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  1. Here is the first hot spot for my website http://www.kim-webb.org<map id ="portraitmap" name="portraitmap"> <area shape ="rect" coords ="55,76,66,98" nohref="..." target ="_blank" alt="Rosemary"/></map>It works OK with IE. Where would I place the <title> tag so that it will also work with Netscape?
  2. You're right. Here's a portion of the code that works OK with IE but not with Netscape nor Firefox. Is it true that Netscape and Firefox do not pop up "alt" tags? If so, is there a way to enable them to do so? My website is http://www.kim-webb.org. The hot spot with the mouse arrow on Rosemary's face in the group photo should self-identify Rosemary (on the back row to the viewer's left).html><body><img src ="portrait.jpg" width="377" height="300" usemap ="#portraitmap"/><map id ="portraitmap" name="portraitmap"> <area shape ="rect" coords ="55,76,66,98" nohref="..." target ="_blank" alt="Rosemary"/></map></body></html>
  3. Are we talking about the same example on the Javascript section? I don't know what Snippets sticky is. I looked at the planets example which at http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_map.asp. What command produces the little yellow rectangle with the word "sun" in it? Could you e-mail me the planets.gif so that I could experiment with and understand the planets.htm better?
  4. Sorry for the multiple replies. This is my first attempt. Thanks for your prompt reply to my group photograph question. I had searched for onmouseover and found a nice example at http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_map.asp of the planets example. This is the technique I wanted but I didn't have access to planets.gif, so when I copied the code, I couldn't get it to execute. In my case I didn't wish to click to another htm page; I only wish to have the name of the "hot spot" face appear just as you have the words "sun", "mercury" and "venus" pop up. Could you help me implement that technique?David Kimball
  5. I've just put up a website and I would like to add some html or javascript code which would cause the name of the person in the family portrait to be identified when the mouse pointer is placed over it (do I need onmouseover for this?). I've created a "hot spot" over Rosemary's face but I don't know where to put, or how to create the rectangular box with her name in it. Any help would be appreciated.
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