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Everything posted by blizzard

  1. Wow ! It works perfectly. Thanks you so much !
  2. Hi everyone, Very new here. Although I'm getting quite good with web design, I know nothing avout scripts. I bought a template including this ticker script that I use to display paragraphs of weather texts. I want to modify it to make it stop at mouse over and restart at mouse out for those who read faster or slower than the default speed of the ticker. I put the script here. If you can tip me on what to do, it would be very appreciated. Thanks. (function($) { $.fn.list_ticker = function(options) { var defaults = { speed: 6000, effect: 'slide' }; var options = $.extend(defaults, options); return this.each(function() { var obj = $(this); var list = obj.children(); list.not(':first').hide(); setInterval(function() { list = obj.children(); list.not(':first').hide(); var first_li = list.eq(0) var second_li = list.eq(1) if (options.effect == 'slide') { first_li.slideUp(); second_li.slideDown(function() { first_li.remove().appendTo(obj); }); } else if (options.effect == 'fade') { first_li.fadeOut(function() { second_li.fadeIn(); first_li.remove().appendTo(obj); }); } }, options.speed) }); }; })(jQuery); $(function() { $('#ticker').list_ticker({ speed: 15000, effect: 'fade' }) });
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