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Posts posted by A_tom

  1. A lot of the pages on my website are displaying the same chart with different data. To create a new page, I just make a copy of an existing page and change a couple of data references. Simple enough. However, I've been going through changing all of my pages to get HTML5 compliant and the process of changing all these pages gets a bit tedious. It's occurred to me that I could create a generic chart page which gets called by every master page (the master pages tend to be more unique in form). Then when the page gets called from the master page, it would just pass the name of the data files (xml) to the chart generation page. Here is an example of a chart page:



    <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><title>ESCombo7 24 Month History</title><link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ddlevelsfiles/ddlevelsmenu-base.css" /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ddlevelsfiles/ddlevelsmenu-topbar.css" /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ddlevelsfiles/ddlevelsmenu-sidebar.css" /><script type="text/javascript" src="ddlevelsfiles/ddlevelsmenu.js"></script></head><body class="twoColFixLtHdr"><div id="container"><div id="header" class="fltlft"><img src="images/logo.jpg" alt="SIF Trading Systems Logo" class="fltlft" /><img src="images/software_box.jpg" alt="Software Box" class="fltrt" /> </div><br class="clearfloat" /> <div style="text-align: center">      <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="500" height="300">         <param name="movie" value="../FusionCharts/Column2D.swf" />         <param name="FlashVars" value="&dataURL=clientFTP/ESCombo7MoBar.xml&chartWidth=500&chartHeight=300">         <param name="quality" value="high" />         <embed src="../FusionCharts/Column2D.swf" flashVars="&dataURL=clientFTP/ESCombo7MoBar.xml&chartWidth=500&chartHeight=300" quality="high" width="500" height="300" id="Column2D" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /></object></div><div style="margin-left: 200px"><br /><p>This chart is automatically updated directly from a TradeStation chart.</p><p style="margin-right: 125px">PAST PERFORMANCE WHETHER REAL OR HYPOTHETICAL IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS.</p></div><div id="footer"><p><a href="ESCombo7.html">ESCombo7</a></p></div></div></body></html>

    There are only two things on this page which make it different from all the other pages displaying the exact same chart, but with different data. The first is the name of the data file (ESCombo7MoBar.xml), which appears twice. The other is the name of the page which called this page ("ESCombo7.html) and some text which describes that page. This is essentially just one thing, namely ESCombo7. I suppose there could be just one variable passed to do everything (ESCombo7) since that is the only text which varies within the page.


    I think it might be possible to pass this information to this page as a variable in js, but I'm not sure what that would look like. Is this correct or is there another, better way.


    Thanks for any assistance.


  2. This has to do with HTML entities


    The solution to your problem is to just substitute the & for &. I would recommend reading what an entity is and why it is used so that you can understand what is actually happening.

    Thanks. I had tried that already, but it seemed to not do the trick until I realized I had a stray line of code which created some momentary confusion. I do always try to figure things out on my own before bothering others.

  3. Seems I'm not finished after all. Many of my pages have FusionCharts code in them: Here is an example:

    <div style="text-align: center">      <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="500" height="300" id="Line" >         <param name="movie" value="../FusionCharts/Column2D.swf" />         <param name="FlashVars" value="&dataURL=clientFTP/ESCombo7MoBar.xml&chartWidth=500&chartHeight=300">         <param name="quality" value="high" />         <embed src="../FusionCharts/Column2D.swf" flashVars="&dataURL=clientFTP/ESCombo7MoBar.xml&chartWidth=500&chartHeight=300" quality="high" width="500" height="300" name="Column2D" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />      </object></div>

    I get a number of validation errors associated with this. I am unable to work my way through them. The first one is changing classid to data. No problem. Next, I get

    & did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)… <param name="FlashVars" value="&dataURL=clientFTP/ESCombo7MoBar.xml&cha…


    which I cannot figure out.

  4. In addition to the anomalous meta tags, there is also several copies of some chrome extensions (which code will not display here) in the head section of all my pages. It doesn't seem to do anything. Is there a legitimate reason for it's being there?

  5. I've gone through a number of pages and been able to get them to validate as html5, and the pages all seem to be working ok. However, I'm still wondering about this code:

    <meta name="document_iterator.js" />
    <meta name="find_proxy.js" />
    <meta name="get_html_text.js" />
    <meta name="global_constants.js" />
    <meta name="name_injection_builder.js" />
    <meta name="number_injection_builder.js" />
    <meta name="string_finder.js" />
    <meta name="change_sink.js" />
    There are three or four copies of this in the head section of every page. I've just been commenting them out and it doesn't seem to affect anything, but they must have had some purpose originally, so I'd like to figure out what that was. I do not have any of the .js files in my system.
    Any ideas?
  6. This menu is not really great, as it uses separated parent and individual sub-menus, and relies on js to work, new menus these days can work by default without js, and parent and sub-menu are kept as one grouped menu, the effects are added as extra feature.

    Well, thanks for your help. I would switch to something better/simpler/more up to date, but I suspect doing that and keeping the appearance the same as what I have might be more trouble than it's worth.

  7. This is the relevant js file. It contains this comment:

    //** Aug 13th, 08'- v1.32: Moved "rel" attribute from menu's <li> elements to inner <a>, for validation reasons

    //** All Levels Navigational Menu- (c) Dynamic Drive DHTML code library: http://www.dynamicdrive.com//** Script Download/ instructions page: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex1/ddlevelsmenu///** Usage Terms: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/notice.htm//** July 7th, 08'- Creation Date//** July 16th, 08'- Updated to v 1.3:	//1) Adds "Side Bar" orientation option. 	//2) Drop Down Menus now auto adjust their positioning if too close to either right or bottom window edges.	//3) Enhanced IFRAME shim "coverage" on the page.//** July 19th, 08'- Updated to v 1.31: Drop down menu now positions at top of window edge if there's neither room downwards or upwards to settle.//** Aug 13th, 08'- v1.32: Moved "rel" attribute from menu's <li> elements to inner <a>, for validation reasons//** Sept 10th, 08'- Updated to v 1.4:	//1) Added optional "sliding" animation when sub menus are revealed.	//2) Arrow images now dynamically positioned, instead of relying on CSS's "right" property//** Oct 11th, 08'- Updated to v 1.5:	//1) Sliding animation behavior tweaked	//2) Added ability to disable iframeshim, customize speed of sliding animation//** Dec 23rd, 08'- Updated to v 2.0:	//1) Animation speed refined to be function of time (ie: 1 sec)	//2) Added two animations that can be individually enabled/disabled- "slide in" and "fade in".	//3) Script now automatically moves HTML for all sub menus to the end of the page, to avoid any containership issues if they are nested in other elements.//** Jan 12, 09'- Updated to v 2.1:	//1) Added ability to disable the arrow images from the top level items (see option "showarrow")	//2) For Top Level Menu items containing a SPAN element (for sliding doors technique), arrow images are inserted inside SPAN.var ddlevelsmenu={enableshim: true, //enable IFRAME shim to prevent drop down menus from being hidden below SELECT or FLASH elements? (tip: disable if not in use, for efficiency)arrowpointers:{	downarrow: ["ddlevelsfiles/arrow-down.gif", 11,7], //[path_to_down_arrow, arrowwidth, arrowheight]	rightarrow: ["ddlevelsfiles/arrow-right.gif", 12,12], //[path_to_right_arrow, arrowwidth, arrowheight]	showarrow: {toplevel: true, sublevel: true} //Show arrow images on top level items and sub level items, respectively?},hideinterval: 200, //delay in milliseconds before entire menu disappears onmouseout.effects: {enableswipe: true, enablefade: true, duration: 500},httpsiframesrc: "blank.htm", //If menu is run on a secure (https) page, the IFRAME shim feature used by the script should point to an *blank* page *within* the secure area to prevent an IE security prompt. Specify full URL to that page on your server (leave as is if not applicable).///No need to edit beyond here////////////////////topmenuids: [], //array containing ids of all the primary menus on the pagetopitems: {}, //object array containing all top menu item linkssubuls: {}, //object array containing all ULslastactivesubul: {}, //object object containing info for last mouse out menu item's ULtopitemsindex: -1,ulindex: -1,hidetimers: {}, //object array timershimadded: false,nonFF: !/Firefox[/s](d+.d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent), //detect non FF browsersgetoffset:function(what, offsettype){	return (what.offsetParent)? what[offsettype]+this.getoffset(what.offsetParent, offsettype) : what[offsettype]},getoffsetof:function(el){	el._offsets={left:this.getoffset(el, "offsetLeft"), top:this.getoffset(el, "offsetTop")}},getwindowsize:function(){	this.docwidth=window.innerWidth? window.innerWidth-10 : this.standardbody.clientWidth-10	this.docheight=window.innerHeight? window.innerHeight-15 : this.standardbody.clientHeight-18},gettopitemsdimensions:function(){	for (var m=0; m<this.topmenuids.length; m++){		var topmenuid=this.topmenuids[m]		for (var i=0; i<this.topitems[topmenuid].length; i++){			var header=this.topitems[topmenuid][i]			var submenu=document.getElementById(header.getAttribute('rel'))			header._dimensions={w:header.offsetWidth, h:header.offsetHeight, submenuw:submenu.offsetWidth, submenuh:submenu.offsetHeight}		}	}},isContained:function(m, e){	var e=window.event || e	var c=e.relatedTarget || ((e.type=="mouseover")? e.fromElement : e.toElement)	while (c && c!=m)try {c=c.parentNode} catch(e){c=m}	if (c==m)		return true	else		return false},addpointer:function(target, imgclass, imginfo, BeforeorAfter){	var pointer=document.createElement("img")	pointer.src=imginfo[0]	pointer.style.width=imginfo[1]+"px"	pointer.style.height=imginfo[2]+"px"	if(imgclass=="rightarrowpointer"){		pointer.style.left=target.offsetWidth-imginfo[2]-2+"px"	}	pointer.className=imgclass	var target_firstEl=target.childNodes[target.firstChild.nodeType!=1? 1 : 0] //see if the first child element within A is a SPAN (found in sliding doors technique)	if (target_firstEl && target_firstEl.tagName=="SPAN"){		target=target_firstEl //arrow should be added inside this SPAN instead if found	}	if (BeforeorAfter=="before")		target.insertBefore(pointer, target.firstChild)	else		target.appendChild(pointer)},css:function(el, targetclass, action){	var needle=new RegExp("(^|s+)"+targetclass+"($|s+)", "ig")	if (action=="check")		return needle.test(el.className)	else if (action=="remove")		el.className=el.className.replace(needle, "")	else if (action=="add" && !needle.test(el.className))		el.className+=" "+targetclass},addshimmy:function(target){	var shim=(!window.opera)? document.createElement("iframe") : document.createElement("div") //Opera 9.24 doesnt seem to support transparent IFRAMEs	shim.className="ddiframeshim"	shim.setAttribute("src", location.protocol=="https:"? this.httpsiframesrc : "about:blank")	shim.setAttribute("frameborder", "0")	target.appendChild(shim)	try{		shim.style.filter='progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(style=0,opacity=0)'	}	catch(e){}	return shim},positionshim:function(header, submenu, dir, scrollX, scrollY){	if (header._istoplevel){		var scrollY=window.pageYOffset? window.pageYOffset : this.standardbody.scrollTop		var topgap=header._offsets.top-scrollY		var bottomgap=scrollY+this.docheight-header._offsets.top-header._dimensions.h		if (topgap>0){			this.shimmy.topshim.style.left=scrollX+"px"			this.shimmy.topshim.style.top=scrollY+"px"			this.shimmy.topshim.style.width="99%"			this.shimmy.topshim.style.height=topgap+"px" //distance from top window edge to top of menu item		}		if (bottomgap>0){			this.shimmy.bottomshim.style.left=scrollX+"px"			this.shimmy.bottomshim.style.top=header._offsets.top + header._dimensions.h +"px"			this.shimmy.bottomshim.style.width="99%"			this.shimmy.bottomshim.style.height=bottomgap+"px" //distance from bottom of menu item to bottom window edge		}	}},hideshim:function(){	this.shimmy.topshim.style.width=this.shimmy.bottomshim.style.width=0	this.shimmy.topshim.style.height=this.shimmy.bottomshim.style.height=0},buildmenu:function(mainmenuid, header, submenu, submenupos, istoplevel, dir){	header._master=mainmenuid //Indicate which top menu this header is associated with	header._pos=submenupos //Indicate pos of sub menu this header is associated with	header._istoplevel=istoplevel	if (istoplevel){		this.addEvent(header, function(e){		ddlevelsmenu.hidemenu(ddlevelsmenu.subuls[this._master][parseInt(this._pos)])		}, "click")	}	this.subuls[mainmenuid][submenupos]=submenu	header._dimensions={w:header.offsetWidth, h:header.offsetHeight, submenuw:submenu.offsetWidth, submenuh:submenu.offsetHeight}	this.getoffsetof(header)	submenu.style.left=0	submenu.style.top=0	submenu.style.visibility="hidden"	this.addEvent(header, function(e){ //mouseover event		if (!ddlevelsmenu.isContained(this, e)){			var submenu=ddlevelsmenu.subuls[this._master][parseInt(this._pos)]			if (this._istoplevel){				ddlevelsmenu.css(this, "selected", "add")			clearTimeout(ddlevelsmenu.hidetimers[this._master][this._pos])			}			ddlevelsmenu.getoffsetof(header)			var scrollX=window.pageXOffset? window.pageXOffset : ddlevelsmenu.standardbody.scrollLeft			var scrollY=window.pageYOffset? window.pageYOffset : ddlevelsmenu.standardbody.scrollTop			var submenurightedge=this._offsets.left + this._dimensions.submenuw + (this._istoplevel && dir=="topbar"? 0 : this._dimensions.w)			var submenubottomedge=this._offsets.top + this._dimensions.submenuh			//Sub menu starting left position			var menuleft=(this._istoplevel? this._offsets.left + (dir=="sidebar"? this._dimensions.w : 0) : this._dimensions.w)			if (submenurightedge-scrollX>ddlevelsmenu.docwidth){				menuleft+= -this._dimensions.submenuw + (this._istoplevel && dir=="topbar" ? this._dimensions.w : -this._dimensions.w)			}			submenu.style.left=menuleft+"px"			//Sub menu starting top position			var menutop=(this._istoplevel? this._offsets.top + (dir=="sidebar"? 0 : this._dimensions.h) : this.offsetTop)			if (submenubottomedge-scrollY>ddlevelsmenu.docheight){ //no room downwards?				if (this._dimensions.submenuh<this._offsets.top+(dir=="sidebar"? this._dimensions.h : 0)-scrollY){ //move up?					menutop+= - this._dimensions.submenuh + (this._istoplevel && dir=="topbar"? -this._dimensions.h : this._dimensions.h)				}				else{ //top of window edge					menutop+= -(this._offsets.top-scrollY) + (this._istoplevel && dir=="topbar"? -this._dimensions.h : 0)				}			}			submenu.style.top=menutop+"px"			if (ddlevelsmenu.enableshim && (ddlevelsmenu.effects.enableswipe==false || ddlevelsmenu.nonFF)){ //apply shim immediately only if animation is turned off, or if on, in non FF2.x browsers				ddlevelsmenu.positionshim(header, submenu, dir, scrollX, scrollY)			}			else{				submenu.FFscrollInfo={x:scrollX, y:scrollY}			}			ddlevelsmenu.showmenu(header, submenu, dir)		}	}, "mouseover")	this.addEvent(header, function(e){ //mouseout event		var submenu=ddlevelsmenu.subuls[this._master][parseInt(this._pos)]		if (this._istoplevel){			if (!ddlevelsmenu.isContained(this, e) && !ddlevelsmenu.isContained(submenu, e)) //hide drop down ul if mouse moves out of menu bar item but not into drop down ul itself				ddlevelsmenu.hidemenu(submenu)		}		else if (!this._istoplevel && !ddlevelsmenu.isContained(this, e)){			ddlevelsmenu.hidemenu(submenu)		}	}, "mouseout")},setopacity:function(el, value){	el.style.opacity=value	if (typeof el.style.opacity!="string"){ //if it's not a string (ie: number instead), it means property not supported		el.style.MozOpacity=value		if (el.filters){			el.style.filter="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.alpha(opacity="+ value*100 +")"		}	}},showmenu:function(header, submenu, dir){	if (this.effects.enableswipe || this.effects.enablefade){		if (this.effects.enableswipe){			var endpoint=(header._istoplevel && dir=="topbar")? header._dimensions.submenuh : header._dimensions.submenuw			submenu.style.width=submenu.style.height=0			submenu.style.overflow="hidden"		}		if (this.effects.enablefade){			this.setopacity(submenu, 0) //set opacity to 0 so menu appears hidden initially		}		submenu._curanimatedegree=0		submenu.style.visibility="visible"		clearInterval(submenu._animatetimer)		submenu._starttime=new Date().getTime() //get time just before animation is run		submenu._animatetimer=setInterval(function(){ddlevelsmenu.revealmenu(header, submenu, endpoint, dir)}, 10)	}	else{		submenu.style.visibility="visible"	}},revealmenu:function(header, submenu, endpoint, dir){	var elapsed=new Date().getTime()-submenu._starttime //get time animation has run	if (elapsed<this.effects.duration){		if (this.effects.enableswipe){			if (submenu._curanimatedegree==0){ //reset either width or height of sub menu to "auto" when animation begins				submenu.style[header._istoplevel && dir=="topbar"? "width" : "height"]="auto"			}			submenu.style[header._istoplevel && dir=="topbar"? "height" : "width"]=(submenu._curanimatedegree*endpoint)+"px"		}		if (this.effects.enablefade){			this.setopacity(submenu, submenu._curanimatedegree)		}	}	else{		clearInterval(submenu._animatetimer)		if (this.effects.enableswipe){			submenu.style.width="auto"			submenu.style.height="auto"			submenu.style.overflow="visible"		}		if (this.effects.enablefade){			this.setopacity(submenu, 1)			submenu.style.filter=""		}		if (this.enableshim && submenu.FFscrollInfo) //if this is FF browser (meaning shim hasn't been applied yet			this.positionshim(header, submenu, dir, submenu.FFscrollInfo.x, submenu.FFscrollInfo.y)	}	submenu._curanimatedegree=(1-Math.cos((elapsed/this.effects.duration)*Math.PI)) / 2},hidemenu:function(submenu){	if (typeof submenu._pos!="undefined"){ //if submenu is outermost UL drop down menu		this.css(this.topitems[submenu._master][parseInt(submenu._pos)], "selected", "remove")		if (this.enableshim)			this.hideshim()	}	clearInterval(submenu._animatetimer)	submenu.style.left=0	submenu.style.top="-1000px"	submenu.style.visibility="hidden"},addEvent:function(target, functionref, tasktype) {	if (target.addEventListener)		target.addEventListener(tasktype, functionref, false);	else if (target.attachEvent)		target.attachEvent('on'+tasktype, function(){return functionref.call(target, window.event)});},init:function(mainmenuid, dir){	this.standardbody=(document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat")? document.documentElement : document.body	this.topitemsindex=-1	this.ulindex=-1	this.topmenuids.push(mainmenuid)	this.topitems[mainmenuid]=[] //declare array on object	this.subuls[mainmenuid]=[] //declare array on object	this.hidetimers[mainmenuid]=[] //declare hide entire menu timer	if (this.enableshim && !this.shimadded){		this.shimmy={}		this.shimmy.topshim=this.addshimmy(document.body) //create top iframe shim obj		this.shimmy.bottomshim=this.addshimmy(document.body) //create bottom iframe shim obj		this.shimadded=true	}	var menubar=document.getElementById(mainmenuid)	var alllinks=menubar.getElementsByTagName("a")	this.getwindowsize()	for (var i=0; i<alllinks.length; i++){		if (alllinks[i].getAttribute('rel')){			this.topitemsindex++			this.ulindex++			var menuitem=alllinks[i]			this.topitems[mainmenuid][this.topitemsindex]=menuitem //store ref to main menu links			var dropul=document.getElementById(menuitem.getAttribute('rel'))			document.body.appendChild(dropul) //move main ULs to end of document			dropul.style.zIndex=2000 //give drop down menus a high z-index			dropul._master=mainmenuid  //Indicate which main menu this main UL is associated with			dropul._pos=this.topitemsindex //Indicate which main menu item this main UL is associated with			this.addEvent(dropul, function(){ddlevelsmenu.hidemenu(this)}, "click")			var arrowclass=(dir=="sidebar")? "rightarrowpointer" : "downarrowpointer"			var arrowpointer=(dir=="sidebar")? this.arrowpointers.rightarrow : this.arrowpointers.downarrow			if (this.arrowpointers.showarrow.toplevel)				this.addpointer(menuitem, arrowclass, arrowpointer, (dir=="sidebar")? "before" : "after")			this.buildmenu(mainmenuid, menuitem, dropul, this.ulindex, true, dir) //build top level menu			dropul.onmouseover=function(){				clearTimeout(ddlevelsmenu.hidetimers[this._master][this._pos])			}			this.addEvent(dropul, function(e){ //hide menu if mouse moves out of main UL element into open space				if (!ddlevelsmenu.isContained(this, e) && !ddlevelsmenu.isContained(ddlevelsmenu.topitems[this._master][parseInt(this._pos)], e)){					var dropul=this					if (ddlevelsmenu.enableshim)						ddlevelsmenu.hideshim()					ddlevelsmenu.hidetimers[this._master][this._pos]=setTimeout(function(){						ddlevelsmenu.hidemenu(dropul)					}, ddlevelsmenu.hideinterval)				}			}, "mouseout")			var subuls=dropul.getElementsByTagName("ul")			for (var c=0; c<subuls.length; c++){				this.ulindex++				var parentli=subuls[c].parentNode				if (this.arrowpointers.showarrow.sublevel)					this.addpointer(parentli.getElementsByTagName("a")[0], "rightarrowpointer", this.arrowpointers.rightarrow, "before")				this.buildmenu(mainmenuid, parentli, subuls[c], this.ulindex, false, dir) //build sub level menus			}		}	} //end for loop	this.addEvent(window, function(){ddlevelsmenu.getwindowsize(); ddlevelsmenu.gettopitemsdimensions()}, "resize")},setup:function(mainmenuid, dir){	this.addEvent(window, function(){ddlevelsmenu.init(mainmenuid, dir)}, "load")}}
  8. A different Javascript library would not require you to add rel="ddsubmenu1" to your links, and that's what's causing the error.

    Ok, I don't want to waste a lot of your time, but I'd like to understand what you're telling me so that I can do something with it.


    On my website the is a folder called ddlevelsfiles. In this folder there are just a few files; there are 3 css files and I think I know what those are for. Then there is a file called ddlevelsmenu.js. This is the js library file which makes the ddmenus work and which is causing the problem?? I need a different one which won't cause the problem. How do I get a different .js library file which does not cause the validation error? What am I looking for?


    I have looked elsewhere to try to find out what is going on or how to do it differently, but no luck.

  9. The rel attribute on the <a> element is what's not validating. Your Javascript menu library wants a rel attribute, so you just have to accept that you have a validation error, unless you decide to use a different Jaavscript library for the menu.

    Not clear on why a different javascript library would mitigate the error, but I'll be trying to figure that out. My coding skills in this area are quite limited, so I usually need to find an example of something which works and plug it in. Fortunately, that's fairly easy to do nowadays.


    Thanks for the help.

  10. Oh, are you using a Javascript library that requires the rel attribute to be set?


    If it's not your own library then you will just have to allow that validation error.

    <div id="ddsidemenubar" class="markermenu"><ul><li><a href="index.html">HOME</a></li><li><a href="#" rel="ddsubmenu1">SYSTEMS</a></li><!--<li><a href="#ddsubmenu1">SYSTEMS</a></li>--><li><a href="about.html" rel="ddsubmenu2">ABOUTSIF</a></li><li><a href="FAQ.html">FAQ</a></li><li><a href="contact.html" rel="ddsubmenu3">CONTACT</a></li><li><a href="http://www.siftradingsystems.blogspot.com">SIF Blog</a></li><li><a href="CFTC_Disclaimer.html">CFTC Rule</a></li></ul></div><script type="text/javascript">ddlevelsmenu.setup("ddsidemenubar", "sidebar") //ddlevelsmenu.setup("mainmenuid", "topbar|sidebar")</script><!--Drop Down Menu 1 HTML--><ul id="ddsubmenu1" class="ddsubmenustyle"><!--<li><a href="ES_Swing.html">ES Swing</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="BlackjackShotgunStart.html">Shotgun</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="CTTA.html">CTT</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="ES1.html">SIF ES1</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="EScalator.html">EScalator</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="ESc2_FlashCht.html">EScalator2</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="ESCombo6.html">ESCombo6</a></li>--><li><a href="ESCombo7.html">ESCombo7</a></li><li><a href="X3X4Combo.html">X3X4Combo</a></li><!--<li><a href="SIF_ESCombo.html">SIF_ESCombo</a></li>--><li><a href="SIF_ESCombo2.0.html">SIF_ESCombo2.0</a></li><li><a href="ESCombo3.0.html">SIF_ESCombo3.0</a></li><li><a href="Alligator2014.html">Alligator2014</a></li><li><a href="AlligatorPlus.html">Alligator Plus</a></li><li><a href="NQMomentum.html">NQ Momentum</a></li><li><a href="ES14A.html">ES14A Strategy</a></li><!--<li><a href="ES2.html">ES2</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="SIF_ESGumbo.html">SIF_ESGumbo</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="Blackjack.html">Blackjack</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="ESGumboPlusPortfolio.html">ESGumbo Plus</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="Alligator.html">Alligator</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="Alligator3.html">Alligator3.0</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="SixSystemPortfolio_01.html">Six System Portfolio</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="FiveSystemPortfolio.html">Six Minus One Portfolio</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="SIFESOverNight.html">ES OverNight</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="PortfolioX1.html">Portfolio X1</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="PortfolioX2.html">Portfolio X2</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="PortfolioX3.html">Portfolio X3</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="PortfolioX4.html">Portfolio X4</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="SIFPS1.html">PS1 (Position Sizing) Portfolio</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="IDTPS.html">IDTPS - Single Strategy</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="OtherStuff.html">Other Stuff</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="Discontinued.html">Discontinued Systems</a></li>--><!--<li><a href="Subscribe.html">Subscribe</a></li>--><li><a href="disclosure.html">Disclosure</a></li></ul><!-- end drop down divs -->

    This is the entire code for the SSI menu.shtml, Perhaps that will answer the question.

  11. What does the validation error say? The class and can be on a <div> without any trouble, but be sure you close your </ul> and </div> elements in the right order.

    Bad value ddsubmenu1 for attribute rel on element a: The string ddsubmenu1 is not a registered keyword.

  12. There is no such meta tag with attribute name value you have provided, is what it is telling you.Those are supposed to be JavaScript file links, nothing to do with meta tags.<script type="text/javascript" src="javascriptFileName.js"></script>

    For the moment, I have removed all of the offending meta tags and I'm able to get validation of my index page, except for the menu which is an SSI, and I'm down to one problem on it. Here is the relevant code:


    <div id="ddsidemenubar" class="markermenu">
    <li><a href="index.html">HOME</a></li>
    <!--<li><a href="#" rel="ddsubmenu1">SYSTEMS</a></li>-->
    <li><a href="#ddsubmenu1">SYSTEMS</a></li>
    <!--Drop Down Menu 1 HTML-->
    <ul id="ddsubmenu1" class="ddsubmenustyle">
    I have commented out the original code which does not validate, but the replacement line below it validates, but does not give me the drop down list.
  13. Ok, I'm working my way through one of the pages (index), converting to html5. All of these statements are causing a problem and I don't understand what the validator is telling me.

    <meta name="document_iterator.js" />
    <meta name="find_proxy.js" />
    <meta name="get_html_text.js" />
    <meta name="global_constants.js" />
    <meta name="name_injection_builder.js" />
    <meta name="number_injection_builder.js" />
    <meta name="string_finder.js" />
    <meta name="change_sink.js" />
    This is the error I get on the first line above.
    Bad value document_iterator.js for attribute name on element meta: Keyword document_iterator.js is not registered.
    What does it want?
  14. Ok, I took one page and converted it to html4.01 strict. I then followed the validator errors and warnings and made the changes. I was able to remove all the errors and warnings and wind up with a page functioning exactly as it did before. Since I have dozens of pages, this is going to be a bit of work. What, if anything, can be done to make it easier?


    Is there any reason to do this all at once or can I just do a page at a time on it until it's finished?

  15. Normally, HTML files are made and edited on your own computer. Open a text editor (notepad is the default one for Windows) and write your code in it. We use editors that are more advanced than notepad, which help with indenting and syntax highlighting, my preferred one is Notepad++. It's way too difficult to maintain a site by editing the file through cPanel, nobody does that.


    Yes, please update your version of HTML. Transitional was already outdated when it was invented. It was invented to make the transition from HTML 3.2 to HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.0 easier. Anybody creating a new website using a transitional doctype after 1999 was doing something wrong. Many people only used transitional so that the W3C validator wouldn't complain that they were using elements like <font> and attributes such as bgcolor, but there was a good reason why those elements and attributes were removed from the specification.


    We use the HTML 5 specification these days, but if you're inclined to using an older version use either HTML 4.01 Strict or XHTML 1.0 Strict. Transitional is out of the question. The doctype declaration for HTML 5 is easy: <!DOCTYPE html> It's so convenient to use it. Besides, HTML 5 provides all kinds of features that were strongly needed in the web, such as embedded audio and video and elements to indicate navigation, page headers and page footers.


    Wordpress is just one of countless content management systems (or CMS). It's pretty popular because it's free. Wordpress is both friendly to people who don't know how to code as well as to developers. If you're not a coding person you can just install themes in your wordpress administration panel, but if you're a developer you have the knowledge to create your own themes. Before immediately jumping onto Wordpress, you might want to do a search for other CMSs and compare them to see which one suits your purposes best.


    Wordpress and other content management systems use PHP and usually MySQL. If you intend to use them you'll need a web host that supports PHP and MySQL. For testing on your own computer you can install a simple testing server like WAMP or XAMPP.


    I almost don't know where to begin. My original site code was built in 2009, so the developer apparently gave me something he shouldn't have. Nevertheless, it's been working, and continues to work.


    I find using the code editor on cPanel quite easy. I've actually added a lot of pages (by duplication mostly), but I've also added a lot of new stuff within the pages like flash charts and scrollers. I do this by finding example code on the internet and copying it in. The website is siftradingsystem.com, btw.


    I've run the validator on a couple of pages. When I run it on the home page, I get 53 errors as xhtml 1.0 transitional. If I change the doctype to html5, I get 50 errors.


    I took another page and did a validation as it and got no errors as xhtml 1.0 transitional. If I change the doctype to html5, I get one error.


    Since I am in the process of moving to a different webhost (the files have already been migrated, but I haven't change the DNS yet), this may be a good time to make the switch to html5. However, it's not immediately apparent to me what is needed to correct the reported errors. I suppose I can just start and try to work may way through by asking for help on forums, which is my usual method.


    Do you have any further thoughts on how I might proceed. Thanks.

  16. I have had a website for several years which was originally built by a developer, but ever since it was built I have done all the maintenance and updating myself. I do this using the code editor in cPanel. My webhoster is going out of business, so I'm moving the site to another webhoster. I couple of questions have arisen: 1) Should I start using WordPress and 2) Do I need to update my website html from the current version.Here is my current version:<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">While I can manage with directly editing the code, I can only do the most rudimentary things, but it all works. I will provide a link to the website if needed.Thanks for any help or advice.

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