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Captain N' Taneil

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Everything posted by Captain N' Taneil

  1. I am using the following theme. Theme Name: Education Zone Pro Theme URI: http://raratheme.com/wordpress-themes/education-zone-pro/ Author: Rara Theme Author URI: http://raratheme.com/ The web address to the site I am working on it learning.drdanscience.com When you go to the front page, you will see four "info boxes" just under the slider. They are three different colors. The Title text inside the boxes is active. However, I desire for the entire box to be active instead of just the Title text. I believe the following CSS determines what is active (linked) in the info boxes. I have tried multiple things trying to make .box-1 .box-2 .box-3 .box-4 active instead of just .thumb-item li h3 a { I tried: Which did not work. If someone is willing to look at this and help me learn what I need to do I would greatly appreciate it. I don't know if I am just missing something or misunderstand the concept. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Taneil
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