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Everything posted by bartovan

  1. bartovan


    Hi everyone, I'm new here. Been loving w3schools learning some javascript, html etc. My goal ultimately is not websites, but making animated svg's. (If anyone knows some good tutorials espicifically about animating svg's with javascript, please let me know, maybe best in a new topic or by PM so as not to mix up topics...) So a few days ago I joined Flattr, after having heard about it for a long time but never cared to look into it. I love it too. And I wanted to talk about it here because I saw w3schools doesn't have a Flattr account and I think it should. Well, maybe. Up to w3schools to decide of course. But at least consider it. [For those who don't know Flattr: it's a service that allows users to give and receive (micro)donations. Receivers put a Flattr button on their site/blog/..., givers click on the button. Givers set a monthly maximum, and Flattr then divides, at the end of the month, the chosen budget between the receivers of that month. Lots of open source initatives and creators of all kind are on Flattr (like LibreOffice), and it's really a great way to give each other a friendly slap on the shoulder and even donate some money at the same time. Flattr takes a small fee of 10% before payment goes to the receiver, I think that's not unfair. For those who want more info: look into the "How it works" page and "FAQ" on Flattr.] So I've been happily Flattring about, microdonating all around and feeling very good about it (I'm a heavy open source user and feel great giving something back), so passing by w3schools I wanted to flattr it also but no Flattr account, it seems? So, my question is: has anyone at w3schools considered Flattr already? In the mean time, keep up the good work w3schools and thanks already for the great tutorials. If I could, I'ld Flattr you more (BTW I'm not affiliated to Flattr or anything, just an enthusiastic user...)
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