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Everything posted by Dyne21

  1. Dyne21

    Drop-down menu issue

    Wow, thanks greatly for the help... Can I ask one last favor?How do I need to adjust it to work in Mozilla Firefox too? Also, if it wouldn't be too challenging (if not don't worry about it)What code would have to be changed to spread the menu out among the whole bar?
  2. Dyne21

    Drop-down menu issue

    thats seriously odd, I open it in Google Chrome and it does what I explain (where the menu keeps going and drops off the screen) but when I load it in IE, it runs like you show in the example. I wonder what makes the difference...
  3. Dyne21

    Drop-down menu issue

    Thanks a lot for the fix, the only issue I seem to run into is that the menus when hovered over now drop down to about half way down the page.... Is there a quick fix for that?
  4. Dyne21

    Drop-down menu issue

    I thought sibling divisions weren't affected by each other. What I am trying to get it to do is that when you hover over the #nav, that it appears in FRONT of the title... but I can't seem to get that to work
  5. I am working on creating a basic website for a friend's photography business and found a drop-down style of menu that she enjoyed. I found a demo on how to do and worked on putting it on my own page. http://citpt.lcsc.edu/aaronroberts/memories.html I am running into an issue that any time you hover over the menu bar at the top, the sibling division "title" that has the words "Memories by Mynique" drops down approximately 200 px. I have looked repeatedly for ways to fix this, ask various people for ideas and we can't seem to find the error. Here is my code for the page: and here is my attached CSS Any and all help would be GREATLY, GREATLY appreciated!!!
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