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Everything posted by crous

  1. Hi Ingolme Thank you very much for the explanation and the description of the complexity! I might try first each function by itself and go further step by step. If I have problems in one of the functions, shell I open an new topic (if in the forum doesn't already exist something similar) or can I continue tipping here? Thomas
  2. Hi I'm quite new in jQuery and JavaScript and like to know how the attached event works. You can also check on the following website - pull the image to the left or to the right till it goes automatically further and change it's format and content. http://agencysurvivalkits.com/ I don't understand how the image "The Survival Kit" leaves the screen after pulling it over a certain point to the left or the right and revert to the original place (middle of the screen). Someone can help me? Mouseover or Mouesout doesn't help much. Thomas MoovingSideways.pdf
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