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Everything posted by merrittr

  1. Hey great! Thanks FM http://jsfiddle.net/merrittr/wkojx3tq/2/
  2. having said that I am working on a soln using the Foxy mod CD solution too I will post the jsfiddle when I get it done. here is first hack at it http://jsfiddle.net/merrittr/wkojx3tq/1/
  3. Here is what happend I posted 9:52am ---Foxy Mod replied 12:05pm ---I asked for clarification 2:48pm ---I then said here is one way to fix the problem using a graphic 3:09pm as a background --CD re-stated Foxymod soln partially 3:58pm --I stated a problem I was having using 4:03pm my soln from 2:48 never having seen CD post -----CD went ballistic because his advice 4:16pm went unheeded
  4. I would appreciate it if you moved along too
  5. ok a further update I got it working in all browsers except IE 11 where it intermitently goes blank if you keep hitting refresh eventually the 2 divs reapear) any ideas ? find attached a sample student.txt <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> * {margin: 0; padding: 3px;} #container {height: 800%; width:900%; font-size: 1;} .columns,.spacer {display: inline-block; *display: inline; zoom: 0; vertical-align: top; font-size: 12px;} .columns {background-color: white; width: 300px; height: 700px;} </style> <script src="./jquery.js"></script> <script src="./jquery.corner.js"></script> <script> $.get("./student.txt", function(data) { var divIs = "none"; var lines = data.split("n"); $.each ( lines, function(n, elem) { var info = elem.split(","); if ( (divIs != info[1]) && (info[1] != undefined) ) { $('#container').append('<div id=' + info[1] + ' class=columns><font color=#BDBDBD size=5>' + info[1] + '</font></div> <div id=' + info[1] + 'spacer1 class=spacer style="background-color: #D6D6D4; width: 3px; height: 700px;"></div>'); divIs = info[1]; $('.columns').corner(); //jQuery.corners to round the columns $('.columns').css({'background-image':'url(./green.png)'}); //insert the green.pg for the header $('.columns').css({'background-repeat': 'no-repeat'});//only want ther bgimage to show up once } $('#' + info[1]).append('<div>' + info[1] + '</div>'); if (info[1] == undefined) { return false; } } ); }); </script> </head> <body bgcolor=#D6D6D4> <div id="container"> </div> </body> student.txt looks like this 1,Admissions,uQuery Admissons, 1,Admissions,Admissions, 1,Admissions, by Geographic origin, 1,Admissions, by High School, 1,Admissions,by College 1,Admissions, by Geographic origin, 1,Admissions, by High School, 1,Admissions, by UG Direct entry College 1,Admissions,Aboriginal 1,Admissions,Student Profile 1,Admissions, by College 1,Admissions, ESL Students 2,Headcount,uQuery Headcount, 2,Headcount,Dashboard 2,Headcount,Current Registration Trend 2,Headcount, 30 Dat Trend 2,Headcount, Aboriginal 2,Headcount,TEST 2,Headcount, test1 2,Headcount, test2 2,Headcount, test3 2,Headcount, test4 2,Headcount, test5 2,Headcount, test6 2,Headcount, test7 2,Headcount, test8 2,Headcount, test9 2,Headcount, test10 2,Headcount, test11 2,Headcount, test12
  6. here is one way to fix it $('.columns').css({'background-image':'url(./green.png)'}); however then the image repaets how do I set the omage to not repeat?
  7. I dont quite understand are you saying add this background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #417630, #417630 5%, transparent 5%, transparent 100%) background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #417630, #417630 5%, transparent 5%, transparent 100%)
  8. I have a style applied to a class of DIVs that is intended to color the to 5% grean (i.e. make a header) this works in OPERA and CHROME but not in FireFox and IE this is the line that works for CHROME and OPERA background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #417630, #417630 5%, transparent 5%, transparent 100%) however it doesnt work for IE and FF ... I thought this might help but no luck background-image: linear-gradient(top, #417630, #417630 5%, transparent 5%, transparent 100%); any ideas? <style type="text/css"> * {margin: 0; padding: 3;} .columns {background-color: white; width: 300px; height: 700px;} .columns{ background-image: linear-gradient(top, #417630, #417630 5%, transparent 5%, transparent 100%); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #417630, #417630 5%, transparent 5%, transparent 100%) } </style> test.html
  9. I have a xml string like this xmlDoc "<SupplMets TumorSupplementalId="272341"><SupplMet TumorSupplMetsId="109130" SiteOfMetastasis="C020" DateOfMetastasis="20010101" MetastasisIdType="" MetastasisEliminated="" MetastasisSD="02-003710[" /></SupplMets>" what i need to do is replace " with ' and then the remaining " with a blank xmlDoc = xmlDoc.replace(/"//g,/'/); gives me an error of 'g' is undefined any ideas?
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