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Everything posted by Chikwado

  1. Can some one help explain what am doing wrong here. Ajax Code Ajax Page I have a text file ajax.txt, Some one help check it.
  2. PHP create/write to a text file, Is it possible to create/write to html file.
  3. @lorifaith You want to make this kind of stuff Good Stuff ? It's easy, If you read hard.
  4. Let me explain to you what I want to do: 1 create a navbar. 2 when you click the navbar it will call a page and dispaly them in aside. 3 page in aside is also a hyper link, if you click the link in aside it call a new page in the section. All these are javacript function.
  5. This is what am doing here http://chiquado.site90.net/tutorial.html. When you click those navigation bar, It display a page with hyper link. If click those new link it does not goes anywhere. The first navbar is a function and second is a function. The first one work fine but the second one does not.
  6. Some one check this: Javascript second call function, for example: when i click first button to triger a function it displayed, then in that dispayed field another trigerable button are there, I want to call it and dispaly in a div.
  7. Chikwado

    My Little Script

    Help: how to add bbcode passing function in this script. I have try over and over but failed. Little Script I need to read more tutorial. Some one help.
  8. Can some one help explain this: The code in this link gives me error, What am i doing wrong in the array? mybb My code are here: Mycode Thank you.
  9. You do not need to learn wordpress, Wordpress is application build by some one. You need to build your own.
  10. Chikwado


    W3.css is a HTML and CSS that you knew already!!!
  11. Some one check this: How to open some kind of file with strange extension. ".EXT" i have try installing Hot key software to open it but was not successfully. Can some one help explain more.
  12. Chikwado

    Login Page

    Dear moderator, You have not asked why I always use that word. I had always feel that If I use as opening question I would receive a quick answer, I think I will have to change it, But what could be the best thing to replace?
  13. Chikwado

    Login Page

    Some one check this: While creating login page do I need to add connect to database?
  14. Chikwado


    Yes, I have one here http://chiquado.site90.net/page.php This is how am planning to modify it: 1. Connect to database. 2. Create post data. 3. Insert into table. 4. Create html field for input data. 5. Retrive data so it display as a comment. Are there other way i will have to modify it?
  15. Chikwado


    Some one check this: How to make a comment box, I have one which act like a comment box but not a comment box. Database is require to make a comment, I don't know how to get along with it. Some one help.
  16. Some one check this: This code is it a php function or identify? test_input() I used that in my application, but it return error like this: parse error, undefine php function. Can some one help explain it.
  17. Some one take a more look at this syntax: I used the following syntax to create a user, but it return error. CREATE USER 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY ' ***** '; To grant user: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'localhost'; I got the following error: 'CREATE' is not recognized as an internal or external command, some one check it.
  18. Yes, I have seen it. Thanks a lot.
  19. I just do not know that setting, I need advise on how to set that permission. More help <?php echo ""; ?>
  20. Chikwado

    Mysql not working

    Mysql procedural "CREATE DATABASE" not working, I have written the code exactly the way it appear in the tutorial. But it return error insted of creating the database. I am using xampp version: 5.6.3, Some one help.
  21. I am using, chiquado.site90.net as host name and a8114457 as username with correct password. Although I have 2 password; 1 is for login to control panel the other is for login to public_html, i am using the one for public html.
  22. It seem to be together. For example when I login to control panel, This is the detail I see. Domain: chiquado.site90.net username: a8114457 password: * * * * disk usage:1.26/1500.0mb bandwitch: 100000 (100GB) hostroot: /home/a8114457 servername: server19.000webhost.com ip: apache: ver. :2.2.19(Unix) php: 5.2. * mysql ver. : 5.1
  23. I do not know much about their hosting service, I have tried to ask a question in their forum but they did not allow me to do so. All they demand is upgrading, I can not upgrade a product that does not work for me.
  24. Some one help explain the meaning of this error: connection not allowed when the host name, user name and password are all ok. http://chiquado.site90.net/connect.php
  25. Very Nice exernal css or library w3.css I like it, I woulk like to connect to it. External css or library. Example: <script src="http://w3schools.com/libs/w3full.css"></script> How do I need to do it. Some one help.
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