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Everything posted by brianhyun

  1. Thank you! That worked... But can you tell me why?
  2. I downloaded TextMate 2.0, changed the quotation marks, and opened my file on Safari; however, the problem with the image is still occurring. I believe it has to do something with specifying the location of my image relative to my html files.
  3. I'm using TextEdit and the quotation marks naturally come as curly.
  4. Hi! I'm fairly new to HTML, and I have a question concerning adding images... I'm trying to add an image to my code, but when I open my html file on Safari the image is replaced with a box with a question mark inside of it. <figure> <img src=“Images/otters.png” alt=“Photograph of a sea otter floating in water” /> <br /> <figcaption>Sea otters are the only marine mammal without a layer of blubber.</figcaption> </figure> My html file(above) and the image of the otter are in my desktop folder in a folder named "Images." The image was acquired from google images and saved to my desktop.
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