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Everything posted by NichlasDB

  1. I think you need to relax a little. :-) Okay? cool.... Maybe this is simple to you, but it isn't for me. And thanks for the link :-) but I don't have the time right now to learn a whole new coding language (unfortunately, I would love to). Thanks again.
  2. but where in my code should I insert this? If you look at the code I have in the top of this post, can you tell me a place to paste it in? :-) Also the problem is that the 240x240 shows up twice in the code in the top. So I'm a little bit confused about what and where I have to change things. And I'm sorry for being so helpless, but thats why I'm looking for help here :-)
  3. And where do I insert this code? :-)
  4. The DISPLAY SIZE. The thumbnail
  5. Thanks. But how do I let it know, that its only THAT kind of pictures I want to resize, and not all the pictures on the website. How do I find the ID? I'm very happy that you want to help me :-)
  6. Thanks for the quick answer. I'm not very good at coding, so can you tell me a little more? I do have a editable CSS file. How do I exactly do this? :-)
  7. Hello everyone. I'm new here. My name is Nichlas and I'm from Denmark. I really hope you guys can help me. I have a problem with my webshop. I need to resize a picture. I've attached a photo in this post called "help_picture_1" so you can see what picture on the webshop I'm talking about. Anyways... I can't change it from the backend, so I need to do it through some code. I've found this code: <div id="image_wrap"> {if count($Product.pictures) gt 0} <a href="{$Product.pictures.0|thumbnail:'shop':null:null:false:false:true}" data-fancyindex="0"> <img itemprop="image" alt="" src="{$Product.pictures.0|thumbnail:'shop':240:240:false:false:true}" /> </a> {/if} </div> {* If there are more than 1 picture, show the thumbnail-view *} {if count($Product.pictures) gt 1} <div id="slide_controls"> <div id="slideshow_left_arrow_bloc"> <div id="slideshow_left_arrow" class="prev browse left">«</div> </div> <div id="slideshow_right_arrow_bloc"> <div id="slideshow_right_arrow" class="next browse right">»</div> </div> </div> <div id="scrollable_wrapper"> <!-- root element for scrollable --> <div class="scrollable" id="scrollable"> <!-- root element for the items --> <div class="items"> <div class="slide"> {foreach from=$Product.pictures item=picture name=mainslider} <a class="item" href="{$picture|thumbnail:'shop':null:null:false:false:true}" title="{$Product.title|htmlspecialchars}" data-large="{$picture|thumbnail:'shop':240:240:false:false:true}" data-fancyindex="{$smarty.foreach.mainslider.index}"> <img alt="{$Product.title|htmlspecialchars}" src="{$picture|thumbnail:'shop':50:50:true}" /> </a> {if not $smarty.foreach.mainslider.last and $smarty.foreach.mainslider.iteration % 4 eq 0} </div><div class="slide"> {/if} {/foreach} </div> </div> </div> </div> {/if} </div> BUT no matter what number I change the 240 with - nothing happens. Can you guys figure this out, so I can get a bigger picture than 240x240px. Looking forward hearing from you. Have a nice day. Best regards Nichlas
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