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Everything posted by MathieuF

  1. Ok thank you for the info:)
  2. To be clear to all of you it works completely with neatbeans (see edit) so it has something to do with MyPhpStorm configuration i'll try to figure out what i could be when i've more time but for now i'll continue in netbeans I arrived in the page but var_dump($_POST) clearly shows that it is empty tho Seems it didn't copy all my code too but $data is configured as $ data = file_ get _contents(' php:/ /input'); i added extra spaces as this code seems to dissapear
  3. So been doing the tutorial for a while now and i noticed something small in the delete cookie tutorial, the cookie never gets "deleted" I've checked it with the debugger and if you solely use setcookie("user", "", time() - 3600); Nothing changes and the cookie still exists $_cookie still hold the the value (i've refreshed several times and even closed my browser) But adding the line unset($_COOKIE['user']); Does remove the cookie properly
  4. So i'm doing the PHP tutorial and for some reason $_POST or $_REQUEST are not getting filled up So the form is this D:\PHPStormProjects\W3schoolTutorial\Forms\PhpFormPt1.php <html> <body> <form action="welcome.php" method="post"> Name: <input type="text" name="name" id="name"><br> E-mail: <input type="text" name="email"><br> <input type="submit" name="submit"> </form> </body> </html> AND the php is this I added some things to test(used quote as somehow code made it go blank) Welcome Notice: Undefined index: name in D:\PHPStormProjects\W3schoolTutorial\Forms\Welcome.php on line 4 Notice: Undefined index: CONTENT_TYPE in D:\PHPStormProjects\W3schoolTutorial\Forms\Welcome.php on line 6 CONTENT_TYPE: DATA:string(47) "name=name&email=email%40email.com&submit=Submit" array(0) { } Your email address is: Notice: Undefined index: email in D:\PHPStormProjects\W3schoolTutorial\Forms\Welcome.php on line 15 EDIT: Tested it with netbeans instead of PHPStorm and that lets it run fine (if someone knows what setting i could have done wrong in PHPStorm feel free to post down below as for now i'll keep using netbeans) EDIT2: think the problem is related to this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35290133/phpstorm-post-always-empty-solved BUT i have no idea how or what he did to fix it
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