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Posts posted by smus

  1. When I'm using W3 button with hover property, for example: <button class="w3-yellow w3-hover-blue">button</button> locally, there is no hover effect at all (i.e no color changing).

    Why that might happen?

    Oh, sorry, please move the topic to the CSS thread

  2. On 28.06.2017 at 11:10 PM, justsomeguy said:

    SQLStatement, adoCon, 3, and 3 are the parameters that are being sent to the open method.  It is impossible to know what those are without figuring out what kind of object sco is and looking up the documentation for the open method to see what it expects.

    You are right, it is difficult to define it without the context. I took this sample code from one of the tutorials and adjusted it for my simple needs. Now as we can see from the code below there are double object creations there. I am also not sure why there is the second RecordSet creation here:

    Dim adoCon, strCon, sco, SQLStatement
    Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\wwwroot\msaccess.mdb;"  'Set the connection string to the database
    adoCon.connectionstring = strCon  'Set an active connection to the Connection object
    adoCon.Open 'Initialise the main ADO recordset object
    Set sco = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    This code was initially previous to the code I copied at the beginning of this topic.

  3. How to add some data to DB using "Insert into" query. I now use AddNew and Update with "Select from":

    Dim adoCon, strCon, sco, SQLStatement
    Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    SQLStatement = "SELECT * FROM table"
    sco.Open SQLStatement, adoCon, 3, 3
    sco.AddNew "string", info

    But I need 'Insert into' to be executed



  4. I've no idea where to configure an address of the db folder. I've installed node.js using Windows installer (from *.msi file). But MongoDB has been installed manually from zip file.

  5. 1 hour ago, dsonesuk said:

    Program files is a protected directory, did you open command prompt by right clicking it and selecting 'run as administrator'.

    Running as an admin:

    npm install mongodb - without errors

    npm start - the same error

  6. 11 hours ago, justsomeguy said:

    I don't think Node has error codes like that, 471 is probably a line number or something.  What is the actual error message?  Have you installed the mongodb packages before trying to install them on Node?

    Exactly! When I type "npm start" - this is the number of line in module.js file. There goes "Cannot find module 'express'" and then the same errors like in the previous message.

  7. I need to create a search in a field where there are several delimiters, such as commas, brackets and slashes.

    I used FIND_IN_SET parameter when there was just single commas, but it doesn't find a substring when I add more delimiters as a search rule:

    SELECT * FROM field WHERE FIND_IN_SET ($searchquery, searchfield) > 0
    SELECT * FROM field WHERE FIND_IN_SET ($searchquery, REPLACE(searchfield, '\', '')) > 0

    I've connected the second query to the first using OR

  8. Thanks again! Your version is good, but I've decided instead to correct some HTML display while request is processing, to simplify the task. Now there's an additional <td> </td> after each informational <td> (even at the end of a row). And my script removes the last <td> before the array reversal and after it adds new <td> at the end of the table(so that the table will have the same view if you toggle it once again).


    There are just <td> </td> filling the rest of the space in case if there are 2 results. I think I have to somehow add fixed width to them or give <tbody> 66% of width of the table.

  9. Thank you very much! It works well, but there is a mistake with HTML display. It turned, the table structure is a bit more complicated: there's an additional <td> </td> between the main td's (td's that hold an information), so when, for example, number of results equal 6, the overall number of td's is 10:

    <tr><td>1</td><td> </td><td>2</td><td> </td><td>3</td></tr> 
    <tr><td>4</td><td> </td><td>5</td><td> </td><td>6</td></tr>

    But when the row is not full, there is an additional <td> </td> at the end of it (9 td's instead of 8):

    <tr><td>1</td><td> </td><td>2</td><td> </td><td>3</td></tr> 
    <tr><td>4</td><td> </td><td>5</td><td> </td></tr>

    So it looks not right when I reverse it. I guess, I would need somehow to exclude the last td, if the tr contains less than 3 td.


    I can apply to main td via class(".td"), so I'm not sure if this code would work:

    if ($(".td").len % 3 <> 0) 
  10. Right, I just wanted to know if it's possible (using JS or JQuery). The task is slightly different: I'm showing the results in a table with a random number of <td>s, depending on the query; there are 3 <td>s in each <tr>. I need to reverse the order of <td>s in this table without sending additional queries. The initial order is:


    I need:

  11. Allow me to ask more theoretic question: for example, I've got usual PHP+MySQL search that gets some information from database. I've typed some searching values, submitted the form and got some results. Now I need to sort them onclick, for instance, alphabetically, not repeating mysql-query to the server (on client side), is it possible to make it simply using JavaScript (not AJAX)?

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