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Everything posted by bbante

  1. I have created as html which has the text search box. it is searching the all text and highlighting. i need few addition to it as: - the first search result to be displayed on top - the text search should only search the text from left column. - on pressing enter key it should not refresh the text. can some one help me to do this. i am using the below code in html. <script type="text/javascript"> function Hilitor(id, tag) { var targetNode = document.getElementById(id) || document.body; var hiliteTag = tag || "EM"; var skipTags = new RegExp("^(?:" + hiliteTag + "|SCRIPT|FORM|SPAN)$"); var colors = ["#ff6"]; var wordColor = []; var colorIdx = 0; var matchRegex = ""; var openLeft = false; var openRight = false; var ky this.setMatchType = function(type) { switch(type) { case "left": this.openLeft = false; this.openRight = true; break; case "right": this.openLeft = true; this.openRight = false; break; case "open": this.openLeft = this.openRight = true; break; default: this.openLeft = this.openRight = false; } }; this.setRegex = function(input) { input = input.replace(/^[^w]+|[^w]+$/g, "").replace(/[^w'-]+/g, "|"); var re = "(" + input + ")"; if(!this.openLeft) re = "b" + re; if(!this.openRight) re = re + "b"; matchRegex = new RegExp(re, "i"); }; this.getRegex = function() { var retval = matchRegex.toString(); retval = retval.replace(/(^/(?|(|)|(?/i$)/g, ""); retval = retval.replace(/|/g, " "); return retval; }; // recursively apply word highlighting this.hiliteWords = function(node) { if(node == undefined || !node) return; if(!matchRegex) return; if(skipTags.test(node.nodeName)) return; if(node.hasChildNodes()) { for(var i=0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) this.hiliteWords(node.childNodes); } if(node.nodeType == 3) { // NODE_TEXT if((nv = node.nodeValue) && (regs = matchRegex.exec(nv))) { if(!wordColor[regs[0].toLowerCase()]) { wordColor[regs[0].toLowerCase()] = colors[colorIdx++ % colors.length]; } var match = document.createElement(hiliteTag); match.appendChild(document.createTextNode(regs[0])); match.style.backgroundColor = wordColor[regs[0].toLowerCase()]; match.style.fontStyle = "inherit"; match.style.color = "#000"; var after = node.splitText(regs.index); after.nodeValue = after.nodeValue.substring(regs[0].length); node.parentNode.insertBefore(match, after); } }; }; // remove highlighting this.remove = function() { var arr = document.getElementsByTagName(hiliteTag); while(arr.length && (el = arr[0])) { var parent = el.parentNode; parent.replaceChild(el.firstChild, el); parent.normalize(); } }; // start highlighting at target node this.apply = function(input) { if(input == undefined || !input) return; this.remove(); this.setRegex(input); this.hiliteWords(targetNode); }; } var myHilitor; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { myHilitor = new Hilitor("content"); myHilitor.setMatchType("left"); }, false); document.getElementById("keywords").addEventListener("keyup", function() { myHilitor.apply(this.value); }, false); </script>
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