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Posts posted by newseed

  1. If you want horizontal repeat background then the sprite width needs to be only 1px wide. Now based on that screen shot you've provided I am seeing two long red and blue bars that are wider than the rest of the gradient colors. To verify for sure, just open up your sprite. If you have transparence or blank space then that is where you gap is coming from.

  2. One thing you can do is define your default css with a class for each of your paragraphs you want to postion. For example, let's say you have 3 paragraphs that are going to be position in different places but all of them have the same width, height and any other default styles. You would write the css something like this:

    .Paragraph1 { position: absolute; width: 500px; height: 200px; color: #333; font-size: 12px;}

    And you html will look like this:

     <p class="Paragraph1" style="top: 100px; left: 100;">content here</p><p class="Paragraph1" style="top: 200px; left: 200;">content here</p><p class="Paragraph1" style="top: 200px; left: 200;">content here</p>

    The other option is something like this:

    .Paragraph1 { position: absolute; width: 500px; height: 200px; color: #333; font-size: 12px;}.Paragraph1.one { top: 100px; left: 100px; z-index: 10;}.Paragraph1.two { top: 200px; left: 200px; z-index: 20;}.Paragraph1.three { top: 300px; left: 300px; z-index: 30;}

    <p class="Paragraph1 one" >content here</p><p class="Paragraph1 two" >content here</p><p class="Paragraph1 three">content here</p>

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  3. You are using the image tag incorrectly. It still has an error per the validator. It must have src="image-file-url.jpg". Since you want to use a background image then I suggest you use span tag instead. <span class="iso"></span><p>text here</p>

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  4. You have a image tag that is not complete. <img class="iso" /> It should have an alt="" and src="image.url.here.jpg" Either fix that or remove the image tag if you don't need it. If you are trying to display an image to the left of your content (text) then you don't need css background.

  5. Based on what you are telling (if I read it correctly) it seems to be a problem on the user's end. Not everyone will have HTML enabled and email clients various on how it handles or renders html. I get email that are formatted corrent and then I would forward them to my wife in which she sees it differently than I do because of here settings. If the initial email being sent renders correctly then fine but there isn't much you can do when they forwarded to someone else. However, if you find that the initial email works for some clients and not for others then more likely it's has to do what email client that they are using (Outlook, Gmail, etc.).

  6. What does html5shim do? I read its for ie 9 specifically.. does ie 9 not support html5?
    IE9 does not regconize many of the new HTML5 tags and so using the shim (shiv) script allows the tags to be styled. As for IE10, it seems to be supporting HTML5 well. IE9 or earlier is another story where nearly 50% of all users uses either IE9, IE8, IE7 and (yes..unbelievable) even IE6. So in order to push forward with using HTML5, someone had developed the shim (shiv) a few years back to satisfy this advancement. Also, keep in mind that CSS3 lacks support for IE9 or earlier as well. Here's a good source to help you determine what CSS3 code works with each browser.http://fmbip.com/litmus/
  7. It depends on when the sites were built but HTML5 has not been official release and that many older (legacy) browsers do not support it fully. Nevertheless they can use the new doctype instead of the previous ones. Since IE 10 has been release you will find more sites using the html5 doctype as a standard. If you do use HTML5 tags and want to support legacyIE browers you will want to use a shiv or shim script which you can read about here: http://code.google.com/p/html5shim/

  8. It's hard to say based on what you have provided. Might need to provide a url so we can take a look at the issue you are having. ...and you mentioned that the table borders are not lining up and yet you said you want to convert them over to divs? Why are you not using divs in this case? There can be a number a reasons why it's not aligning. One can be paddings are different between the two. An image that has a fixed width larger than the 1000px. An incorrect width setting for the cells. Sorry I could not be of more help.

  9. If I understand correctly your table is pushing out beyond the div or design. Since the table is set for 100% you will need to define one row of cells so that it does not go beyond the desire framework. Based on your image you have 5 cells. Set the first row of cells with a set width for each. Use the table header cell ( th ). In your case something like this:

     <table style="width:100%"><tr>  <th style="width: 8%;">P_ID</th>  <th style="width: 23%;">FirstName</th>  <th style="width: 23%;">LastName</th>  <th style="width: 23%;">Address</th>  <th style="width: 23%;">City</th></tr><tr>  <td>data here</td>  <td>data here</td>  <td>data here</td>  <td>data here</td>  <td>data here</td></tr></table>

  10. Not sure what you are trying to accomplish here but I see no <head> and <body> tags. <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Well come to VAB.com</title></head><body><frameset rows="*,65%,*" border="1"><frame name="login" id="li" scr="head.html" scrolling="no"></frame><frame name="contion" id="cont" src="signup.html" scrolling="auto"></frame><frame name="language" id="lang" src="language.html" scrolling="auto"></frame></framest></body></html> If you are trying to use frames as a common include then I would suggest using php includes. Frames are not good at all for SEO.

  11. I may not totally understand what you are trying to do here but I will give it a shot. You have a image that has hotspot links in various places. You have a rollover image(s) that uses a background image on hover for each hotspot. Your issue is that the rollover image is appearing white when on hover. First thing I would change is to make sure your image is transparent. Save it as a gif format. If you require to use a png format then make sure it's saved as png-24 and NOT png-8. If your rollover image is indeed transparent then you need to determine your css background color to make sure it's set to transparent. Now I do not know what your coding is and so I am guessing here but maybe you can supply a url so we can look and see what you have in order to server you better in finding a solution.

  12. I would suggest you upload what you have on a server so we can take a look at it. Sometimes you could have a typo in your syntax or whatever. Also, if you like you can run it thru a validator to to verify your HTML and CSS.

  13. I have not time to really test your menu code but I am not sure why left: 50% and right: 50% are being used. Since you want the menu to drop down to the next line for smaller devices or screen size then the best result is less css than what you have now. I would change the display: block to use display: inline for starters. I will try to take a look at it later. As for h1 and h2 tags for the header you said: #Header h1 h2 { color:FFF;} which is incorrect. You css is basically saying "if h2 is contained with h1 and h1 is contained with #Header then give it a color of white". The correct css to give h1 and h2 the color of white is this: #Header h1, #Header h2 {color: #fff;} Now if you have not applied any color defaults to either the h1 or h2 tags then you can do it like this: #Header {color: #fff;} That will tell it to make all text contained within the #Header to be white. Now for the proper use of h1. You should never use an h1 tag for your header. Ideally it should be the title of the content you are presenting. h1 for describing you home page, then a h1 to describe your About Us page, and so on. Many times people will use h1 tags for their logo using a business name instead which really will not help you with SEO.

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