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  1. I have been able to get the counter to work, but that error still occurs... "Warning: chmod() [function.chmod]: Operation not permitted in..."
  2. I am installing a simple Hit Counter and I get the following error "Warning: file_put_contents(hitcount.txt) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in..." I realize this error is because I do not have the correct permissions set, and I cannot seem to get the chmod() function right to accomplish this. The current code below gets both the above error and this error: "Warning: chmod() [function.chmod]: Operation not permitted in..." HitCounter.php is the page that is running and getting an error. This file is in the "../Chapter.05/Projects" directory of the server. How can I give "/Projects" read and write permissions for everyone?? Thanks! <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Hit Counter</title></head><body><?phpchmod("/home/ca86_22/public_html/Chapter.05/Projects",0666);$CounterFile = "hitcount.txt";if (file_exists($CounterFile)) { $Hits = file_get_contents($CounterFile); ++$Hits; // if $CounterFile exists, retrieves $Hits value // and increments by 1} else $Hits = 1;echo "<h1>There have been $Hits hits to this page.</h1>n"; //displays # of hitsif (file_put_contents($CounterFile, $Hits)) //updates value in hitcount.txt file//file_put_contents opens the file if it already exists =OR= creates the file if it doesn't echo "<p>The counter file has been updated.</p>n";?></body></html>
  3. The Dude abides!

  4. so at line 25 I check for errors...what can I incorporate there to exit from the calculations?
  5. How can I replace the validateInput functions' if structure with a switch() or case() function? I am trying to make it so that the if statement at line 19 does not echo a result if a field is blank. Right now, if Hourly Wage field is blank, the statement "This is your gross salary" echoes as long as a number is entered in "Number of Hours Worked"
  6. wow. literally only removed int() and now it works to validate for numbers. THANKS!!! while you're here...any feedback on my code? I'm taking a class in php now and am super-new to the subject. Thanks again!
  7. Here is the code where I am attempting to use is_numeric. Thanks for your quick reply. <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Paycheck Calculation</title></head><body><?php $hours = validateInput((int) $_POST['Hours'], "Number of Hours Worked"); $wage = validateInput((int) $_POST['Wage'], "Hourly Wage"); $overtime = max($hours - 40, 0);$pay += $overtime * $wage * 1.5;$pay += ($hours - $overtime) * $wage;if($hours > 40) { //Calculate time and a half echo "<b>This is your gross salary PLUS time and a half: </b>" . $pay; } else if($hours > 0 && $hours < 40) { //Calculate straight hourly echo "<b>This is your gross salary: </b>" . $pay; } if($errorCount > 0){ echo "<br />n <b>Please use the "Back" button to re-enter the data.</b><br />n";}function displayRequired($fieldName) { echo "The field "<i>$fieldName</i>" is required.<br />n";}function displayNumeric($fieldName) { echo "The field "<i>$fieldName</i>" must contain a numeric value.<br />n";}function validateInput($data, $fieldName) { global $errorCount; if(empty($data)) { displayRequired($fieldName); ++$errorCount; $retval = ""; } else if(!is_numeric($data)) { displayNumeric($fieldName); ++$errorCount; $retval = ""; } else { $retval = trim($data); $retval = stripslashes($retval); } return($retval);}$errorCount = 0;?> </body></html>
  8. Hi, I have a simple form with two fields: Number of Hours Worked, and Hourly Wage. The form does what I want it to do, but I am struggling with validating user input. I can validate if the fields are empty, and return error message if that is the case, but I also want to be able to ensure they enter numbers only and return a different error message if they enter any alpha characters. I tried using is_numeric() to accomplish this but I think I failed somewhere in the nesting of my if...else code. I have attached the working .php that only validates for input, please help with adding validation for numbers only! Thanks! <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Paycheck Calculation</title></head><body><?php $hours = validateInput((int) $_POST['Hours'], "Number of Hours Worked"); $wage = validateInput((int) $_POST['Wage'], "Hourly Wage"); $overtime = max($hours - 40, 0);$pay += $overtime * $wage * 1.5;$pay += ($hours - $overtime) * $wage;if($hours > 40) { //Calculate time and a half echo "<b>This is your gross salary PLUS time and a half: </b>" . $pay; } else if($hours > 0 && $hours < 40) { //Calculate straight hourly echo "<b>This is your gross salary: </b>" . $pay; } if($errorCount > 0) echo "<br />n <b>Please use the "Back" button to re-enter the data.</b><br />n";function displayRequired($fieldName) { echo "The field "<i>$fieldName</i>" is required.<br />n";}function validateInput($data, $fieldName) { global $errorCount; if(empty($data)) { displayRequired($fieldName); ++$errorCount; $retval = ""; } else { $retval = trim($data); $retval = stripslashes($retval); } return($retval);}$errorCount = 0;?> </body></html>
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