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Posts posted by stormsearchers

  1. #footer{
    	background: #282828;
    	color: #FFFFFF;
    	height: 80px;
    	width: 50%;
    	text-align: center;
    #footer li a:hover{ 
        background-color: #555; 
    }#content #footer p {
    	font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;

    you have been very helpful how ever I have done some coding for my footer but dose not want to linkup can you help me out please you can see what I am trying to here http://www.stormsearchers.site88.net

  2. ul {
        list-style-type: none;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        overflow: hidden;
    li {
        float: left;
    li a {
        display: block;
        padding: 8px;
        background-color: #282828;
    li a:hover {
        background-color: #555;

    Hello I wish to have the nav-memubar center however how do I get rid of the line under the text but have the hover txt light up also how do I add the bar right across the page and have the navbar center I have the code here

  3. <div id="wrapper">
    <!-- start of Header-->
    <div id="header></div>
            <div id="navbar">
               <ul id="nav">
                  <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
                  <li><a href="#">Weather</a></li>
                  <li><a href="#">Weather Charts</a></li>
                  <li><a href="#">Blog</a></li>
                 <li><a href="#">Contact US</a></li>
    <!-- start of container--> 
    <div id="container"></div>
        <div id="content">
    <!-- start of footer--> 
    <div id="footer">Copyright © StormSeatchers A.B.N;000 000 000 00. All Rights Resrived.</div>

    Hello I am trying to build a storm chasing website I have started working on the html codes witch I am using html5 and css3 my code seams to be out of place and need some help please am I doing any wrong

  4. I'm using widows hoping to do up another partition as it's just stalled on my C: drive atm cause i wish to have my own server to run my web site save paying for it i also want to create a www folder for my folders and buy domianname and have that link to my server if any body can help that will be great as i don't get much money these days

  5. this is the Windows Extensions can not see it there

    ;Windows Extensions
    ;Note that ODBC support is built in, so no dll is needed for it.
  6. Fatal error: Call to undefined function: json_decode() in C:\Users\Michael Wright\xampp\htdocs\stormsearchers\req\weatherinfo.php on line 7

    Hello I am getting Error code i was wounding if someone can help out please to fix the problem

        $QueryState = $_GET['state'];
        $QueryCity = str_replace(' ', '_', $_GET['city']);
        $string = file_get_contents("http://api.wunderground.com/api/You're key gose Here/conditions/q/" . $QueryState . "/" . $QueryCity . ".json");
        $json_a = json_decode($string,true);
        // <---------- Current Conditions ----------> //
            //Display Location
            $location_full = $json_a['current_observation']['display_location']['full'];
            $location_city = $json_a['current_observation']['display_location']['city'];
            $location_state = $json_a['current_observation']['display_location']['state'];
            $location_state_name = $json_a['current_observation']['display_location']['state_name'];
            $location_country = $json_a['current_observation']['display_location']['country'];
            $location_zip = $json_a['current_observation']['display_location']['zip'];
            $location_latitude = $json_a['current_observation']['display_location']['latitude'];
            $location_longitude = $json_a['current_observation']['display_location']['longitude'];
            $location_elevation = $json_a['current_observation']['display_location']['elevation'];
            //Observation Location
            $observation_location_full = $json_a['current_observation']['observation_location']['full'];
            $observation_location_city = $json_a['current_observation']['observation_location']['city'];
            $observation_location_state = $json_a['current_observation']['observation_location']['state'];
            $observation_location_country = $json_a['current_observation']['observation_location']['country'];
            $observation_location_latitude = $json_a['current_observation']['observation_location']['latitude'];
            $observation_location_longitude = $json_a['current_observation']['observation_location']['longitude'];
            $observation_location_elevation = $json_a['current_observation']['observation_location']['elevation'];
            //Station Data
            $current_station_id = $json_a['current_observation']['station_id'];
            $current_observation_time = $json_a['current_observation']['observation_time'];
            $current_observation_time = $json_a['current_observation']['observation_time'];
            //Weather Data
            $weather = $json_a['current_observation']['weather'];
            $weather_temperature_string = $json_a['current_observation']['temperature_string'];
            $weather_temp_f = $json_a['current_observation']['temp_f'];
            $weather_temp_c = $json_a['current_observation']['temp_c'];
            $weather_relative_humidity = $json_a['current_observation']['relative_humidity'];
            $weather_wind_string = $json_a['current_observation']['wind_string'];
            $weather_wind_dir = $json_a['current_observation']['wind_dir'];
            $weather_wind_degrees = $json_a['current_observation']['wind_degrees'];
            $weather_wind_mph = $json_a['current_observation']['wind_mph'];
            $weather_wind_gust_mph = $json_a['current_observation']['wind_gust_mph'];
            $weather_wind_kph = $json_a['current_observation']['wind_kph'];
            $weather_wind_gust_kph = $json_a['current_observation']['wind_gust_kph'];
            $weather_pressure_mb = $json_a['current_observation']['pressure_mb'];
            $weather_pressure_in = $json_a['current_observation']['pressure_in'];
            $weather_pressure_trend = $json_a['current_observation']['pressure_trend'];
            $weather_dewpoint_string = $json_a['current_observation']['dewpoint_string'];
            $weather_dewpoint_f = $json_a['current_observation']['dewpoint_f'];
            $weather_dewpoint_c = $json_a['current_observation']['dewpoint_c'];
            $weather_heat_index_string = $json_a['current_observation']['heat_index_string'];
            $weather_heat_index_f = $json_a['current_observation']['heat_index_f'];
            $weather_heat_index_c = $json_a['current_observation']['heat_index_c'];
            $weather_windchill_string = $json_a['current_observation']['windchill_string'];
            $weather_windchill_f = $json_a['current_observation']['windchill_f'];
            $weather_windchill_c = $json_a['current_observation']['windchill_c'];
            $weather_feelslike_string = $json_a['current_observation']['feelslike_string'];
            $weather_feelslike_f = $json_a['current_observation']['feelslike_f'];
            $weather_feelslike_c = $json_a['current_observation']['feelslike_c'];
            $weather_visibility_mi = $json_a['current_observation']['visibility_mi'];
            $weather_visibility_km = $json_a['current_observation']['visibility_km'];
            $weather_solarradiation = $json_a['current_observation']['solarradiation'];
            $weather_UV = $json_a['current_observation']['UV'];
            $weather_precip_1hr_string = $json_a['current_observation']['precip_1hr_string'];
            $weather_precip_1hr_in = $json_a['current_observation']['precip_1hr_in'];
            $weather_precip_1hr_metric = $json_a['current_observation']['precip_1hr_metric'];
            $weather_precip_today_string = $json_a['current_observation']['precip_today_string'];
            $weather_precip_today_in = $json_a['current_observation']['precip_today_in'];
            $weather_precip_today_metric = $json_a['current_observation']['precip_today_metric'];
            $weather_icon = $json_a['current_observation']['icon'];
            $weather_icon_url = $json_a['current_observation']['icon_url'];
        // <---------- End Current Conditions ----------> //

    I have taken my api key so no one can use it i have setup a testing server using Xmap but when i uploadto file i am also getting this message

    Started: 8/16/2016 10:04 AM
    .idea\.name - same - not transferred
    .idea\encodings.xml - same - not transferred
    .idea\misc.xml - same - not transferred
    .idea\modules.xml - same - not transferred
    .idea\scopes\scope_settings.xml - same - not transferred
    .idea\vcs.xml - same - not transferred
    .idea\Weather API.iml - same - not transferred
    .idea\workspace.xml - same - not transferred
    css\bootstrap-responsive.css - same - not transferred
    css\bootstrap-responsive.min.css - same - not transferred
    css\bootstrap.css - same - not transferred
    css\bootstrap.min.css - same - not transferred
    images\binary.gif - same - not transferred
    images\folder.GIF - same - not transferred
    images\image.gif - same - not transferred
    images\movie.gif - same - not transferred
    images\sound.gif - same - not transferred
    images\text.gif - same - not transferred
    img\glyphicons-halflings-white.png - same - not transferred
    img\glyphicons-halflings.png - same - not transferred
    index.php - same - not transferred
    js\bootstrap.js - same - not transferred
    js\bootstrap.min.js - same - not transferred
    req\geo.php - same - not transferred
    req\geoplugin.class.php - same - not transferred
    req\weatherinfo.php - same - not transferred
    File activity complete.
    Files skipped: 26
    Finished: 8/16/2016 10:04 AM

    have i done some think wrong many thanks for the help

  7. Ok Also when

    var temp;
    var loc;
    var icon;
    var humidity;
    var winds;
    var direction;
    function updateByPostcode(postcode){
    	var url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?" +
    	    "postcode = " + postcode +
            "&APPID=" +APPID
    function sendRequest(url){
    	var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    	xml.http.onreadystatechange = function(){
    		if (xmlhttp.readystate == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200)
    			var data = JSON.parse(xml.ResponseText);
    		    var weather = {};
    			weather.icons = data.weather[0].id;
    	        weather.humidity = data.main.humidity;
    			weather.wind = data.wind.speed;
    			weather.direction = data.wind.deg;
    			weather.loc = data.name;
    			weather.temp = data.main.temp;
        xmlhttp.open("GET" , url, true);
    function K2C(K){
    	return Math.round(k - 273.15);
    function update(weather){
       wind.innerHTML = weather.wind;
       direction.innerHTML = weather.direction;	
       humidity.innerHTML = weather.humidity;
       loc.innerHTML weather.loc;
       temp.innerHTML = weather.temp;
       icon.src = "imgs/codes/" + weather.icon + ".png";
      windows.onload = functon (){
        temp = document.getElementById("temperature");
        loc = document.getElementById("Location");
        icons = document.getElementById("icons");
        humidity = document.getElementById("humidity");
        winds = document.getElementById("directions");
        pressure = document.getElementById("hpa");
        var weather ={};
        weather.winds = 3.5;
    	weather.direction = "N";
    	weather.humidity = 35;
    	weather.loc = "Townsville";
    	weather.temp = "45";
    	weather.icon = 200;

    you look at my site http://stormsearchers.site88.net my code dose not want to work all upday the JS file


    Hello i am starting to work things out using html and java what i would like to do is put the weather in to a tabele showin down below i think i have ball the code up comesome please help me many thank




    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <meta name="description" content="Free Weather Rersorce">

    <meta name="keywords" content="Weather Forecast,Charts,Blog,Weather Group">

    <meta name="author" content="Michael Wright">


    <link ref="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css" />

    <script type="text/javascript" src="weather.js"></script>




    <div class="weather">











    <td><div class="location"><span id="location">Unknow</span></div></td>

    <td><div class="winds"<span id="Winds">0</span> Km/h<span id="direction">N</span></td>

    <td><div class="humidity"><img="imgs/humidity.png" height="16px"<span id="humidity">0</span>%</td>

    <td><div class="pressure"<span id="HPA">0000</span></td>

    <td><div class="rain"<span id="Rain">00</span> mm <span id="direction">N</span></td>

    <td><div class="Forecast"<span id="Forecast"><img id="icon" width="75px" src="imgs/codes/200.png"</span></td>






  9.   var weather = new XmlhttpRequest();
      weather.open("GET","http://api.wunderground.com/api/your key gose here/conditions/q/CA/San_Francisco.json", false);
      var r = jsop.parse(weather.response);
      var dis ="Current location: "+ r.current_observation.display_location.full; +"<p>";
      dis +="current temp:"+ r.current_observation.temperature_string+" <p>";
      dis +="current wind speed: "+ r.current_observation.wind_string;
      document.getElementByID("weather").innerHTML =dis;

    My code is not working why is this also how can I call the weather icons, can anybody help me out many thanks

  10. !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Welcome To EyeCylones</title><link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><style>      html, body, #map-canvas {        height: 100%;        margin: 0px;        padding: 0px      }</style><script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&signed_in=true&libraries=weather"></script><script>function initialize() {  var mapOptions = {    zoom: 4,    center: new google.maps.LatLng(-24.994167,134.866944)  };  var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas'),      mapOptions);  var weatherLayer = new google.maps.weather.WeatherLayer({    temperatureUnits: google.maps.weather.TemperatureUnit.FAHRENHEIT  });  weatherLayer.setMap(map);  var cloudLayer = new google.maps.weather.CloudLayer();  cloudLayer.setMap(map);}google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);</script>

    how can i add this into an iframe

    <div id="map-canvas"></div>
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