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Posts posted by JamesB

  1. I've followed the instructions on that website, still no luck.Still getting the Apache 404.


    default.conf and ukscifi.conf in /etc/apache2/ now look like this:


    <VirtualHost *:80>ServerName events.ukscifi.netServerAdmin keithvc1972@ukscifi.netDocumentRoot /Webroot/www/#LogLevel info ssl:warnErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.logCustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined#Include conf-available/serve-cgi-bin.conf</VirtualHost><Directory /var/www/>Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViewsAllowOverride AllOrder allow,denyallow from all</Directory># vim: syntax=apache ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 sr noet


    I made sure to reload Apache too.

  2. When I visit the URL, there is nothing in error.log, but this is in access.log:

    <my ip here> - - [25/Nov/2014:20:12:51 +0000] "GET /uks2/welcome HTTP/1.1" 404 506 "-" "Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) Presto/2.12.388 Version/12.17"

    Regarding the logging, would this be done in the htaccess file?

  3. I am running Apache/2.2.17 (Win32) PHP/5.3.5

    My friend is running Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.5.9-1ubuntu4.5


    I added this code to top of index.php in /uks2/ folder:


    echo 'test1';exit;

    And when going to this URL http://www.ukscifi.net/uks2/welcome I still get the 404.


    The 404 I see isn't the CodeIgniter controller-not-found page either, it seems to be an Apache not found page.

  4. This works on my web server but not on my friend's web server.



    There are 3 websites like so:


    1. http://www.ukscifi.net/ - Some old CMS.

    2. http://www.ukscifi.net/uks2/ - CodeIgniter framework.

    3. http://www.ukscifi.net/uks2/forum/ - SMF forum.


    The problem is with the 2nd one.


    When I go to a controller called "welcome", I get a 404.

    This is the URL I go to: http://www.ukscifi.net/uks2/welcome


    But on my local server I luckily don't get a 404.


    Any ideas what could be causing this to not work?





    The .htaccess file in /uks2/ folder is:



    RewriteEngine onRewriteCond $1 !^(index.php|public|robots.txt)RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /uks2/index.php/$1 [L]
  5. Hi

    How can I have a <button> element next to an <img> element? So on the same line.


    <div>  <button>Register</button>  <img src='ajax-loader.gif'></div>


    I tried float left, display inline block and display inline, none seemed to work.

  6. Hi


    I'm using NiceScroll for a custom drawn scrollbar on a website.


    It seems that it supports setting the border property, but not the border-top and border-bottom individually. http://code.google.com/p/jquery-nicescroll/


    I need black border for right and bottom, then white border for left and top.


    Does anyone know how I can do this with NiceScroll? Might need to change to a different scroll bar project.


    Website link: http://ukscifi.mvec.io/

  7. Thanks tejasamrute



    I applied a border instead of an outline to all 6 boxes, and used 3 css classes for different sizes.


    Thanks niche


    That sounds like a solution too.

    For each box I could float 3 divs left, and in the middle one have 3 divs stacked vertically, with border-bottom, border-top etc.

    I'd rather use that if there's no other solution as it seems overkill on the html.



    One problem remains though, for boxes 2, 3 and 4 the margin-top 5px appears to apply to the container of .box rather than .box which is very strange.

  8. Hi there


    I'm trying to figure out how to add an inner border to 6 boxes on a site I'm making for a friend.


    Here's what I mean by inner border:





    The top left box will have a scrollbar with a lot of content.


    I've tried adding an inner <div> with a margin 5px but the border-bottom only appears when the content is scrolled to the bottom.


    I've looked at the outline property but I guess that isn't suitable at it doesn't take up space.


    Any ideas how I could achieve this?



    Website link: http://ukscifi.mvec.io/

  9. Yo


    Is there a way to clear the link cache for a domain on google?


    A site of mine recently got spammed out and google has probably created thousands of links to this, it shows 4 when I search the domain on google but the links change to more spam ones. (I have stopped more spam pages from being created luckily.)


    I found a page on google that lets you request to remove a url from google, this isn't ideal as i wish to remove likely thousands.


    I've added a htaccess file to the domain and I've made it return a 404 for all incoming requests, hoping that google will remove the spam links to my site. Will this work?


    Any other ideas?

  10. The first code you posted in your first post is already JSON as a javascript object, you don't need to parse that. The text "file" can be retrieved via: console.log(x.menu.id)


    In your second post, that is JSON as a javascript string, and needs to be parsed.

  11. It seems to work with:



    $result = $this->db->query('SELECT updates.stat_id, MAX(xp) as max_xp FROM updates LEFT JOIN users ON users.user_id = updates.user_id WHERE users.user_name = '.$this->db->escape($user).' GROUP BY stat_id');
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