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Everything posted by ace799

  1. ty so much! Your of great help to me. This is what I came up with. <script type="text/javascript"> var answer = prompt("Enter a value", ""); var result2 = Math.pow(answer,2); alert(result2); var result2 = Math.pow(answer,3); alert(result2); </script> How would I build a non alert one with a built in input value box for the user. And then display it on the page. So basically no alert boxes at all.
  2. Taking a free course i found online. The 2nd assignment that I am stuck on. Create a Web page that asks users for a value. The program should then display the square(num * num) and the cube (num*num*num) of the number on the screen. Can anyone give me some help to get me started? So far I have this written out but I have no clue how to take the inputted value and calculate using a variable...? Any help would be much appreciated!! <html> <head> <title>Logical AND Operator</title> </head> <body bgcolor="lightblue"> <big> <script type="text/javascript"> var answer = prompt("Enter a value", ""); </script> </big> </body> </html>
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