checks if a node is openfunction isNodeOpen(node) { for (i=0; i<openNodes.length; i++) if (openNodes[i]==node) return true; return false;}// Checks if a node has any childrenfunction hasChildNode(parentNode) { for (i=0; i< nodes.length; i++) { var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|"); if (nodeValues[1] == parentNode) return true; } return false;}// Checks if a node is the last siblingfunction lastSibling (node, parentNode) { var lastChild = 0; for (i=0; i< nodes.length; i++) { var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|"); if (nodeValues[1] == parentNode) lastChild = nodeValues[0]; } if (lastChild==node) { return true; } return false;}// Adds a new node to the treefunction addNode(parentNode, recursedNodes, prefix, prefixHostURL) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|"); if (nodeValues[1] == parentNode) { var ls = lastSibling(nodeValues[0], nodeValues[1]); var hcn = hasChildNode(nodeValues[0]); var ino = isNodeOpen(nodeValues[0]); // Write out line & empty icons for (g=0; g<recursedNodes.length; g++) { if (recursedNodes[g] == 1) document.write("<img src='"+prefix+"/line.gif' align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />"); else document.write("<img src='"+prefix+"/empty.gif' align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />"); } // put in array line & empty icons if (ls) recursedNodes.push(0); else recursedNodes.push(1); // Write out join icons if (hcn) { if (ls) { document.write("<a href=\"java script: oc(" + nodeValues[0] + ", 1);\"><img border=\"0\" id=\"join" + nodeValues[0] + "\" src='"+prefix+"/"); if (ino) document.write("minus"); else document.write("plus"); document.write("bottom.gif' align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Open/Close node\" /></a>"+ "<img src='"+prefix+"/space.gif' align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />"); } else { document.write("<a href=\"java script: oc(" + nodeValues[0] + ", 0);\"><img border=\"0\" id=\"join" + nodeValues[0] + "\" src='"+prefix+"/"); if (ino) document.write("minus"); else document.write("plus"); document.write(".gif' align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Open/Close node\" /></a>"+ "<img src='"+prefix+"/space.gif' align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />"); } } else { if (ls) document.write("<img src='"+prefix+"/joinbottom.gif' align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />"+ "<img src='"+prefix+"/space.gif' align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />"); else document.write("<img src='"+prefix+"/join.gif' align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />"+ "<img src='"+prefix+"/space.gif' align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />"); } // Write out node name var index = 0; var treeval = nodes[i]; //for getting node id index = treeval.indexOf("|"); var ndid = treeval.substring(0,index); treeval = treeval.substring(index+1); //for getting parent node id index = treeval.indexOf("|"); var pndid = treeval.substring(0,index); treeval = treeval.substring(index+1); //for getting platform/product id index = treeval.indexOf("|"); var id = treeval.substring(0,index); treeval = treeval.substring(index+1); if(pndid == "0") { var val = ndid + "|" + id; index = 0; var ctype = "";//myPlatform; while((index = ctype.indexOf(",")) > -1) { var val = ctype.substring(0,index); if(val == id) { break; } ctype = ctype.substring(index+1); } } else { var val = pndid + "|" + id; index = 0; var ctype = "";//myProduct; while((index = ctype.indexOf(",")) > -1) { var val = ctype.substring(0,index); if(val == id) { break; } ctype = ctype.substring(index+1); } } if(nodeValues[1] == "0") { document.write("<b>"+"<a href='"+prefixHostURL+nodeValues[3]+"' target=\"_blank\">"+nodeValues[2]+"</a>"+"</b>"); } else { document.write("<a href='"+prefixHostURL+nodeValues[3]+"' target=\"_blank\">"+nodeValues[2]+"</a>"); } // End link document.write("<br />"); // If node has children write out divs and go deeper if (hcn) { document.write("<div id=\"div" + nodeValues[0] + "\""); if (!ino) document.write(" style=\"display: none;\""); document.write(">"); addNode(nodeValues[0], recursedNodes, prefix, prefixHostURL); document.write("</div>"); } // remove last line or empty icon recursedNodes.pop(); } }}// Opens or closes a nodefunction oc(node, bottom) { var theDiv = document.getElementById("div" + node); var theJoin = document.getElementById("join" + node); var theIcon = document.getElementById("icon" + node); if (theDiv.style.display == 'none') { if (bottom==1) theJoin.src = icons[3].src; else theJoin.src = icons[2].src; theDiv.style.display = ''; } else { if (bottom==1) theJoin.src = icons[1].src; else theJoin.src = icons[0].src; theDiv.style.display = 'none'; }}// Push and pop not implemented in IEif(!Array.prototype.push) { function array_push() { for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++) this[this.length]=arguments[i]; return this.length; } Array.prototype.push = array_push;}if(!Array.prototype.pop) { function array_pop(){ lastElement = this[this.length-1]; this.length = Math.max(this.length-1,0); return lastElement; } Array.prototype.pop = array_pop;} edit: wrapped code in codebox to save space - skemcin
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