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  1. I added the code to the @media queries, but it only seems to work for screen sizes that are larger, as soon as I try going smaller, it stops being responsive. I must be doing something wrong.
  2. Well, I think it's clear I have no idea how to use media queries. I posted the original full page content css before the changes to the media queries section and nothing happened. Can anyone explain this better?
  3. Although is there a way to keep it mobile responsive?
  4. Thank you for your answer Ingolme, but when I set the width to 800px and add margin: 0px auto; to my stylesheet it is still not centered on the page. www.aliciaguarino.com
  5. Hi everyone, I've been tweaking my genesis theme in wordpress and I have run into a bit of a snag in the css file. I chose a full-width layout for my website, but I would like the content container (only what contains the blog posts, page info, etc.) to be 800px wide. When I change the width of the content area, it automatically gets stuck to the right, and I have no idea how to center it and have it remain mobile responsive. If anyone could help it would be much appreciated! www.aliciaguarino.com
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