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Everything posted by immad

  1. immad

    string issue

    hello, this is my c# coding string ICCIDMSISDN = ""; int LENICCID = 0; foreach (GridViewRow grdRow in GridView1.Rows) { if (ICCIDMSISDN == "") { ICCIDMSISDN += "'" + grdRow.Cells[0].Text + "'" ; LENICCID = grdRow.Cells[0].Text.Length; } else { ICCIDMSISDN += "," + "'" + grdRow.Cells[0].Text + "'"; } } SqlConnection xConnection; xConnection = MyConn.getCon(); { using (SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand()) { xConnection.Open(); com.Connection = xConnection; com.CommandType = CommandType.Text; if (LENICCID == 20) { com.CommandText = "update simcard set agentID ='" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue + "' where ICCID in(" + ICCIDMSISDN + ")"; } else if (LENICCID == 19) { com.CommandText = " update simcard set agentID ='" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue + "' where substring(ICCID,1,LEN(ICCID)-1) in (" + ICCIDMSISDN + ")"; } else { com.CommandText = " update simcard set agentID ='" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue + "' where MSDSN in(" + ICCIDMSISDN + ")"; } com.ExecuteNonQuery(); xConnection.Close(); } } my update query update like this. 2,'89234184500041292711','89234184500041292737','89234184500041292836','',20 it gives me error EVS_SP_UpdateSimAgent has too many arguments specified. this is one parameter '89234184500041292711','89234184500041292737','89234184500041292836' but its give me above error i want to update like this 2,'"89234184500041292711,89234184500041292737,89234184500041292836"','',20 thanks for the help
  2. immad


    Hello, this is my java script coding and its working fine.its show the meessage box.i just want a little thing that when i click to browser X button its show me this coding message.right now i make a button in aspx page and its show message.but i want to click browser X button and Page show me this java script coding Message. <script src="scripts/jquery-1.4.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function (){$("#btnShowSimple").click(function (e){ShowDialog(false);e.preventDefault();}); $("#btnShowModal").click(function (e){ShowDialog(true);e.preventDefault();}); $("#btnClose").click(function (e){HideDialog();e.preventDefault();}); $("#btnSubmit").click(function (e){var brand = $("#brands input:radio:checked").val();$("#output").html("" + brand);HideDialog();e.preventDefault();});}); function ShowDialog(modal){$("#overlay").show();$("#dialog").fadeIn(300); if (modal){$("#overlay").unbind("click");}else{$("#overlay").click(function (e){HideDialog();});}} function HideDialog(){$("#overlay").hide();$("#dialog").fadeOut(300);} function btnShowSimple_onclick() { } </script> please help me out Thanks in advance
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