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Posts posted by Chocolate570

  1. still fails :Sit's not displaying the email box at all, so it's not a problem (yet) with the AJAX.
    In your top function, you haven't defined event. Try passing it through the onclick event of the button.<input type="button" onclick="popup(event)" />Like that. :)
  2. Oh, yeah, that's a big responsiblity :) ."Look at me, I saw people are earning money from forum apps and I want to too. But I don't have skills, so instead, I'm assembling fools like you to make it for me so I can earn money. I know we don't know each other but I'm broke, so you'll have to lose your time for nothing."
    One of those fools is going to warn your butt in about 5 seconds :) (Just kidding. :))Guys, can we please stay on topic? Justsomeguy, I give you official permission to go make a thread about computer stats. :blink:If he wants to create a forum, let him. There are like 30 different main brands of cars. Most of them don't have better features than eachother. That doesn't stop the brands, does it? :blink:
  3. well i'm fourteen i know a bit c++ and turbo pascal programming and i'm just starting to learn javascript and i have one small question:how do i make a matrix ( a bidimensional thing)unidimensional thing: var a= new array(100) bidimensional thing: var a= new array(100)(100)??????pls smb answer me! I would really apreciate it..ps: sorry for double posting
    By the way, a "unidimensional" array is called a "variable". :)After 1 dimension comes "2 dimensional array" and then "3 dimensional array." There are no prefixes or anything complicated. :)
  4. I know it was a sort of trick question in that I've always been confounded by the time difference theories with regards to light speed.What I'm getting at is that if our observance of someone travelling at the speed of light is hugely different to the actual person travelling at the speed of light, then surely that also applies to our observance of the time it takes light to travel from the sun to earth.If our observation of the time it takes for light to get here is 8 minutes, then this is surely a distortion of the time it actually takes for the light particle to get here.
    Actually, I believe that if you're traveling at the speed of light for 8 minutes, you've reached an infinite distance in relative terms to the person next to you, as all time stops around you. :)
  5. Guys, I've got it working pretty well so far. I just need a couple more things.1) When the tree menu page is first opened, you have to double click the links to get them to work. Why!?!?2) How do I make it so that the tree menu doesn't close if the even parent is an a element?For #2, I tried using the script you gave me, Adservio, but that requires the event object to be passed to the function. I have no clue how to do that right now, as the javascript onclick= property doesn't accept function(argument) for some reason, even if it's not text. :|Thanks.Code and treemenu can be found here:seekond.com/treemen.html

  6. Guys? On topic please? :/This isn't the World Wide Weather Site Forums. :)We're working harder to keep spam down, and we're doing a pretty good job, but at the end, you guys are the most helpful at sighting spam. So if you do see some, please report it? :)

  7. Pfft! That's the moderators job! Let them sort it all out. We need to keep them busy anyways. :)But yeah, if you have double-posted, just edit your message and make it clear that you did so. A moderator will come in sooner or later and delete it, no harm done. It wouldn't be such a great idea if everyone had the ability to delete their own topic.
    We're not that against double posting, as long as it:1) Contributes to the topic and isn't like "LOLZOMGPL0xPOZT?"2) Is meant so that people can notice you have provided more informationIf you want us to delete one of your double posts, just edit your post and put "Please delete this double post." at the bottom. When we come around, we'll remove it. :)
  8. bonrouge.com and cssplay.co.uk both over techniques for image replacement on:hover.
    But I don't believe any of those sites has discovered a way to use CSS to control iFrames, correct?You'll have to learn DOM for what you're trying to do. :)
  9. You use what digital camera? I can not pick up to myself the camera. What will advise. Can at whom there is an opinion on this.
    Hello,I believe you're using a translator to talk. Please try to form your own English, as translators seriously mess up your language. I can not begin to understand what you need, besides something about what digital camera to buy.Thanks.-Choco
  10. <span style="color: rainbow"></span><script type="text/javascript"><!--var Span = document.getElementsByTagName("span");for(e = 0; e < Span.length; e++) {   if(Span[e].style.color == "rainbow") {   Span[e].innerHTML = "RAINBOW!!!";   }}// --></script>

    Anyone know why that doesn't work? I'm thinking it's because "rainbow" isn't a default color...but should that even matter? o.o

    I don't believe the HTML allows that. :)
  11. Also, the whole onclick = function; never works for me=/
    Yea, but you can do the whole iframe thing, so it doesn't matter. :) :)I've almost got the thing working. I'll post it up when I'm done. :)
  12. I'm not Skemcin, but I can still answer that. Yes, servers need PHP installed too, but PHP is a language W3Schools' staff has already tried and they haven't tryed PERL, Python or Cold Fusion on that matter. They need to have some time on their hands to equip the server with something new they haven't yet tried.
    Oh, I'm quite sorry. I read his post wrong. I thought he said that most of the people don't have coldfusion or perl or python, not W3Schools. Thanks for pointing that out. :blink:
    That might be true. But that doesn't mean that VB is not retarded.
    Psh. VB is hardly crucial for anything. You don't NEED VB for .Net. You can do A LOT with excel without VB, because there are pre-programmed macros/functions that do the things you could otherwise do with VB, and so you don't need to know the back-end code. I took Business Economy in high school, and we used excel in 2 out of 3 lessons a week. I know most of the functions that I'll ever have the need to use, and no thanks to VB, because I didn't learn that until later.Really, VB is just annoying, because if you make a program in it, you have to have all the form files and stuff, there's no compiling code (to the best of my knowledge).
    VB makes Excel easier. For example, the other day, I was given a spreadsheet, and I was told to remove all cells where the A column read "rem" or something. Now, it was a 500 row spreadsheet (I know that's not much compared to some of the banking spreadsheets :)), so I used VB for it and it worked perfectly. VB is a timesaver, and it's so easy to learn. You don't NEED oil to run a car, but cars usually run smoothly with a little oil (:)). If you look at what VB was made for, then I'd say it does its job nicely. :blink:
    What? no compiling? That may be true (and I think you are right) for VB6 and earlier. My teacher mentioned writing the same program in VB6 and in Pascal. THe pascal program was only 70K while the VB6 program was 2.5 Mb because you had to include alot of crap.You can compile VB.Net...VB is now just another syntax that uses the .Net Framework.
    Vb6 had no compiling. You're right. :blink:
  13. After studying these 2 sources:add onclick eventtarget of event
    <div id="p" class="parent"><div id="a" class="header">Testing Stuff Here</div><div id="b" class="header">Testing Stuff Here</div><div id="c" class="header">Testing Stuff Here</div></div><script type="text/javascript">/////////////////////////////////     Organic.Tree.Menu     ////   Made by Chocolate570    //// Current Version Details   ////        [0.1 Beta]         ///////////////////////////////////Start Menufunction testThis(e) {	var targ;	if (!e) var e = window.event;	if (e.target) targ = e.target;	else if (e.srcElement) targ = e.srcElement;	if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug		targ = targ.parentNode;	alert(targ.id);}//////////Attribute Setter//////////divHl=document.getElementsByTagName("div");for(i=0;i<divHl.length;i++) {  if(divHl[i].className=="parent") {    inDiv=divHl[i].getElementsByTagName("div");      for(j=0;j<inDiv.length;j++) {        if(inDiv[j].className=="header") {          heHl=inDiv[j];	if(heHl.attachEvent)       heHl.attachEvent('onclick', testThis);	else        heHl.setAttribute('onclick', 'testThis()');} } } }////////////////////////////////////</script>

    Tested in IE, FF O

    Thank you for your effort, but it seems to me that it doesn't work in FireFox. Wierd. I'll investigate that, but the cross browser code is very helpful. Thanks for pointing that out.And Justin, your fix fixed it all up :) Thanks.
  14. Python can be used for many things, not just CGI exclusively. But I know it can be used for CGI, we coded in Python in our programming classes, just to get a look into some other programming languages (php was also a language we looked at, the main language was VB, which I consider a total waste).Here some info on using Python for CGI:http://wiki.python.org/moin/CgiScripts
    Do you use a lot of excel? Excel is one of the best things Microsoft has ever made. If you ever want to be good at Excel, VB is crucial. Remember that. :)Also, Skemcin: Don't servers need PHP installed? In that case, the only tutorials we should have are HTML, CSS, and Javascript. :)
  15. Well, I knew almost everything up there. Except the spaghetti thing, which they cant prove. And the space and time is a funnel, also they cant prove, Ive never heard the matter spiraling creating electricity. But ok!
    They can and have proved the 'spaghetti thing'. :)And he never said it creates electricity. It creates light, in the same way that the sun creates light. :)Space-time is not a funnel. It's a 4-dimensional fabric which can be bent, and with a black hole, broken, which is the 'funnel' shape you see. That is why it's impossible to theorize what's on the other side of a black hole. We don't have enough knowledge about four dimensional physics to come close to figuring it out. A couple of more interesting facts are that black holes have Event Horizons, the point at which nothing can escape, but also the Inner Horizon: where all of the light and matter end up, swirling around. If you ever made it that far in, the light of the inner horizon would immediately blind you, as it would be nonillions of times brighter than the sun.Every galaxy (theoretically) has a black hole in the middle, which is the only reason we have galaxies--because the black holes bring them together. :)
  16. Heh, no way. This script works only if java installed on client computer. How many users have java on their computer? Less than 1 percent :)
    That's definitely not true. :) Java often comes with windows installations, if you bought your computer from a company like dell or gateway.And I don't believe there's a way to retrieve the inner network address of a client with JavaScript. Sorry.
  17. I am currently trying to make a tree menu. Unfortunately, my simple code right now (I just started) refuses to work, and I have absolutely no clue why.Could anyone help me with this please? :)

    <html><head><script type="text/javascript">function tre_men() {  alert("here");}</script></head><body><div class="parent"><div class="header">Testing Stuff Here</div><div class="header">Testing Stuff Here</div><div class="header">Testing Stuff Here</div></div><script type="text/javascript">/////////////////////////////////	 Organic.Tree.Menu	 ////   Made by Chocolate570	//// Current Version Details   ////		[0.1 Beta]		 ///////////////////////////////////Start Menu//////////Attribute Setter//////////divHl=document.getElementsByTagName("div");for(i=0;i<divHl.length;i++) {  if(divHl[i].className=="parent") { 	inDiv=divHl[i].getElementsByTagName("div");	  for(j=0;j<inDiv.length;j++) {		if(inDiv[j].className=="header") {		  heHl=inDiv[j];		  heHl.onclick="alert('lol')";} } } }////////////////////////////////////</script></body></html>

    It's supposed to loop through all of the div elements, find a parent div, then loop through that div's elements and check for a menu header div. If it's found it, the function should set the div's onclick to alert, and then go through again.My function works fine, except for the fact that when the div is clicked, nothing happens. :|Thanks.ChocoP.S.: Here's a link to the tryit editor:Tryit EditorThanks.

  18. As Boen Robot says, your results are in kbps, kiloBITS per sec, not kilobytes. I'm talking about megabytes in my poll, not kilobytes. I have 12 megabits per sec, but only 1.5 megabytes per sec. :)Also, the test I linked to was made by the same company as the link you guys are using. :)Here's what I got.62454200.pngIt's a bit higher than I expected.

  19. Nope, I screwed up the edit of my edit. It's in MB/s. You've got a bad connection :):)Sorry for the confusion. It's all in KBPS and MB/sec (kilobytes per sec and megabytes per sec)

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