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Posts posted by RMP

  1. i have sample Code like this.Please let me know how to connect Mysql DB from these ASP file.i have installed MySQLODBC driver 5 on my machine.

    SQL="select fname,lname from Guest"

    set rs=Conn.Execute(SQL)



    while (not rs.EOF)


    response.write("" & rs("fname") & "")

    response.write("" & rs("lname") & "")






    response.write("") %>

  2. You want to display a table built from stored data -- but who creates this data? How often is it updated? Does every user see the same data?


    yes..I want to display the data from stored data and is updated in a daily basis..

    yes. Every user can see the same data perhaps if they have access on that data.

    but my requirement is to create a dashboard using HTML table and display the data on runtime with help of javascript ?

  3. I have created HTML tables as below by hard coded the values:

    Name weekhandled ticket monthlyhandled ticket daily handledticket credits
    xyz         1                 2                       1             1

    My requirement is "I want to achieve this dashboard directly on browser without hard coding the values.it should directly taken from external file like javascript. I have little knowledge on JavaScript .is it possible to attain this requirement using JavaScript itself? Please give me some idea to drive this requirement?.like any similar examples

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