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Everything posted by ArtbyPatrick

  1. Yeah I didn't think so either. But I still get that error message, I do not know why the folder cannot be found. Those are in the include/class/ folder is that the right location for it to be?
  2. I moved some stuff around for the includes and this is what I get as error messages: Warning: include_once(Net/SMTP.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/U/n/i/UnisonDigital/html/includes/classes/Mail/smtp.php on line 348Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening 'Net/SMTP.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php') in /home/content/U/n/i/UnisonDigital/html/includes/classes/Mail/smtp.php on line 348Fatal error: Class 'Net_SMTP' not found in /home/content/U/n/i/UnisonDigital/html/includes/classes/Mail/smtp.php on line 349 in Mail/smtp.php line 348 and 349 read: include_once 'Net/SMTP.php'; $this->_smtp = &new Net_SMTP($this->host, $this->port, $this->localhost); is the Net folder to be in the Mail folder or should it be out?
  3. it is actually, its in the net folder. Unless there is something besides putting it in a folder that I need to do
  4. Hello everyone, I wasn't sure where exactly to post this question but here it is. I have been working on trying to get an online form to be able to send email to my customer. It worked before until early last month. I've checked a lot of forums on the question, installed PEAR packages, Net packages, reworked the Mail.php file, I tryed using sendmail, that did not work either. My customer want's to be able to use SMTP. I know that I am missing something but I am not sure what as my PHP is in its beginning stages. Can someone help me? thx in advance
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