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Posts posted by pulpfiction

  1. I am not pretty sure, but try doing this if you are connecting from internet, try change the IIS "File security properties", goto the Authentication Methods, uncheck "Integrated Windows Authentication" also see if only "anonymous access" is checked.

  2. i think using text editor will help you a lot. Practice but the first few times it will appear you are lost, then look at some tutorials or other sites, but as you go on you will automatically adapt and you will remember the tags.

  3. Hi,The popup blocker options in IE has 3 levels of blocking, default is Medium - Most popups are blocked, try changing that option to HIGH- to block all popups. I guess this should be the reason.


    This should work, replace the number '123456' with the field,SELECT RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(6), '123456'), 8) AS LeftPaddedWithTwoZero

  4. I guess you are checking not to allow special characters, try this code.Dim regExp As Regex Dim regMatch As Match regExp = New Regex("[A-Za-z0-9]") dim str as string="%" regMatch = regExp.Match(str) If (regMatch.Success And regMatch.Value = str) Then Response.Write("Success") Else Response.Write("Failed") End If

  5. Try doing this, USERNAME = request.form("usern")PASSWORD = request.form("passw")SQL = "SELECT * FROM Table_Name, WHERE (fldUSERNAME ='" & USERNAME & "') AND (fldPASSWORD ='" & PASSWORD & "')"Set RS = MyConn.Execute(SQL) 'Execute queryIF NOT RS.EOF THEN 'Check if any record existsresponse.write "You Are Now Login As An User"ELSEresponse.write "Incorrect Login Info"

  6. Try this out....function replaceChars(entry) { out = "a"; // replace this add = "z"; // with this temp = "" + entry; // temporary holder while (temp.indexOf(out)>-1) { pos= temp.indexOf(out); temp = "" + (temp.substring(0, pos) + add + temp.substring((pos + out.length), temp.length)); } document.Form1.text.value = temp; }<input type=text name=text size=40 value="abcdabcd"><input type=button name=action value="Click" onClick="replaceChars(document.Form1.text.value);">

  7. JavaScript Function:function test(id){ if(document.getElementsByTagName) { var table = document.getElementById(id); table.className="test"; //CSS Classname }}CssClass:.test{ text-align:center; }HTML:<body onload="test('trial')">.......<table id="trial">.......Hope this is what you were looking for......

  8. Hi,

    <INPUT style="WIDTH: 10%; ALIGN: left" TYPE="submit" NAME="PREV" VALUE="Prev"><INPUT style="WIDTH: 45%; ALIGN: center" TYPE="submit" NAME="REFR" VALUE="Refresh"><INPUT style="WIDTH: 10%; ALIGN: RIGHT" TYPE="submit" NAME="NEXT" VALUE="Next">

    As far as I know "ALIGN:" will not work for buttons, it will work for images,To position in the center you can use somthing like this,style="Z-INDEX: 101; LEFT: 848px; WIDTH: 10%; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 296px;"

  9. I got a breakthrough but not sufficient, able to display Names and few other things from the contact list but when I try to display the email id's the page gets stuch in the loading page..... I am more confused now.

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