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Everything posted by hisoka

  1. hisoka

    cout in c++

    Thanks for both of you it works I tried another thing : this works too int main(){string m = "green";string n = "land";cout<< m + " " + n <<endl;system("pause"); } Now I tried it like that : int main(){cout<< "green" + " " + "land" <<endl;system("pause"); } but it gives an error . 8 C:da.cpp invalid operands of types `const char[6]' and `const char[2]' to binary `operator+' I could not understand the error : Any explanation ? and how to correct the little piece code ?
  2. hisoka


    So I am unfortunate should I look for a C++ forum or continue to ask C++ questions here ? what do you say ?
  3. hisoka

    cout in c++

    cout in c++ can be used like this : int main(){cout << "green" << "land" << endl;system("pause"); } or like this int main(){cout << "green" ; cout << "land"<<endl ;system("pause"); } output : greenland However I want the output to be green land but I cannot figure out How . I want a space between the two word using cout So how? any idea ?
  4. hisoka


    I , strongly , suggest and recommand that you do create a whole section for C++ programming language -as it is one of the most important and powerful programming language in the world- like you did for python , php and javascript . I will begin to post my first message concerning C++ in the section named general as there is no special section for C++ and I hope I get help thanks
  5. I have a problem words = [ "ca" , "caa"] for x in words: if len(x) >1: words.insert(0,x) ...words it gives : Syntaxerror : invalid syntax I do not know what is the problem ? normaly it should give [ "ca" , "caa" , "ca"]
  6. FoxyMod good morning Thank you for your reply I understand more better now for example : >>> s = input( 400+458+78) 936 not only the input() function outputs what is inside its parenthesis but it evaluates it and give the result
  7. "In other words: The user's input is evaluated as Python code" sorry I did not ,exactly, understand your meaning . Could you , please , explain it more clearly ? Here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4915361/whats-the-difference-between-raw-input-and-input-in-python3-x it is stated that using input() is better than raw_input() raw_input() takes exactly what the user typed and passes it back as a string. input() takes the raw_input() and performs an eval() on it as well. The main difference is that input() expects a syntactically correct python statement where raw_input() does not. in matter of making errors input() is more strict than raw_input() it is mentioned too that : raw_input() was renamed to input() and the old input() was removed. If you want to use the old input(), you can do eval(input()). may be this is why when I use raw_input() instead of input() python interpreter gives me this error: NamError : name 'raw_input' is not defined What do you think ?
  8. I found it . It becomes like this : languages = ["german" , "english" , "italian"] for x in languages: print(x , len(x))
  9. "That will change the permissions on the directory /home itself, not the files inside it" thank you for the valuable information . However I need to change the permission of both files in /home directory regardless their name and extensions for example lets say : I have two files example.txt and intelligent.php in directory /home and I want to change the permission for these both files to all users + write so how can I do it or what is the command to do it ?
  10. hello justsomeguy how are you doing I hope good concerning your reply if for example I have a directory whose name is /home in this directory there are two files : example.txt and example1.txt and I want to change permissions of these two files in the home directory to for all users + write should I do it like this $ chmod a+r /home ? is this command true or wrong ? and if it is wrong what is the right one?
  11. now I used input() instead of raw_input() are they the same ? if I want to operate mathematically with input() too should I cast to an integer too like with raw_input() int(input("write a number:"))
  12. 4.3. The range() Function If you do need to iterate over a sequence of numbers, the built-in function range() comes in handy. It generates lists containing arithmetic progressions: >>>>>> range(10)[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] The given end point is never part of the generated list; range(10) generates a list of 10 values, the legal indices for items of a sequence of length 10 When I used the same little piece of code in my python interpreter web console it gave me : >>> range(10) (0,10) and not [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] why?
  13. "The result of raw_input() is most likely a string" it can be an integer too "which means you can't operate mathematically with it" I could as both raw_input() and int(raw_input()) , in our example , gave me the same result . So what do you say about it ?
  14. languages = ["german" , "english" , "italian"] for x in languages: print(x) , len(x) it gives me : german (none , 6) english (none , 7) italian (none , 7) but I want it to be german 6 english 7 italian 7 how ?
  15. In this web page : https://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/controlflow.html There is this construction : x = int(raw_input("Please enter an integer: ")) Why the person who wrote the page used int(raw_input(....) instead of only raw_input(....) ? they both give the same result so why complicate things ??
  16. You are right . I made an unconscious error
  17. I know how to change permission of a file for all users + write : $ chmod a+r example.txt However I do not know how to do it with two files in the same time is it like this : $ chmod a+r example1.txt example2.txt ?? or how is it exactly ?
  18. hisoka

    ip range

    I want to compose an IP address from this : range is around 150 to 170 and 56 to 89 so what form will the IP address take?
  19. hisoka

    ip range

    what does it mean by range is around 150 to 170 and 56 to 89? an IP address is composed of 4 numbers . If we suppose that an IP is and we want to compose an ip address in which a range is around 150 to 170 and 56 to 89 so how it becomes our IP address or or or 150<160<170 and 56<66<89
  20. You're asking it for b, the value you set was a b was probably set to 3 earlier. No no I did not . I did not assign any value to b I begun the little piece of code like this >>> a = 123 >>> b (then when I pressed enter ) I got 3 as a result believe me now i tried again but when I pressed enter I got this error : name 'b' is not defined now a value should assigned to b Now I assigned a value to be b and now it is printed normally but before the result was 3
  21. hisoka

    ip range

    I searched for the definition of IP range but I could not find one . I would like to know what is an IP range ? the second question what does it mean by range is around 150 to 170 and 56 to 89?
  22. I would like to clear python interpreter command line . I know that there a command like : import os os.system('cls') you invoke the OS to clear the interpreter command line . Is there a more short , simple and elegant command that clear python interpreter command line ?
  23. In python interpreter prompt command , I got this result : >>> a= 25 >>> b 3 >>> a=120 >>> b 3 I could not understanding why I got 3 as a result . What is the explanation of getting 3 as a result or why I get 3 as a result ??
  24. hisoka


    Thank you for the link . Good advice . I will ask them there
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