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Posts posted by mailtovij

  1. Hi I am facing problem with following JavaScript ,I am generating a tree, if the records are 300 , its working fine ,If the records are 1000 , its taking to much time(2 min) for generating tree ,Pls suggest me to increase the performance The following script i am using

    // Arrays for nodes and iconsvar nodes			= new Array();;var openNodes		= new Array();var icons			= new Array(6);// Loads all icons that are used in the treefunction preloadIcons(prefix) {	icons[0] = new Image();	icons[0].src = prefix+"/plus.gif";	icons[1] = new Image();	icons[1].src = prefix+"/plusbottom.gif";	icons[2] = new Image();	icons[2].src = prefix+"/minus.gif";	icons[3] = new Image();	icons[3].src = prefix+"/minusbottom.gif";}// Create the treefunction createTree(arrName, startNode, openNode, prefix, prefixHostURL) { 	nodes = arrName;	if (nodes.length > 0) {		preloadIcons(prefix);		var recursedNodes = new Array();				var d1 = new Date();		//document.write("D:"+d+"<br>");		document.write("Start Time ....."+d1.getHours()+":"+d1.getMinutes()+":"+d1.getSeconds()+":"+d1.getMilliseconds()+"<br>");		addNode(startNode, recursedNodes, prefix, prefixHostURL);	var d2 = new Date();	document.write("<br>End Time ......."+d2.getHours()+":"+d2.getMinutes()+":"+d2.getSeconds()+":"+d2.getMilliseconds());	document.write("<br>Total Time diff.  ......."+(d2.getMinutes()-d1.getMinutes())+":"+(d2.getSeconds()-d1.getSeconds())+":"+(d2.getMilliseconds()-d1.getMilliseconds()));		}}// Checks if a node is openfunction isNodeOpen(node) {	for (i=0; i<openNodes.length; i++)		if (openNodes[i]==node) return true;	return false;}// Checks if a node has any childrenfunction hasChildNode(parentNode) {	for (i=0; i< nodes.length; i++) {		var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");		if (nodeValues[1] == parentNode) return true;	}	return false;}// Checks if a node is the last siblingfunction lastSibling (node, parentNode) {	var lastChild = 0;	for (i=0; i< nodes.length; i++) {		var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");		if (nodeValues[1] == parentNode)			lastChild = nodeValues[0];	}	if (lastChild==node) {		return true;	}	return false;}// Adds a new node to the treefunction addNode(parentNode, recursedNodes, prefix, prefixHostURL) {	for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {		var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");		if (nodeValues[1] == parentNode) {						var ls	= lastSibling(nodeValues[0], nodeValues[1]);			var hcn	= hasChildNode(nodeValues[0]);			var ino = isNodeOpen(nodeValues[0]);			// Write out line & empty icons			for (g=0; g<recursedNodes.length; g++) {				if (recursedNodes[g] == 1) document.write("<img src='"+prefix+"/line.gif' align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />");				else  document.write("<img src='"+prefix+"/empty.gif' align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />");			}			// put in array line & empty icons			if (ls) recursedNodes.push(0);			else recursedNodes.push(1);			// Write out join icons			if (hcn) {				if (ls) {					document.write("<a href=\"java script: oc(" + nodeValues[0] + ", 1);\"><img border=\"0\" id=\"join" + nodeValues[0] + "\" src='"+prefix+"/");					 	if (ino) document.write("minus");						else document.write("plus");					document.write("bottom.gif' align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Open/Close node\" /></a>"+											"<img src='"+prefix+"/space.gif' align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />");				} else {					document.write("<a href=\"java script: oc(" + nodeValues[0] + ", 0);\"><img border=\"0\" id=\"join" + nodeValues[0] + "\" src='"+prefix+"/");						if (ino) document.write("minus");						else document.write("plus");					document.write(".gif' align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Open/Close node\" /></a>"+											"<img src='"+prefix+"/space.gif' align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />");				}			} else {				if (ls) document.write("<img src='"+prefix+"/joinbottom.gif' align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />"+											"<img src='"+prefix+"/space.gif' align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />");				else document.write("<img src='"+prefix+"/join.gif' align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />"+											"<img src='"+prefix+"/space.gif' align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />");			}			// Write out node name			var index = 0;			var treeval = nodes[i];			//for getting node id			index  = treeval.indexOf("|");			var ndid = treeval.substring(0,index);			treeval = treeval.substring(index+1);						//for getting parent node id			index  = treeval.indexOf("|");			var pndid = treeval.substring(0,index);			treeval = treeval.substring(index+1);						//for getting platform/product id			index  = treeval.indexOf("|");			var id = treeval.substring(0,index);			treeval = treeval.substring(index+1);						if(pndid == "0") {				var val = ndid + "|" + id;				index = 0;				var ctype = "";//myPlatform;				while((index = ctype.indexOf(",")) > -1) {					var val = ctype.substring(0,index);					if(val == id) {						break;					}					ctype = ctype.substring(index+1);				}								} else {				var val = pndid + "|" + id;				index = 0;				var ctype = "";//myProduct;				while((index = ctype.indexOf(",")) > -1) {					var val = ctype.substring(0,index);					if(val == id) {						break;					}					ctype = ctype.substring(index+1);				}				}									if(nodeValues[1] == "0") {				document.write("<b>"+"<a  href='"+prefixHostURL+nodeValues[3]+"' target=\"_blank\">"+nodeValues[2]+"</a>"+"</b>");			} else {				document.write("<a  href='"+prefixHostURL+nodeValues[3]+"' target=\"_blank\">"+nodeValues[2]+"</a>");			}			// End link			document.write("<br />");						// If node has children write out divs and go deeper			if (hcn) {				document.write("<div id=\"div" + nodeValues[0] + "\"");					if (!ino) document.write(" style=\"display: none;\"");				document.write(">");				addNode(nodeValues[0], recursedNodes, prefix, prefixHostURL);				document.write("</div>");			}						// remove last line or empty icon 			recursedNodes.pop();		}	}}// Opens or closes a nodefunction oc(node, bottom) {	var theDiv = document.getElementById("div" + node);	var theJoin	= document.getElementById("join" + node);	var theIcon = document.getElementById("icon" + node);		if (theDiv.style.display == 'none') {		if (bottom==1) theJoin.src = icons[3].src;		else theJoin.src = icons[2].src;		theDiv.style.display = '';	} else {		if (bottom==1) theJoin.src = icons[1].src;		else theJoin.src = icons[0].src;		theDiv.style.display = 'none';	}}// Push and pop not implemented in IEif(!Array.prototype.push) {	function array_push() {		for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)			this[this.length]=arguments[i];		return this.length;	}	Array.prototype.push = array_push;}if(!Array.prototype.pop) {	function array_pop(){		lastElement = this[this.length-1];		this.length = Math.max(this.length-1,0);		return lastElement;	}	Array.prototype.pop = array_pop;}

    edit: wrapped code in codebox to save space - skemcin

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