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Posts posted by Gema

  1. Hello:

    It wanted to answer to several members who have wanted to help me

    I tape-worm understood that with the typography ttf tape-worm that to work in all the current explorer.

    I don´t forgot to assign it to an element.

    And the filename doesn't necessarily have to match the font name.

    This where my mistake?

  2. Hello:

    The code is

    @font-face{ font-family:"Avenir-n"; src:url('fonts/AEBL.ttf') ;}@font-face{ font-family:"Avenir"; src:url('fonts/AEM.ttf');}

    I have folder name fonts with AEBL.ttf y AEM.ttf



  3. Hello:

    I need a movie fits flash to the size of an adjustable div to the size of screen.

    I have tried it with the following code placing it in the first paper clip of the movie but it does´t work.


    import flash.display.Stage;import flash.display.StageAlign;import flash.display.StageScaleMode;import flash.events.Event; var swfStage:Stage = videoScreen.stage;swfStage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;swfStage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; function resizeDisplay(event:Event):void{ var swfWidth:int = swfStage.stageWidth; var swfHeight:int = swfStage.stageHeight; }


    Can they help me?Thank you in advance


    Gema. swfStage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resizeDisplay);



  4. Hello:

    I´m new member. I need help whith rule @face font. It place on CSS but It does not work. I use current explorer Moxila.


    Does alquien know the reason of that does not work?

    thanks in advance

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