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Everything posted by newcoder1010

  1. Hello, I have this html: <div class = "heroh"> <h4>Let us make a fair offer. </h4> <ul> <li>No commissions or fees </li> <li>You don’t pay for any repairs</li> <li>No listing</li> </ul> </div> <h4>Just Complete This Quick Form</h4> </div> CSS; .heroh {text-align:center} .heroh ul { text-align: left; } Now it centers all except the list. How to center heroh class including bullet points plus align left all the list items? Thanks.
  2. Hello, I can simply use border:1px solid colorcode; to draw line. It will simply draw a straight line. I attached an image here. Please let me know how I can draw line in css similar to the image? https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7xIEuVi005ydG4tZVZ0RXdBeUU Thanks.
  3. Hello, Currently, I get the WSDL file from developers. I enter the WSDL file directory in a tool. Then enter input parameter for each method. After that, I get SOAP response. In response, I see HTTP header and HTTP response. In the body, I see SOAP request and response. I would like to learn the end to end process like how to create WSDL file, how to write the methods where I can specify input and output parameters. My goal is to simply build the webservice structure myself. Can you refer me to some guide? Thanks.
  4. Hello, I have this function to launch the application: Public Function OpenApplication(exePath) SystemUtil.Run exePath OpenApplication = 1 End Function 'Calling the function works. url = "examplesite.com" aa = OpenApplication(url) 'Instead of calling from the script, I would like to move the function and parameter in excel. So, in excel, I have two columns: method and parameter My script goes to excel, read the method and parameter then make the call. I get type mismatch error at the last line myMethod(myParam). myMethod = SheetOne.Cells(2, 3) myParam = SheetOne.Cells(2, 4) myMethod(myParam) Please advise.
  5. I asked how to generate a random number and then enter it. Your example is not relevant.
  6. my code has details. Simply trying to generate a random number and then enter it as phone extension.
  7. So how can I convert to charsequence? public void enterPhoneExt(int ext) { int randomNumber = SuperClass.GenerateRandomNumber(ext); driver.findElement(PhoneExtField).clear(); char randomNumber1 = (char) randomNumber; driver.findElement(PhoneExtField).sendKeys(randomNumber1); WaitInSeconds(1000); }
  8. public class a() extends b{} //Caller Registration1.enterPhoneExt(10); } public class b() extends c{ public void enterPhoneExt(int ext) { int randomNumber = c.GenerateRandomNumber(ext); driver.findElement(PhoneExtField).sendKeys(randomNumber); } } public class c(int Max){ Random rand = new Random(); int n = rand.nextInt(Max) + 1; return n; } Hello, I am getting error in class b on line: driver.findElement(PhoneExtField).sendKeys(randomNumber); It is asking me to change the data type of randomNumber in class b to charsequence. After I change the data type, I get another error. Please advise on how I can return int to caller by keeping the 3 classes?
  9. Hello, <div class ="buyerform"> .....</div> I have css which places a background image. .buyerform { background-image: url(/newsite/sites/default/files/davishouse.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-position: 0 100%; padding: 100px 15% 100px 15%; background-color: #443838; } Is there way I can have color on top of the image with some opacity? I tried this but had no effect on it. .buyerform:before { text-align: left; color: #afa69c; background-color: red; opacity:.5; }
  10. Hello, I would like to make a list as follows: <ol class = "lg"> <li>Open the<strong> command prompt </strong>one of the following ways: </li> <ul class = "md"> <li>Click Search > Enter cmd > Choose Command Prompt. </li> <li>Right-click Start button > Click run > Enter cmd</li> </ul> <li>In the <strong>command prompt</strong>, type the command <strong>path </strong>. </li> <li>In the command prompt, type the command <strong>java -version</strong> </li> <img src="http://selenium.MT.com/images/selenium-java_st3.png" alt="selenium java" /> </ol> But I only get the first li element numbered. Everything after that are bullets. How can i placed un-ordered inside ordered?
  11. Thank you so much. Sorry I got confused with the below message. Now, everything works. Like this
  12. As you know, I am using drupal. I simply created a view to list titles of nodes. Titiles are linked to nodes. I am not sure how I would create <a> element block.
  13. So, are you saying I can not do it?
  14. Understood. I have been inspecting and trying to find out what overriding and I could not find it. I appreciate your time. If you could visit the page and see what overriding it, it would be great. You have provided 3 styles. All works except active class.
  15. or How can I make the anchor tag 100% width of the title field? #block-views-selenium-block-1 .views-field.views-field-title a{ width:100%} It did not work. This is a workaround I was thinking.
  16. Thank you. But your styling of hover and active same as mine. I am still getting the same result. Hover works. Active does nothing.
  17. I am trying the first solution. Hover works but active is doing nothing. #block-views-selenium-block-1 .views-field.views-field-title.active{ background:green;} #block-views-selenium-block-1 .views-field.views-field-title:hover{ background:red;}
  18. Hello, HTML: <div class="views-field views-field-title"> <span class="field-content"> <a href="/content/install-and-set-eclipse">Install and Set Up</a></span> </div> Below css applies to only the anchor texts. #block-views-selenium-block-1 .views-field.views-field-title a.active{ background:green;} #block-views-selenium-block-1 .views-field.views-field-title a:hover{ background:red;} Two requests: When I hover on anchor, I would like the entire field to have a background color instead of just the anchor texts. When the link is active, I also would like the enter field to have a background color instead of just the anchor texts. Please advise.
  19. It did not give me the line no. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FtMZVH2qm8zFAsONqFRWjvB6QRFlqZ8iXd2EbCRd-Tc
  20. This block of the code causing it. Please advise. //System.out.println("column names " + row1.getCell(col).toString() ); // if("result".equalsIgnoreCase(row1.getCell(col).toString().trim())) // { // resultcol = col; // System.out.println("result column number " + resultcol ); // // }
  21. I am not a good debugger. I need to learn how to debug in eclipse. First, I commented all code. Then I un-commented one line at a time and ran it. I dont have any error until I reach this line: System.out.println("column names " + row1.getCell(col).toString() ); Even though I get the error, it still printed all the messages from the above code.
  22. Hello, Hello, I am a beginner of java. I wrote this code. When I run it in eclipse, I get an error: java lang null point exception. It does not tell me which line I have wrong code. Please advise on how to fix it. // Open the Excel file FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); // Access the required test data sheet HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fis); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheet("Sheet1"); int TotalCol; int TotalRow; // TotalCol = 0; TotalRow = sheet.getLastRowNum(); TotalCol = sheet.getRow(0).getLastCellNum(); System.out.println("row " + TotalRow + " col " + TotalCol); int resultcol; resultcol = 0; for(int col = 0;col<=TotalCol;col++){ HSSFRow row1 = sheet.getRow(0); System.out.println("column names " + row1.getCell(col).toString() ); if("result".equalsIgnoreCase(row1.getCell(col).toString().trim())) { resultcol = col; System.out.println("result column number " + resultcol ); } }
  23. .service::after { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url(https://www.w3schools.com/html/html5.gif) no-repeat scroll center center / 100px auto; content: ""; height: 50px; left: 50%; margin-left: -30px; position: absolute; top: -30px; width: 50px; opacity: .3; background-color: blanchedalmond;//? } Can I put a background color on the above image as well?
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