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  1. On the examples that say your browseres name it says I have Netscape even though I have Safari!Why is that?
  2. Yea it's the same graphic as my logo except the full one. And even when I fixed the code it still won't be shown in Safari for some reason...I might ask apple about it cause it works in firefox.
  3. I know the size and colors are correct. I used an online favicon maker thingy posted in a previous post.
  4. I did upload the image... maybe it's because its too big a file...i'm usiong free hosting so that might be it.
  5. The ad is probably the reason... I had to reset all my adsolute positioning to new numbers because of it as well. What's weird is that it works perfectly on my version of Firefox.
  6. Don't click on the main page with the pictures..click on the backround to get soruce. This is becausethe rest was made in photoshop.
  7. Sure...now it's really messed up with Safari! Put it seams to work perfectly with firefox...My Webpage
  8. Wehn I put a favicon in my site, it's visible in firefox but not in safari. And in safari I had a favicon which I had up previously, but when I take out the code it won't go away! Why can't I get it to work in safari?
  9. Isagard


    Another problem...when I use position: absolute this happensbut in a visual editor it looks right...and when i launch it in Safari from my html editor it looks right...whats wrong?
  10. Isagard


    Yay! The absolute poitionning is just what I was looking for! I needed to make my site in photoshop because I have rollover buttons that really work well when you do it in photoshop. And CSS didn't work for me...it looked really bad...Thanks F-Man! Is there a way with absolute positioning to have your text have a scroll bar? I need alot of text to fit in a smaller area for download pages and things like that. And something sort of like margins for it... because wright now for every line of text I need a new poistining thingyExample div style="position: absolute; top: 155px; left: 355px; color:#ffffff">:_:News:_:</div><div style="position: absolute; top: 160px; left: 355px; color:#ffffff">___________________________________________</div><div style="position: absolute; top: 155px; left: 48px; color:#ffffff">:_:Quotes:_:</div><div style="position: absolute; top: 160px; left: 48px; color:#ffffff">__________________________________</div>
  11. Isagard


    I made my page in Photoshop CS 9, it has no text and uses no css. I want to try to put text into specific places on the page, but when I use CSS to position the text, the text is where I want but the rest of the pafe moved down. In html the whole thing uses a large table with lots of images which photoshop generated. When I put the text in the cell corresponding with the image I created, the whole site breaks apart. Do I need to remake my site or can I properly adjust the text some way?
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