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Everything posted by Kaji

  1. Kaji

    Change Mouse Pointer

    try something like this... <html><script type="text/javascript">function chcursor(cur){document.getElementByTagName("body").style.cursor=cur;}</script><body style="cursor:hand" onload="chcursor('pointer')"></body></html> You'd have to put the cursor and onload attributes in every page though.
  2. Is there a way to place content in an iframe without using a second page? Like defining a content attribute or something? I'm not sure if this was an HTML thing, but I looked in HTML reference, and there's nothing there for it. I even tried putting it between the two iframe tags. The reason for this is that I use blogger, and I want to put the posts and comments inside an iframe and have them scroll in place of the whole page. If this is even possible I'd like to know. Thanks in advance, -Kaji
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