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Everything posted by Sqrl

  1. yep tried changing the url by the second listed on the first post ang I get all data listed with no paragraph. I'll take a look to doc for sure
  2. Just find this example. It seems it could works. Tried to integrate to a page but it doesn't works. Added to main theme html code and maybe it works but don't know how to show the data example
  3. Hi everyone, I probably look stupid to post subject like this one. It's probably the 100th of this genre this yeay?? Anyway here is my project: I'm working on a blog project on "Tumblr" and need a bit of help to achieve my goal. I'm not a programmer and my knowledge is between -1 and 1. I've worked a bit on c++ years ago and I tought it would be easy but after 2 days looking at this, I'm completely lost in the overwhelming amount of info regarding pulling data from cross domain web page. Html is a new language for me and doesn't rally look like c++ I used. So my goal is to get waterflow value from a web page in order to add this "same" or "weighted" waterflow to a list of rivers. With all the info grouped at the same place, it gives to kayakers or rafting a good idea about the rivers levels. As a river can run once in the summer when his flow growing 10x in couple of hours, it's important to catch the opportunity. As I'm not a scripter, I would like to do all this in tumblr basic editor which seems to allow html and javascript on the same board with correct entitle (<script type=”text/JavaScript> and </script>). I tried to figure out how to extract element ID from table and I didn't succeed. I tried iframe stuff and it works pretty well but can't read data to do math with it. data are stored in table like this http://www.cehq.gouv.qc.ca/suivihydro/tableau.asp?NoStation=050801 or this one (same but more basic) http://www.cehq.gouv.qc.ca/suivihydro/fichier_donnees.asp?NoStation=050801 The contend in the blog page will be something like river xxyy section A ---rapid class---imported Flow050801---flow change in last hour(+or-xx)(latest flow (minus) 1hour earlier flow)--...and some static data river xxyy section B --- rapid class---imported Flow050801*1.5---flow change in last hour(+or-xx)(latest flow (minus) 1hour earlier flow)... river aabb section A ---rapid class---imported Flow090933---flow change in last hour(+or-xx)(latest flow (minus) 1hour earlier flow)... ...continue like that So where to start? Thanks everyone. I would really like to make this project happen but prog isn't my domain.
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