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Posts posted by luke214

  1. Ahh I remember reading about overflow, completely forgot about that!


    So here's my html in which the video sits in;


    <div id="wrappertwo">
    <div id="example">
    <h1><ins>Examples of Geodes</ins></h1>
    <p>Below is a short video showing different types of Geodes.<br>
    Take a look to see the different types you can find, or hopefully
    <div id="Geodevideo">
    <video controls="controls" id="Geodevideo" poster=
    "picofrock.png"><source src="Geodes.mp4" type="video/mp4"> Your browser
    does not support the video tag.</video>
    I've added the overflow: hidden; to my css, but it unfortunately didn't chance the background from pulling :/
    Here's the change to my css;
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 30%;
    It looks exactly the same as what it did before unfortunately :<
  2. Awesome thanks for that!

    Would I also be able to make a separate container with it's width just set as 100% for the nav?

    Would that also make it span across all columns?

    Just curiosity :P


    Also, any reason when changing the margin top on my video it kind of pulls down the background with it?

    It has no padding so it should be tight to the video :o

    I'll attach a link to the screen shot :)

    Hopefully this is the last problem I'll have for a while haha.



  3. I guess I'll never touch positioning then :P


    I finally understand, thank you so much! :D

    I now have 3 coloums with my elements in! :D

    What if for example I wanted a Nav bar to go across the entire length of the top of the screen?

    How would I make that bar go across ALL the columns?

    Thanks again!

  4. Any idea what I should set the height and width as for my main relative wrapper, which my absolute position elements fit inside?

    Basically the width and height of my site?

    I'll obviously use media queries to change what it would look like as the size is smaller, but I'm just unsure what to make the default size as so i can use that as a base.

    I've read 1024px by 768px is pretty standard but when i add it to my wrapper so it looks like this;


    position: relative;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    height: 768px;
    width: 1024px;
    It ends up looking tiny on my screen, i'll show an attachment so you can see what I mean,
    You can see how little it looks on my screen compared to the green background, which was just added to the body.
    Any tips?


  5. The first thing to do is make column layout each using percentage widths whose edge will finish equally between wide spaced shadowed boxes, once you have this you know this will work responsively to a certain limit where you will then need to adjust the amount of columns as the device gets smaller, you then thing about adding the content in each.

    Ahh I've read about that!

    Still that wouldn't solve my problem of actually being able to place elements in the correct positions without everything messing up :/

    I even changed all of the elements to inline-block as that's supposed to be like a block element but you can place stuff next to it, and it still wont let me move the wrapper nav!

    It seems like for me absolute positioning was the only thing that actually worked!

    I have read though that a lot of people position elements as absolute WITHIN a relative parent, would it be ok for me to do that?

    And just use media queries to change the height and width of the elements depending on screen size?

  6. A block element on its own will force any element following it, below it.

    A block element using float will allow elements following it as long as there is enough room to accommodate it to sit beside i


    Ok, so I tried floating it and it didn't make any difference, and there's plenty of room on the screen for everything to fit :/

    Seems like it only made it worse :(

    Here's a link to the screenshot http://pasteboard.co/jkM2QLRgG.jpg

  7. a:visited { color: green; }

    a:hover { color: red; }

    * { font-family: "Arial Black"; }

    body {

    background: #526F35;


    html, body {




    display: block;

    background: white;

    box-shadow: 0 0 50px 10px black;

    text-align: center;

    border: 5px solid black;

    width: 50%;;

    padding: 8px;

    margin-top: 1%;

    margin-left: 1%;

    font-size: 17px;



    display: block;

    background: white;

    box-shadow: 0 0 50px 10px black;

    text-align: center;

    border: 5px solid black;

    width: 23%;

    padding: 8px;

    margin-top: -45%;

    margin-left: 57.4%;

    font-size: 22px;



    display: block;

    box-shadow: 0 0 50px 10px black;

    border: 5px solid black;

    width: 22%;

    margin-left: 58.5%;

    margin-top: 7%;



    font-size: 22px;



    display: block;

    font-size: 30px;

    text-align: center;

    background: #00CC33;

    border: 3px solid black;

    border-right: none;

    margin-left: 88.1%;

    margin-top: 90%;

    padding: 20px;

    font-weight: bold;

    width: 10%;


    #textnav:hover {

    color: white;

    -moz-transform: scale(1.1);

    -webkit-transform: scale(1.1);

    -o-transform: scale(1.1);

    -ms-transform: scale(1.1);

    -webkit-transform: scale(1.1);

    transform: scale(1.1);

    transition: .3s ease-in;


    #textnav1:hover {

    color: white;

    -moz-transform: scale(1.1);

    -webkit-transform: scale(1.1);

    -o-transform: scale(1.1);

    -ms-transform: scale(1.1);

    -webkit-transform: scale(1.1);

    transform: scale(1.1);

    transition: .3s ease-in;


    #textnav2:hover {

    color: white;

    -moz-transform: scale(1.1);

    -webkit-transform: scale(1.1);

    -o-transform: scale(1.1);

    -ms-transform: scale(1.1);

    -webkit-transform: scale(1.1);

    transform: scale(1.1);

    transition: .3s ease-in;


    #textnav3:hover {

    color: white;

    -moz-transform: scale(1.1);

    -webkit-transform: scale(1.1);

    -o-transform: scale(1.1);

    -ms-transform: scale(1.1);

    -webkit-transform: scale(1.1);

    transform: scale(1.1);

    transition: .3s ease-in;


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