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Everything posted by lipe009

  1. think for some reason the $_POST[$seat . 'name']; array is empty.
  2. i'm almost there! <?php// Connect to MySQLmysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root") or die("Connection Failed");mysql_select_db("iamin")or die("Connection Failed");$name = $_POST[$seat . 'name'];foreach ($_POST['seats'] as $seat){echo $seat;$query = "INSERT INTO seatnames (seatname) VALUES ('$name')";mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); }?> For some reason it insert a blank space in the table, instead the name!
  3. Alright, I'm getting the hang of it. So if I wanna send the name of the seats to the table "seatnames", in the "seatname" row: <?php// Connect to MySQLmysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root") or die("Connection Failed");mysql_select_db("tickets")or die("Connection Failed");$name = $_POST[$seat . 'name']foreach ($_POST['seats'] as $seat){$query = "INSERT INTO seatnames(seatname) VALUES ('$name')";}?> right?
  4. I should use foreach for the loop, right? Like this? foreach ($_POST['seats']; as $seat){?>
  5. Like this? <?php// Connect to MySQLmysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root") or die("Connection Failed");mysql_select_db("iamin")or die("Connection Failed");$seat = $_POST['seats'];echo $_POST[$seat . 'name'];?> Thanks for the answers.
  6. So let's say i just want to display the name of the seat. Should't this work? <form method="post" name="name" action="pt2.php" ><?php//$mysql->commit();echo "<h3>";echo "Please enter the name for each seat:<br><p> </p>";echo "";foreach($_POST['seats'] AS $seat) {$rowId = substr($seat, 0, 1);$columnId = substr($seat, 1);echo $rowId . $columnId . '<input type="hidden" name="seats[]" value="' . $seat . '"><input name="' . $seat . 'name" type="text"/></br>';}?> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Form"><br></form> pt2.php <?php// Connect to MySQLmysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root") or die("Connection Failed");mysql_select_db("tickets")or die("Connection Failed");echo $_POST[$seat . 'name'];?>
  7. I'm not sure if I understood what you mean... About the form tag for each text field, I edit the code, so that it doesn't repeat: </br><form method="post" name="input" action="pt2.php" ><?php//$mysql->commit();session_start();$_SESSION['rowId'] = $_POST['rowId'];$_SESSION['columnId'] = $_POST['columnId'];echo "<h3>";echo "Please enter the name for each seat:<br><p> </p>";echo "";foreach($_POST['seats'] AS $seat) {$rowId = substr($seat, 0, 1);$columnId = substr($seat, 1);echo $rowId . $columnId . '<input name="name" type="text"/></br>';}?><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="insert" /></form>
  8. So, i made a seat booking system where there are checkboxes in every seat and the user select this boxes and the seats are considered reserved. But now i want make the user be able to give each marked seat a name. How can i do that? seats.php <html><head><title>Tickets</title><style>* {font-size: 11px;font-family: arial;}</style><script>function reserveSeats() {var selectedList = getSelectedList('Reserve Seats');if (selectedList) {if (confirm('Do you want to reserveselected seat/s ' + selectedList + '?')) {document.forms[0].oldStatusCode.value=0;document.forms[0].newStatusCode.value=1;document.forms[0].action='bookseats.php';document.forms[0].submit();} else {clearSelection();}}}function cancelSeats() {var selectedList = getSelectedList('Cancel Reservation');if (selectedList) {if (confirm('Do you want to cancel reserved seat/s ' + selectedList + '?')) {document.forms[0].oldStatusCode.value=1;document.forms[0].newStatusCode.value=0;document.forms[0].action='bookseats.php';document.forms[0].submit();} else {clearSelection();}}}function confirmSeats() {var selectedList = getSelectedList('Confirm Reservation');if (selectedList) {if (confirm('Do you want to confirm reserved seat/s ' + selectedList + '?')) {document.forms[0].oldStatusCode.value=1;document.forms[0].newStatusCode.value=2;document.forms[0].action='bookseats.php';document.forms[0].submit();} else {clearSelection();}}}function getSelectedList(actionSelected) {// get selected listvar obj = document.forms[0].elements;var selectedList = '';for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {if (obj[i].checked && obj[i].name == 'seats[]') {selectedList += obj[i].value + ', ';}}// no selection errorif (selectedList == '') {alert('Please select a seat before clicking ' + actionSelected);return false;} else {return selectedList;}}function clearSelection() {var obj = document.forms[0].elements;for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {if (obj[i].checked) {obj[i].checked = false;}}}function refreshView() {clearSelection();document.forms[0].action='<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>';document.forms[0].submit();}</script></head><body><table><tr><td width="100%" align="center"><form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="oldStatusCode" value=""/><input type="hidden" name="newStatusCode" value=""/><table width='100%' border='0'><tr><td align='center'><input type='button' value='Refresh View' onclick='refreshView();'/></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td width="100%" align="center"><table width='100%' border='0'><tr><td align='center'><input type='button' value='Reserve Seats' onclick='reserveSeats()'/> <input type='button' value='Confirm Reservation' onclick='confirmSeats()'/> <input type='button' value='Cancel Reservation' onclick='cancelSeats()'/></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td width="100%" align="center"><table width='100%' border='0'><tr><td align='center'><input type='button' value='Clear Selection' onclick='clearSelection()'/></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td width="100%" align="center"><?php$linkID = @ mysql_connect("localhost", "tickets", "tickets") or die("Could not connect to MySQL server");@ mysql_select_db("tickets") or die("Could not select database");/* Create and execute query. */$query = "SELECT * from seats order by rowId, columnId desc";$result = mysql_query($query);$prevRowId = null;$seatColor = null;$tableRow = false;//echo $result;echo "<table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='3'>";while (list($rowId, $columnId, $status, $updatedby) = mysql_fetch_row($result)){if ($prevRowId != $rowId) {if ($rowId != 'A') {echo "</tr></table></td>";echo "n</tr>";}$prevRowId = $rowId;echo "n<tr><td align='center'><table border='1' cellpadding='8' cellspacing='8'><tr>";} else {$tableRow = false;}if ($status == 0) {$seatColor = "lightgreen";} else if ($status == 1 && $updatedby == 'user1') {$seatColor = "FFCC99";} else if ($status == 1 && $updatedby == 'user2') {$seatColor = "FFCCFF";} else if ($status == 2 && $updatedby == 'user1') {$seatColor = "FF9999";} else if ($status == 2 && $updatedby == 'user2') {$seatColor = "CC66FF";} else {$seatColor = "red";}echo "n<td bgcolor='$seatColor' align='center'>";echo "$rowId$columnId";if ($status == 0 || ($status == 1 && $updatedby == $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) {echo "<input type='checkbox' name='seats[]' value='$rowId$columnId'></checkbox>";}echo "</td>";if (($rowId == 'A' && $columnId == 7) || ($rowId == 'B' && $columnId == 9) || ($rowId == 'C' && $columnId == 9) || ($rowId == 'D' && $columnId == 10) || ($rowId == 'E' && $columnId == 8) || ($rowId == 'F' && $columnId == 5) || ($rowId == 'G' && $columnId == 13) || ($rowId == 'H' && $columnId == 14) || ($rowId == 'I' && $columnId == 14) || ($rowId == 'J' && $columnId == 12) || ($rowId == 'K' && $columnId == 14) || ($rowId == 'L' && $columnId == 13) || ($rowId == 'M' && $columnId == 9)) {// This fragment is for adding a blank cell which represent the "center aisle"echo "<td> </td>";}}echo "</tr></table></td>";echo "</tr>";echo "</table>";/* Close connection to database server. */mysql_close();?></td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td width="100%" align="center"><table border="1" cellspacing="8" cellpadding="8"><tr><td bgcolor='lightgreen'>Available</td><td bgcolor='FFCC99'>Reserved user1</td><td bgcolor='FF9999'>Confirmed user1</td><td bgcolor='FFCCFF'>Reserved user2</td><td bgcolor='CC66FF'>Confirmed user2</td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td width="100%" align="center"><a href="seatplan.jpg" target="new">View Layout</a> </td></tr></table></form></body></html> bookseats.php <html><head><title>Book Seats</title><style>* {font-size: 14px;font-family: arial;}</style></head><body><center><br/><br/><br/><?phpif (isset($_POST['seats'])){$user = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'];$newStatusCode = $_POST['newStatusCode'];$oldStatusCode = $_POST['oldStatusCode'];// open database connection$linkID = @ mysql_connect("localhost", "tickets", "tickets") or die("Could not connect to MySQL server");@ mysql_select_db("tickets") or die("Could not select database");// prepare select statement$selectQuery = "SELECT rowId, columnId from seats where (";$count = 0;foreach($_POST['seats'] AS $seat) {if ($count > 0) {$selectQuery .= " || ";}$selectQuery .= " ( rowId = '" . substr($seat, 0, 1) . "'";$selectQuery .= " and columnId = " . substr($seat, 1) . " ) ";$count++;}$selectQuery .= " ) and status = $oldStatusCode";if ($oldStatusCode == 1) {$selectQuery .= " and updatedby = '$user'";}//echo $selectQuery;// execute select statement$result = mysql_query($selectQuery);//echo $result;$selectedSeats = mysql_num_rows($result);//echo "<br/>" . $selectedSeats;if ($selectedSeats != $count) {$problem = "<h3>There was a problem executing your request. No seat/s were updated.</h3>";$problem .= "Possible problems are:";$problem .= "<ul>";$problem .= "<li>Another process was able to book the same seat while you were still browsing.</li>";$problem .= "<li>You were trying to Confirm an unreserved Seat.</li>";$problem .= "<li>You were trying to Cancel an unreserved Seat.</li>";$problem .= "<li>You were trying to Reserve a reserved Seat.</li>";$problem .= "<li>There was a problem connecting to the database.</li>";$problem .= "</ul>";$problem .= "<a href='seats.php'>View Seat Plan</a>";die ($problem);}// prepare update statement$newStatusCode = $_POST['newStatusCode'];$oldStatusCode = $_POST['oldStatusCode'];$updateQuery = "UPDATE seats set status=$newStatusCode, updatedby='$user' where ( ";$count = 0;foreach($_POST['seats'] AS $seat) {if ($count > 0) {$updateQuery .= " || ";}$updateQuery .= " ( rowId = '" . substr($seat, 0, 1) . "'";$updateQuery .= " and columnId = " . substr($seat, 1) . " ) ";$count++;}$updateQuery .= " ) and status = $oldStatusCode";if ($oldStatusCode == 1) {$updateQuery .= " and updatedby = '$user'";}// perform update$result = mysql_query($updateQuery);$updatedSeats = mysql_affected_rows();if ($result && $updatedSeats == $count) {//$mysql->commit();include ('reservapt2.php');} else {//$mysql->rollback();echo "<h3>There was a problem executing your request. No seat/s were updated.</h3>";echo "Possible problems are:";echo "<ul>";echo "<li>Another process was able to book the same seat while you were still browsing.</li>";echo "<li>You were trying to Confirm an unreserved Seat.</li>";echo "<li>You were trying to Cancel an unreserved Seat.</li>";echo "<li>You were trying to Reserve a reserved Seat.</li>";echo "<li>There was a problem connecting to the database.</li>";echo "</ul>";}echo "<a href='seats.php'>View Seat Plan</a>";// Enable the autocommit feature//$mysqldb->autocommit(TRUE);// Recuperate the query resources//$result->free();mysql_close();}?></center></body></html> ----------------------------- I tried the following: When the user submit the checkboxes, this is included: name.php <?php//$mysql->commit();session_start();$_SESSION['rowId'] = $_POST['rowId'];$_SESSION['columnId'] = $_POST['columnId'];echo "<h3>";echo "Please enter the name for each seat:<br><p> </p>";echo "";foreach($_POST['seats'] AS $seat) {$rowId = substr($seat, 0, 1);$columnId = substr($seat, 1);echo $rowId . $columnId . '</br><form method="post" name="input" action="pt2.php" ><input name="name" type="text"/></br>';}?><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="insert" /></form> pt2.php: <?php// Connect to MySQLmysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root") or die("Connection Failed");mysql_select_db("tickets")or die("Connection Failed");$name = $_POST['name'];session_start();$rowId = $_SESSION['rowId'];$columnId = $_SESSION['columnId'];$result = mysql_query("UPDATE seats SET updatedby='".$name."' WHERE rowId='".$rowId."' AND columnId='".$columnId."'") or die(mysql_error()); ?> If the user selects only one seat, this code works like a charm. But when there's two or more, the $columnId and the $rowId doesn't change as it should, and only the name of the last checked seat is changed. Does anybody knows how i can solve this?
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