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Everything posted by Troydesante

  1. Hello, I tried Javascript in the past 2 days, but how do I make a dropdown for the page and that Javascript "remembers" them? I need something like this: <select id="Case"> <option value="1">Corsair Obsidian 450D</option> <option value="2">Corsair Obsidian 750D</option> <option value="3">Corsair Obsidian 900D</option></select> <select id="CPU"> <option value="1">Intel Core I3</option> <option value="2">Intel Core I5</option> <option value="3">Intel Core I7</option></select> <button type="button">Next</button> When you press the button, you should go to the "next page" were there is something like this: <h1> You choose this parts: </h1> <ul> <li>Case: (the case you choose)</li> (But I need it to be like id="Case" and value="1" so like: Case1) <li>CPU: (The cpu you choose)</li> (But I need it to be like id="CPU" and value="1" so like: CPU1)</ul> and then after the checked, they can press a send button, which send a email to me with all the parts that they choose...I have the email sender allready, but I have no idea how to do the Javascript and how to link it so the email sender knows which items I picked...
  2. Hello, I'm busy with making a website about computers. I also want to add some sort of page were you can set your own computer together.This needs to be like this: Case: (dropdown with all the cases) Power Supply (dropdown with all the PUS's) and so on for all the parts. Now, that's easy. Now what should happen: You select all the parts you want and then you can press next. This brings you to a new page were all the selected item wil stand like: Case: Corsair Obsidian 750D Power Supply: Corsair CX430 So somehow it to "read" what the user selected in the first page, it needs to "remember" it when I go to the next page and "write" it down again. In the second page I need a checkbox with I agree with the terms and conditions. They can only press next if the checkbox is checked, and when they press next, it should email all the items the user selected to a emailadress... I'm totally stuck on this... I tried everything that I know so far. But I'm totally stuck... Is there someone who can help me? Or give me info how to do that (Like with .php instead of .html) Thanks in advanced! Kind regards, Troy
  3. I need help with a HTML page, been stuck for a couple of weeks now...

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