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Brendon Branigin

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Posts posted by Brendon Branigin

  1. designed my first page in html with 5 img buttons a banner and a background image (the ones that dont tile well obviously :) )uploaded images/html to angelfire ;/ god it look so bad, everything was aligned center with no organization or anything

  2. in a way "anyone" can, i was able to put together my first website with just 2 weeks of html experience (of course it was very bland but it was still a website)The difference is that not everyone can make a GOOD website.personaly i think myspace is the devil just like flash, frames and foosball

  3. generaly anyone 20 or under has some garbage myspace, thats not to say that myspace is completely made up of 12-20 year olds. if i see black background with red text i instantly shut my browser

  4. i guess it would explain why so many sites are just garbage. More importantly though is if they are just going to use wysiwyg then why not use a good one like DW...why use ms frontpage is microsoft doesnt even use it.personaly i knew about dreamweaver way before i learned html but i took the time to learn html before doing any serious web design work (it only took a week). I decided i actualy wanted to understand what the code was doing. honestly why do people make websites if they dont have any desire to learn the code.

  5. I was hopping for tomato ;/Are all web design classes just "bad" ? is it just that the teachers are stuck in their outdated web design/development methods and dont want to learn the modern way of doing things?

  6. Im currently enrolled in a web design class where we are learning thngs like using tables to create layouts. I of course already know all of that and i just let it be but it makes me wonder why web design classes dont comply to web standards (the prof. hasnt even mentioned anything about alt tags on images)Is it so hard to take the month or 2 to get a base knowledge of css and then teach people to build websites using standards? I think the best part of my web design class is the site topics, currently im making a site on a corn fanclub (no i dont mean korn, i mean corn..yes the vegetable)

  7. Websites don't need to look artistic and stuff. If you make it neat and stuff it is just as good.

    @ shinta, Im a big supporter of function over design i just fear that clients will expect extremely graphic sites (especialy where i live, flash seems to be an extremely desired feature) unfortunately i dont like flash so i figure i could compromise by making graphicaly pleasing sites. I think skemcim solved my problem on this one though :)@ skemcim, Very nice site (iribbit) your portfolio is impressive. Thanks for the link to free templates, very helpfullThanks for the input :)
  8. I've been working with html / Photoshop / Dreamweaver for not quite 2 years now (CSS and XHTML for 5 weeks as of tomorrow) and I’m noticing that a lot of the designs I come up with seem to be very bland. I’m curious, where do you (both novice and pro web designers) find inspiration for your layouts/designs. What are your secrets?

  9. Im having trouble with the a.hover after the link has been visiteda.link is set to white text and a brown backgrounda.hover is set to brown text white backgrounda.active is set to white text and a brown backgrounda.visited the only thing set is decorations nonenow the problem is that if i set anything else in a.visited (like background brown/white text) then when i hover over a visited link it doesnt switch states properly (it doesnt turn brown text/white background) but if i dont specify then i get the purple colored link. please help...

  10. Ah, I see the point. I don't think there's any way to achieve this with CSS though. As Eric mentioned a link is either a link or isn't. The only things between are a hover link and an active link(a one that's been just clicked on).To achieve what you want you must either use some script that will identify the the current page and remove the "a" tag then, or manually remove the a tag on every XHTML at the appropriate places.

    Alright, thanks for the information
  11. Remove the <a> tag?Then it's no longer a link, it's just plan textI really don't get what you mean by "a link that is not a link".Either it's a link or it isn't O_o

    Ill try to explain it better: the following navigation followsHome About Products Contactthey are all text links styled with css, if a user is currently viewing the "About" page I dont want them to be able to click the about button
  12. How would i go about making the current link unclickable EXAMPLEBill is on the about page and tries to click the link to the about page in the main navigation, how would i make it so that link isnt a linkthanks in advance

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