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Posts posted by turkspartan

  1. So if all my websites are effected, does this mean I have to clean all websites? Or something is in the server root somewhere, where if I just remove that, it will fix all?

  2. I had the same site running for a long time and it was fine. From what I can tell someone is doing something to it. Plus like I said it is effecting all of my sites, so something is in the root..... :(

  3. Hey guys. My website is labeled as a reported attack site. I got sitelock to clean it but it cant. It is effecting all of my websites in my godaddy hosting. I need this fixed soon and I have no idea how to. Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated....




  4. You are using multiple id ref when they should unique to eack page.

    <p id="left">Year:<br /><select id="ajYears" name="ajYears"><br />
    <p id="right">Make:<br /><select id="ajMakes" name="makes" disabled="disabled"></p>
    <p>	    </select></p>
    <p id="left">Model:<br /><select id="ajModels" name="models" disabled="disabled"></p>
    <p>	    </select></p>
    <p id="right">Trim:<br /> <select id="ajStyles" name="styles" disabled="disabled"></p>
    <p>	    </select></p>
    The opening select tag and in closing select tag are in separate paragraph tags, which will result in the select not properly rendered see how it will render















    Suggest you use div instead






    No other elements such as br or opening/closing tag of paragraps/div should appear between select opening and closing tags, only option elements.



    I got rid of the right and left id tags, but that wasn't interfering. I also did the other changes you wanted and still no result on mobile.


    I think the problem starts after this line "// get the makes and models for a year in one go... " It gets makes and models at the same time, when it would be better to get it one after another.

    BUT again, I have no idea why this works on desktop but not mobile :(

  5. You may need to do some debugging on mobile. With Firefox Mobile, for example, you can use USB to debug the browser on a laptop or desktop. You may need to add breakpoints to that code or some console.log statements to figure out what is going on. It also enables the model dropdown before you select a make.

    Oh god, I don't even know how I am going to make that happen, but I'll try.


    Thanks. If you or anyone else has other suggestions in the mean time, don't hesitate to let me know :)

  6. Hello guys. I have been stuck on this over 2 weeks.

    If you go to my site at http://abautoglass.net/contact-us/

    there is a form. On PC, I can select year, make, model, and trim just fine. IF I try this on mobile device, I select year, then make. BUT when it comes to selecting model, it starts to show models for ALL cars and not the one I specified....


    Please please please help if you can :'(


    Here is the javascript that goes with it in the footer.

    PS: I think its because it gets make and model at the same time.

    	var protoCall = "https://";
    	var host = "api.edmunds.com";
        // Make sure to change the API KEY
    	var apiKey = "kdrpch68q5kmjrb42nmne562";
    	var fmt = "json";
    	var standardParams = "&fmt=" + fmt +  "&api_key=" + apiKey + "&callback=?"; 
    	var $yearSelect = jQuery('#ajYears');
    	var $makeSelect = jQuery('#ajMakes');
    	var $modelSelect = jQuery('#ajModels');
    	var $styleSelect = jQuery('#ajStyles');
    	// lets bind some events on document.ready.
    		$yearSelect.on('change', function() { getMakeModelsByYear()});
    		$makeSelect.on('change', function() { enableModelDropdown() });
    		$modelSelect.on('change', function() { getStyles() });
    		// lets build the year drop down.
    	// method to build the year drop down.
    	function ajEdmundsBuildYear()
    		var baseYear = 1990,
    			endYear = new Date().getFullYear();
    		$yearSelect.append('<option value="-1">Select Year</option>');
    		for(var yyyy=baseYear; yyyy<=endYear; yyyy++)
    			$yearSelect.append('<option value="' + yyyy + '">' + yyyy +'</option>');	
    	// get the makes and models for a year in one go... 
    	function getMakeModelsByYear()
    		var year = $yearSelect.val(),
    			endPoint = "/api/vehicle/v2/makes",
    			view = "basic",
    			options = "year=" + year + "&view=" + view + standardParams,
    			postURL = protoCall + host + endPoint + "?" + options;
    			function(data) {
    				 // clear the make drop down... re add the first option... remove dsiabled attr.
                     $makeSelect.append('<option value="-1">Select Make</option>');
                     $modelSelect.append('<option value="-1">Select Model</option>'); 
                     // loop the makes... each make contains model... add the make in make drop down and models in model dd
                     jQuery.each(data.makes, function(i, val) {
                          make = data.makes[i];
                          $makeSelect.append('<option value="' + make.niceName + '">' + make.name + '</option>');
                          jQuery.each(make.models, function(x, val){     
                               model = make.models[x];
                               $modelSelect.append('<option make="' + make.niceName +'" value="' + model.niceName + '">' + model.name + '</option>');                  
    	// since we already grabed the models... 
    	// now just matter of showing only the matching models for a make.
    	function enableModelDropdown()
    		var make = 	$makeSelect.val();
    		$modelSelect.find('option[make=' + make + ']').show();
    	// grab the styles... pretty much same as 
    	// getMakeModelsByYear()
    	function getStyles()
    		var year = $yearSelect.val(),
    			make = $makeSelect.val(),
    			model = $modelSelect.val(),
    			endPoint = "/api/vehicle/v2/" + make + "/" + model + "/" + year + "/styles",
    			view = "basic",
    			options = "view=" + view + standardParams,
    			postURL = protoCall + host + endPoint + "?" +  options;
    			function(data) {
                     $styleSelect.append('<option value="-1">Select Style</option>'); 
                     jQuery.each(data.styles, function(i, val) {
                          style = data.styles[i];
                          $styleSelect.append("<option value='" + style.id + "'>" + style.name + "</option>");
  7. IF you put your glasses on AND LOOK AT THE SOURCE of the page you will find the plugin you used has already inserted links to the files correctly, you can tell this is correct because if you click the links they will show the files in question. What probably is causing these to fail, is the fact you have the same code repeated inline in the head section, plus the links produced using wp enqueue function, as a quote the highlander films 'there can only be one'.

    God bless you brother. I appreciate your help.


    Apparently the plugin itself was f'ed up to begin with. I deactivated it, ripped the code apart and imported the code in outside of the plugin. Thanks! I even wrote a guide in the plugins support section, since the maker of the plugin wont fix it :)

  8. IF the link code is supposed to link to long code, you DO NOT INCLUDE the script tags, they are html tags not JavaScript and only used in html page.


    I suggest you make a simple alert on load jquery/javascript code, and attempt to link to that, to get use in using wp queueing function, then once you get it working you will understand how to properly use it, since you did not answer my first question about child theme, you will need to learn how properly insert these each time your wordpress theme is updated.

    I will figure out the child theme stuff soon.


    Thanks much for helping, but I am super close to dying from stress like a fish!!! Worked 11 hours yesterday alone on this.

    Here is what I did so far.


    in the functions.php file I inserted:


    wp_enqueue_script( 'customcarquery', get_template_directory_uri() . '/customcarquery.js', array ( 'jquery' ), 1.1, false);

    wp_enqueue_script( 'customcarquerycode', get_template_directory_uri() . '/customcarquerycode.js', array ( 'jquery' ), 1.1, false);


    in customcarquerycode I took out the scripts and have

         //Create a variable for the CarQuery object.  You can call it whatever you like.
         var carquery = new CarQuery();
         //Run the carquery init function to get things started:
         //Optionally, you can pre-select a vehicle by passing year / make / model / trim to the init function:
         //carquery.init('2000', 'dodge', 'Viper', 11636);
         //Optional: Pass sold_in_us:true to the setFilters method to show only US models. 
         carquery.setFilters( {sold_in_us:true} );
         //Optional: initialize the year, make, model, and trim drop downs by providing their element IDs
         carquery.initYearMakeModelTrim('car-years', 'car-makes', 'car-models', 'car-model-trims');
         //Optional: set the onclick event for a button to show car data.
         $('#cq-show-data').click(  function(){ carquery.populateCarData('car-model-data'); } );
         //Optional: initialize the make, model, trim lists by providing their element IDs.
         carquery.initMakeModelTrimList('make-list', 'model-list', 'trim-list', 'trim-data-list');
         //Optional: set minimum and/or maximum year options.
         //Optional: initialize search interface elements.
         //The IDs provided below are the IDs of the text and select inputs that will be used to set the search criteria.
         //All values are optional, and will be set to the default values provided below if not specified.
         var searchArgs =
             body_id:                       "cq-body"
            ,default_search_text:           "Keyword Search"
            ,doors_id:                      "cq-doors"
            ,drive_id:                      "cq-drive"
            ,engine_position_id:            "cq-engine-position"
            ,engine_type_id:                "cq-engine-type"
            ,fuel_type_id:                  "cq-fuel-type"
            ,min_cylinders_id:              "cq-min-cylinders"
            ,min_mpg_hwy_id:                "cq-min-mpg-hwy"
            ,min_power_id:                  "cq-min-power"
            ,min_top_speed_id:              "cq-min-top-speed"
            ,min_torque_id:                 "cq-min-torque"
            ,min_weight_id:                 "cq-min-weight"
            ,min_year_id:                   "cq-min-year"
            ,max_cylinders_id:              "cq-max-cylinders"
            ,max_mpg_hwy_id:                "cq-max-mpg-hwy"
            ,max_power_id:                  "cq-max-power"
            ,max_top_speed_id:              "cq-max-top-speed"
            ,max_weight_id:                 "cq-max-weight"
            ,max_year_id:                   "cq-max-year"
            ,search_controls_id:            "cq-search-controls"
            ,search_input_id:               "cq-search-input"
            ,search_results_id:             "cq-search-results"
            ,search_result_id:              "cq-search-result"
            ,seats_id:                      "cq-seats"
            ,sold_in_us_id:                 "cq-sold-in-us"
         //If creating a search interface, set onclick event for the search button.  Make sure the ID used matches your search button ID.
         $('#cq-search-btn').click( function(){ carquery.search(); } );

    The year dropdown in http://abautoglass.net/contact-us/ wont detect any java. its showing empty... BUT I see that the enqueue stuff put the 2 files in the header. WHat am I doing wrong? Is there more to it or something?

  9. Have you set up a child theme? Because if not, on every theme update, any of this added will be overwritten. You just add file name, type, location, and optional parameters in the wordpress queue function as discribed in link.


    I got the first shorter code working with CSS & Javascript Toolbox plugin.


    But I have no idea what to do about the longer one. Could you show me pleeease :) I have no idea how that much long code goes in with the link you provided.

  10. Hello, I need to add these two codes. I used the plugin CSS & Javascript Toolbox, but it wont work.

    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://abautoglass.net/wp-content/customcarquery.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    //Create a variable for the CarQuery object. You can call it whatever you like.
    var carquery = new CarQuery();
    //Run the carquery init function to get things started:
    //Optionally, you can pre-select a vehicle by passing year / make / model / trim to the init function:
    //carquery.init('2000', 'dodge', 'Viper', 11636);
    //Optional: Pass sold_in_us:true to the setFilters method to show only US models.
    carquery.setFilters( {sold_in_us:true} );
    //Optional: initialize the year, make, model, and trim drop downs by providing their element IDs
    carquery.initYearMakeModelTrim('car-years', 'car-makes', 'car-models', 'car-model-trims');
    //Optional: set the onclick event for a button to show car data.
    $('#cq-show-data').click( function(){ carquery.populateCarData('car-model-data'); } );
    //Optional: initialize the make, model, trim lists by providing their element IDs.
    carquery.initMakeModelTrimList('make-list', 'model-list', 'trim-list', 'trim-data-list');
    //Optional: set minimum and/or maximum year options.
    //Optional: initialize search interface elements.
    //The IDs provided below are the IDs of the text and select inputs that will be used to set the search criteria.
    //All values are optional, and will be set to the default values provided below if not specified.
    var searchArgs =
    body_id: "cq-body"
    ,default_search_text: "Keyword Search"
    ,doors_id: "cq-doors"
    ,drive_id: "cq-drive"
    ,engine_position_id: "cq-engine-position"
    ,engine_type_id: "cq-engine-type"
    ,fuel_type_id: "cq-fuel-type"
    ,min_cylinders_id: "cq-min-cylinders"
    ,min_mpg_hwy_id: "cq-min-mpg-hwy"
    ,min_power_id: "cq-min-power"
    ,min_top_speed_id: "cq-min-top-speed"
    ,min_torque_id: "cq-min-torque"
    ,min_weight_id: "cq-min-weight"
    ,min_year_id: "cq-min-year"
    ,max_cylinders_id: "cq-max-cylinders"
    ,max_mpg_hwy_id: "cq-max-mpg-hwy"
    ,max_power_id: "cq-max-power"
    ,max_top_speed_id: "cq-max-top-speed"
    ,max_weight_id: "cq-max-weight"
    ,max_year_id: "cq-max-year"
    ,search_controls_id: "cq-search-controls"
    ,search_input_id: "cq-search-input"
    ,search_results_id: "cq-search-results"
    ,search_result_id: "cq-search-result"
    ,seats_id: "cq-seats"
    ,sold_in_us_id: "cq-sold-in-us"
    //If creating a search interface, set onclick event for the search button. Make sure the ID used matches your search button ID.
    $('#cq-search-btn').click( function(){ carquery.search(); } );



  11. Okay thanks for all the help guys. I downloaded the script I was using to put all of the data into the SELECT field.


    Than I switched the line of code from this:

    options += '<option value="' + trims.model_id + '" '+s+'>' + trim_display + '</option>';


    to this:

    options += '<option value="' + trim_display + '" '+s+'>' + trim_display + '</option>';


    So now both the text and value are set to the Trim names.


    Thanks guys!

  12. How about this. I make that SELECT hidden. And whatever they select in that first SELECT gets copied into another select that will work properly... I just dont know how to copy the options from one select to another.

  13. You don't have to modify the original script, you just have to write some Javascript to change the page after the other script has finished running.

    I am not the greatest at java. Can you tell me how I can take the above code you mentioned and connect it to that contact form? If it won't be trouble ofcourse. Thanks so much for your help! I need to get this done and I can't figure it out.

  14. Hey guys. At http://abautoglass.net/contact-us/ I have a form with dropdowns. The dropdowns populate car information. The trim section works fine, but when I email the form, instead of showing the text in the trim section, it emails me a number. See code below I got from Firebug.

    <option value="44387">2.0T Premium</option>

    So instead of the trim section emailing me 2.0T Premium, it emails me the value section. How can I fix this?


  15. Those are Shoutcast servers. You'll need to use a plugin like Flash as far as I know. Here's one:http://www.wavestreaming.com/player/free-shoutcast-flash-player/?

    Thanks for the reply again. if I put in the link http://yayin2.canliyayin.org:9296/ it works flawless.


    but if I put in the link http://live.radyotvonline.com:9030/ it wont work.

    I tested the second link on winamp and it plays both.


    It's killing me. I have been trying to figure it out for 3 days morning to night!

  16. winamp software plays any url I throw at it. Is it possible to use codes or something with these players?

    I think these links I am giving are AAC not mp3?

  17. A .pls file is a playlist file. If you download that file and open it in a text editor, you will see information including URLs. You would need to have code that could download and parse a .pls file in order to connect to the URLs in it.

    Ok, Ill open the file and get the link myself, but can you please help me find a dang code for a basic player? I have been trying to figure this out for 3 days.


    I want to be able to easily make it live and be able to edit how it looks.

    I can't believe this is this hard. I am probably just making it hard for myself.


    All of the wordpress players wont play a link like this http://yayin1.yayindakiler.com:3176/

    I guess it only accepts an mp3 file. :'(

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