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Everything posted by jawful

  1. I tracked it down but I don't understand what causes it. Turns out the orignal template also suffers from the same problem. In the style.css file that came with the template, the background is set with a 1px wide image on repeat. .bg{background:url(../images/header-tail.gif) center top repeat-x #fff;} Removing this background declaration changes the whole BG to white as expected, but also the line goes away. The line shows up exactly at the bottom of the background image which is supposed to fade nicely into white. I also discovered that in firefox, the line shows up on certain zoom levels on the browser itself, and others it is white as expected. I'm thinking this might be a bug in Firefox itself? I'm not sure if it's safe to ignore or not. How can i see if it's a problem with my image/code? edit: I think it's safe to ignore afterall. I did a "reset" on the zoom of firefox and the line disappears... Turns out I've been browsing websites in Firefox on a slightly zoomed out level for I don't know how long. So the line shows up on abnormal zoom levels. I'm guessing that's nothing I should really be concerning myself with.
  2. Thank you, I checked the final rendered HTML to see if it was being put in by JS or something, but there seems to be no trace of an <hr> with or without the slash. Thanks though!
  3. I have a problems and my CSS isn't up to par to figure out where the source is. In Firefox, a phantom grey line appears about half way down the page. I've tried using FIrebug to track down the problem and there doesn't even seem to be an element where the grey line happens. I started out with a template so I'm sure the phantoms are lost somewhere in the CSS I didn't write. I just can't figure it out. http://lifeway.jp/index.php The grey line happens on every page, no matter which you go. It wasn't there when I started but as I edited, it showed up. It doesn't happen on Chrome and Safari. I assume it's a border between two DIVs but I can't figure out which DIVs. Sorry for the simplistic question but it's driving me crazy... Thanks for your help!
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